7th Great Lakes Regional Meeting at Kalamazoo - Chemical

May 7, 1973 - The 7th Great Lakes Regional ACS Meeting will be held June 7-8 at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Mich., under the sponsorship o...
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ACS News J. S. Johnson, J r . — O n behalf of the Southeastern Regional Meeting, ACS. S y m p o s i u m , Chemistry and the Environment $550

D. H. Zenger Pomona C Petrol­ ogy of Dolomitic Rocks $3600

Supplements for approved ACS-PRF grants for fundamental research in the petroleum field at the undergraduate level (Type B)

R. L. Loeschen California State U at Long Beach Photo­ c h e m i c a l Reactions of Amide and Anilide Herbicides $4000


A. Wartell Metropolitan State C Inelastic Molecular Collisions $4000

K. T. Finley State University C, Brockport Quinone-Thio Ether Chemistry $4000

S p i r o [ 4 . 4 ] N o n a t e t r a e n e and Spiro[6.6]tridecahexaene $4000 V. L. Heasley Pasadena C Studies on Electrophilic A d ­ ditions to Olefins and Dienes $4000

T. A. Evans Denison U N u c l e o philic Behavior of Carbonyls $4000

D. K. Lewis Colgate U Kinetics of CO + NO Reactions $4000

M. H. Gianni St. Michael's C Conformational Analysis in 1 ,3-Dioxacycloheptanes $4000

T. N. Wheeler Florida T e c h n o ­ logical U Synthesis of

7th Great Lakes Regional Meeting at Kalamazoo The 7th Great Lakes Regional ACS Meeting will be held June 7-8 at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Mich., under the sponsor­ ship of the Kalamazoo Section. Dr. R. Bruce Moffett is general chair­ man and Dr. Richard V. Heinzelman, program chairman; both are with Upjohn Co. The technical program consists of 115 papers in­ cluding general papers in major chemical fields, undergraduate re­ search papers, and symposiums on heterocyclic chemistry, organic synthesis, CNS drugs, virus and cancer, endocrine function, bioinorganic chemistry, radioimmunoassay, transport in polymer films, 13 C NMR, and chemical education. Special features will include a mixer; general interest program; exhibits of instruments, chemicals, and books; the Great Lakes Re­ gional Award in high school chemistry teaching; and tours.



THURSDAY Room 3292 Symposium on Heterocyclic Chemistry in the Synthesis of Complex Molecules P. Beak,


9:00—Introduction 9:10—1. The Pyridine Annelation Route to Fused Carbocycles. S. Danishefsky. 9:55—2. The Interaction of Reactive Functional Groups Along Peptide Chains. R. G. Lawton. 10:40—3. The Chemistry of Phosphoramidate Analogs of Polynucleotides. R. L. Letsinger. 11:25—4. Recent Studies on the Synthesis of Naturally Occurring Heterocyclic Compounds. R. V. Stevens. General Room 5270 D. Lednicer,


2:05—5. The Synthesis of Diels-Alder Trapping of 1,3,4-Thiadiazole-2.5Dione. S. W. Mojè, P. Beak. 2:25—6. The Photodimerization and Photoisomerization of 2-Pyridone and Its Monochloro Derivatives. W. L. Dilling, N. B. Tefertiller, A. B. Mitchell. 2:50—7. A New Synthesis of 8-Methoxypsoralene, D. L. Brautigan, D. L. Mattern, D. J. Mayers, L. R. Worden. 3:10—8. Preparation and Reactions of «,/3-Unsaturated Diazo Ketones. R. E. Harmon, V. K. Sood, S. K. Gupta. 3:30—9. Side-Chain Metalations of Certain Dimethyl and Trimethylpyridines by Means of Organoalkali Reagents. G. B. Trimitsis, S. G. Bendzunas, R. C. Gorski. 3:50—10. The Electrolytic Generation of Benzyne and Carbene Intermediates from Aromatic Halogen Compounds. R. C. Duty, G. Biolchini, W. Mathews. 4:10—11. 1,3-Disubstituted-Tetraphenyldisilthianes—Preparation and Properties. M. Gebler, T. Harris, P. J. Moehs.

rated Carbonyl Compounds—A New Synthesis of Substituted a,^-Unsatu­ rated Carbonyl Compounds. C. P. Casey, D. F. Marten. 9:30—13. Silane Reductions of the Aryl Carbonyl Group to the Methylene Group in Acidic Media. C. T. West, S. J. Donnelly, D. A. Kooistra, M. P. Doyle. 9:50—14. Diazotization of endo-7-Aminomethylbicyclo[3.3.1]nonan-3-one and endo-3-Aminomethylbicyclo[3.3.1 ] Nonane. J. Liu, P. Kovacic. 10:10—15. Reactions of Hindered Ke­ tones with Phosphorus Pentachloride. T. J. Savereide, D. Wilmes, L. Gilbertson, B. C. Weberg, J. S. Ahluwalia, D. Gulden. 10:30—16. Preparation of Trimethylsilyl Derivatives of Polysaccharides. R. E. Harmon, K. K. De, S. K. Gupta. 10:50—17. Stereochemistry of the Hy­ drolysis of an Aminocyclopropyl Sulf­ oxide. R. H. Rynbrandt, F. Dutton, C. Chidester. 11:10—18. Addition of Chlorine to 3,4Dihydro-2H-Pyran. Factors Influencing Stereochemistry. F. W. Breitbeil, J. W. Stoll, M. Park. 11:30—19. Iodine Addition to Alkenes— Summary of Kinetics and Equilibria. K. E. Kolb, D. A. Wilder, M. A. Taylor. 11:50—20. Preparation and Reactions of exo- and endo-2-Chloro-7-Benzonorbornenone. J. W. Wilt, E. Vasiliauskas. Room 3292 Symposium on Newer


in Organic Synthesis E. V e d e j s ,


2:00—Introduction 2:05—21. Synthetic Approaches to Sesquiterpene Lactones. J. A. Mar­ shall. 2:55—22. The [2.2.2]Propellane System. P. E. Eaton, G. H. Teeme, III. 3:50—23. Synthesis of (CH) 12 Com­ pounds. E. Vedejs, W. W. Wilber.

Room 5270 General R. Kelly,


9:05—12. Reaction of Lithium Dialkylcuprates with /5-Acetoxy α,/3-Unsatu20

Room 5270 General G. G. Lowry, Presiding


C&EN May 7, 1973

9:25—25. Complex Formation Between Acetylenes and Anisoles. W. C. Appleton, J. Tyrrell. 9:40—26. Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Separation of Isomeric Phenols Using Liquid Crystals. L. E. Cook, R. C. Spangelo. 10:00—27. Equilibria in the System NaOH-NaH-Na 2 0-H 2 . G. F. Carter. 10:20—28. Kinetic and Equilibrium Stud­ ies of Ligand Binding to Cytochrome c Peroxidase. J. E. Erman. 10:40—29. Electrostatic Effects in Ferrimyoglobin Equilibria. F. R. N. Gurd, G. I. H. Hanania, S. J. Shire. 11:00—30. A New Computer Technique for the Evaluation of Electrochemical Kinetic Parameters from Potentiostatic Data. J. A. Cox, T. E. Cummings. 11:20—31. Internal Energy Distribution in Unimolecular Reactions. T. Keough, J. H. Beynon, R. G. Cooks. 11:40—32. Characterization of Cellulose Acetate Films by Poiseuille Flow. A. A. Blumberg, E. M. Chmielewski, E. S. Haddadin, S. Wang. FRIDAY Room 4200 Symposium on Interpretation of 13

C N M R Spectra

G. Slomp, Presiding 9:00—Introduction 9:05—33. Factors Affecting Carbon-13 Chemical Shifts. B. V. Cheney. 9:45_34. Assignment of Signals in CMR Spectra. J. B. Grutzner. 10:50—35. Assignment of Carbon Sig­ nals Using Lanthanide Shift Reagents. M. R. Willcott, R. E. Davis. 1:30—36. Deuterium Labeling as a Probe for 13 C Signal Assignments and Mechanistic Studies. J. B. Stothers. 2:45—37. Biological Applications of 13 C NMR. A. Allerhand. 4:00—38. The Analysis of Synthetic High Polymers by Carbon-13 NMR Spec­ troscopy. J. Schaefer.

4:20—42. Development of Radioimmuno­ assay Methods for Steroids in Sera. W. A. Colburn. 4:45—43. Summary and Future Possibil­ ities for Radioimmunoassay. K. T. Kir­ ton.



THURSDAY Room 4200 General J . J . Ursprung, Presiding 9:05—44. C-8 Epimeric 8-Hydroxyerythromycins B. P. Kurath, J. R. Martin, J. Tadanier, A. W. Goldstein, R. S. Egan. 9:30—45. Configuration of 9-lmino De­ rivatives of Erythromycin. R. S. Egan, L. A. Freiberg, W. H. Washburn. 9:50—46. Alkylation of Adenosine by Diazoethane in Aqueous 1,2-Dimethoxyethane: Solvent Participation Impli­ cated by Mass Spectral Analysis. L M. Pike, M. K. A. Khan, F. Rottman. 10:10—47. Synthesis of 4-Keto Sugar Nucleosides. C. L. Stevens, M. Mazharuddin, P. M. Pillai. 10:40—48. A New and Improved Synthe­ sis of Glycopyranosyl Halides from aPeracetylglycopyranosides. R. E. Har­ mon, T. Lin, S. K. Gupta. 11:00—49. The Structure of Amplexoside A. A. M. Ahsan, D. M. Piatak. 11:20—50. Comparative Chemical Prop­ erties of the Antitumor Agent CUKTS and Related Bis(Thiosemicarbazones). D. Winkelmann, Y. Bermke, D. Peter­ ing. Room 3292 Symposium on Drugs Affecting the Central Nervous System


For registration and housing information, write Dr. Robert E. Harmon, Department of Chemistry, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Mich. 49001. Advance registration (to May 15): ACS members $12, nonmembers $15, students $3.00. At the door, mem­ bers $14, nonmembers $17, students $5.00; one day only $8.00, nonchemist spouse (including mixer) $1.00, parking permit $1.50. A taped short course on Modern Theory of Acids and Bases by Dr. Ralph Pearson will be given Wednesday, June 6, 7 to 10 P.M. A dis­ cussion leader will answer questions. The $5.00 fee includes cost of text. A book of program and abstracts will be distributed gratis to regis­ trants and may be purchased for $3.00 from Dr. Gordon L. Bundy, Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. 49001.

9:05—24. Substituent Effects and Steric Shifts in Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Ring lodinated Methylbenzenes. J. G. Lindberg, A. Leong.

Room 3190 Symposium on Radioimmuno­ assay Techniques

F. Kagan, Presiding

2:00—Introduction 2:05—51. 1,4-Benzodiazepines: Chemis­ try and Some Aspects of the StructureActivity Relationship. L. H. Sternbach. Κ. Τ. Kirton, Presiding 2:45—52. Chemistry and Pharmacology of Triazolobenzodiazepines: A New 2:00—Introduction Family of CNS Depressants. A. D. Rud2:05—39. Radioimmunoassay, an Intro­ zik, J. B. Hester. duction. A. R. Midgley. 3:25—Intermission 3:30—40. Quantitation of Prostaglandins 3:35—53. Recent Advances in the Chem­ by Radioimmunoassay. J. C Cornette, istry and Pharmacology of Tetrahydro­ Κ. L. Harrison, K. T. Kirton. cannabinols (THC's) and Synthetic 3:55—41. Radioimmunoassay for Me­ Analogs. R. K. Razdan. droxyprogesterone Acetate (Provera) 4:20—54. Recent Advances in Narcotic Using the 11a-Hydroxy Succinate Con­ Antagonist Research. I. Monkovic, jugate. M. E. Royer, H. Ko, J. A. Camp­ T. T. Conway, H. Wong, Y. G. Perron, bell, H. C Murray, J. S. Evans, D. G. I. J. Pachter, B. Belleau. Kaiser.

Meetings FRIDAY Room 3190

Symposium on Chemistry Endocrine Function


E. V. Jensen, Presiding 9:00—Introduction 9:05—55. The Role of Cyclic AMP in Polypeptide and Biogenic Amine Hor­ mone Action. T. W. Rail. 9:50—56. The Hypothalamic Releasing Hormones. W. F. White, R. H. Rippel. 10:35—Intermission 10:55—57. Hormone Receptors and En­ docrine Action. E. V. Jensen. Room 4420

General J . M. M c C a l l ,


2:05—58. Atypical Retention of the Estro­ gen Receptor by Uterine Nuclei In­ duced by Nafoxidine Hydrochloride. J. H. Clark, J. N. Anderson, E. J. Peck, Jr. 2:20—59. A/-Carbobenzoxy-L-Pyroglutamyl-L-Histidyl Peptides. P. Kurath, A. M. Thomas. 2:40—60. Structural Relationships Be­ tween Steroidal and Nonsteroidal AntiInflammatory Agents. D. T. Warner. 3:15—61. Central Nervous System De­ pressants. II. Benzodiazepines with Ureas in the 2-Position. R. B. Moffett, A. D. Rudzik. 3:35—62. Bispidine Analogs of Spar­ teine. E. E. Smissman, P. C. Ruenitz. 4:00—63. Acetylenic Acids of Alvaradoa Amorphoides Seed Oil. M. B. Pearl, R. Kleiman, F. R. Earle. 4:25—64. Kinetics of the Formation of Alkylthiocolchicines. R. E. Harmon, G. T. Shiau, S. K. Gupta.



THURSDAY Room 4380

General D. W. Cooke, Presiding 9:05—65. The Stereospecific Coordina­ tion and Exchange of EDTA Type Ligands with Cobalt(lll). D. H. Williams, C. A. Denhart, G. D. Spoelhof. 9:25—66. Absolute Configurations of Some Acetylacetonatobis(Aminoacid) Cobalt(lll) Complexes. L. A. Wingert, D. J. Seematter, J. G. Brushmiller. 9:45—67. Interchelate Ring Magnetic Anisotropic Deshielding Arguments Ap­ plied to the PMR Spectra of CobaltOil) Complexes. J. A. Juhala, D. J. Seematter, J. G. Brushmiller. 10:05—68. Ligand Displacement and Chelate Ring Closure Reactions of Some Cobalt(lll) Tetramine Amino Acid Complexes. J. J. Fitzgerald, G. R. Brubaker. 10:25—69. The Use of Stereospecific Chelating Agents in the Detoxification of Heavy Metals in Biological Systems. B. Warner, G. Brubaker. 10:45—70. The Condensation Salts of o-Aminobenzaldehyde—A Macrocyclic Precursor. J. E. Skuratowicz, I. L. Madden, D. H. Busch. 11:05—71. Reactions of a Macrocyclic Nickel Complex: Oxidative Dehydrogenation and Nucleophilic Addition. V. L. Goedken. S. Peng, J. Pluth.

10:00—101. Undergraduate Education: Blending the New with the Traditional. R. C. Brasted. 11:00—102. Teaching Aids at All Levels. W. T. Lippincott.

11:25—72. The Properties of Molecular Complexes of Metaloporphines with Nickel Thiete. G. M. Shkolnik, W. E. Geiger, Jr.

Room 4380

Room 3190

2:05—88. Evidence for Inorganic Poly­ phosphate as an Integral Part of Alka­ line Phosphatase Preparations. N. W. Gabel, V. Thomas. 2:25—89. In Vitro Synthesis of β-AlanylL-Tyrosine by Extracts of the Fleshfly, Sarcophaga bullata. P. E. Dunn, F. E. Régnier. 2:45—90. Affinity Gel Electrophoresis. B. H. Phelps, Ε. Τ. Harper. 3:05—91. Affinity Labeling of Rabbit Muscle Aldolase with ω-Bromoalkylphosphonic Acids. P. Wong, Ε. Τ. Harper. 3:25—92. Intramolecular Phosphonate Group Catalysis in the Hydrolysis of Methyl β-Phosphonopropionate. Ε. Τ. Harper, V. F. Riser, Jr., G. J. Chen. 3:45—93. Fat-Mobilizing Substance and Cyclic AMP. R. P. Kwok, M. V. L'Heu­ reux. 4:05—94. Semiquantitation of Human Erythrocyte Morphology Changes Ex­ erted by Compound Binding. P. Pesheck, R. Lovrien. 4:25—95. An Empirical Equation for Cal­ culating the Molecular Weight of DNA Molecules. A. C. Plaush. 4:40—96. Photochrome Compounds as Optical Probes for Protein Domains. R. Lovrien, P. Pesheck.

Symposium on Recent Advances in Bio-Inorganic Chemistry D. H. Busch, Presiding 2:00—Introduction 2:05—73. Iron Complexes with Synthetic Macrocyclic Ligands—Iron Heme Analogs. D. H. Busch. 2:45—74. Synthetic Analogs of the Ac­ tive Sites of Bacterial Iron Sulfur Pro­ teins. R. H. Holm. 3:25—Intermission 3:35—75. The Effects of Metal Ions on the Structure and Function of Nucleic Acids. G. L. Eichorn. 4:15—76. Function of Complexes of the Carboxylic lonophore X-537A in Cation Transport. B. C. Pressman. FRIDAY Room 4380

General D. A. B r o w n ,


2:00—77. The Preparation Character­ ization of Bi8H-i8S2 Thiaboranes. W. R. Pretzer, R. W. Rudolph. 2:15—78. Hexamethylphosphoramide Solvates of Alkali Metal Salts. D. C. Luehrs, J. P. Kohut. 2:25—79. Preparation and Vibrational Spectra of Metal-Ammine Polyhalide Compounds. J. Breckenridge, T. Surles. 2:40—80. Synthesis of Some FluoroContaining Mixed Amine Complexes of Chromium(lll). G. J. Seiler, J. W. Vaughn. 3:00—81. Electronic Absorption and Mag­ netic Circular Dichroism Spectra of Square-Planar Alkylisocyanide Com­ plexes of Rhodium(l), Iridium (I ), Palladium(ll), and Platinum(ll). H. Isci, W. R. Mason. 3:15—82. Kinetics and Mechanism of Aquation of Ethylenebisbiguanidenickel(ll) Ion. J. W. Moore, A. D. A. Fay. 3:30—83. Studies of Inhibition of Corro­ sion of Metals in Aqueous Solutions at 25° C. R. G. Larson. 4:00—84. Corrosion Inhibition Research Results as Suggestive Evidences for Cause of Cancer and Some Other Diseases. R. G. Larson.

General L. H. Li, Presiding

P. E. Holkeboer, Presiding 2:05—103. Modular General Chemistry at Michigan State University. R. N. Ham­ mer, H. A. Eick, E. N. Losey, E. J. Kales. 2:40—104. Organic Chemistry as the First Course: A New Freshman Program. R. G. Scamehorn, E. S. Scott. 3:05—105. Expectations: College Teachers and High School Teachers Look at the Content of High School Chemistry Courses. Sister S. Fleming, Father L. Klosterman. 3:25—106. Research Orientation in Un­ dergraduate Lab Programs. C. Venkatachelam, R. W. Rudolph. 3:50—107. "Pseudo-CAI" in Chemis­ try. R. W. Collins, C T. Furse, J. W. Moore. 4:15—108. Computer-Generated Electron Dot-Density Diagrams for Classroom Overhead Projection. W. G. Davies, J. W. Moore. 4:40—109. An Interdisciplinary Overseas Environmental Studies Seminar. T. Tisue, C Wheeler.

M. E. McCarville,




Room 4420

Room 4200

Symposium on Polymer Films




Room 5270



General M. E. McCarville, Presiding

V. T. Stannett, Presiding 2:00—Introduction 2:05—97. Recent Advances in Theo­ retical Aspects of Transport in Poly­ mers. H. L. Frisch. 3:15—98. Pressure-Induced Diffusion in Swollen Polymer Membranes. D. R. Paul. 4:25—99. Anomalous Transport in Glassy Polymers and Polymer Blends. H. B. Hopfenberg, V. T. Stannett.

9:05—110. Studies on Monoterpenes in Pine Seedlings. T. Catka, J. Wemple. 9:25—111. Biochemically Patterned Syn­ thesis of Tropic Acid Esters. J. Domagala, J. Wemple. 9:45—112. A Simple Continuous LiquidLiquid Extractor. H. O. Peters, G. W. Eastland, Jr. 10:00—113. The Reaction of Epoxides with Benzyne and the Effect of Solvent in the Benzyne Cleavage of Ethers. G. D. Richmond, W. U. Spendel.




THURSDAY Room 3190

Symposium on Virus and Cancer


P. E. Holkeboer,


A. Aaronson, Presiding 9:00—Introduction 9:05—85. Viral Etiology of Cancer. S. A. Aaronson. 10:00—86. Effect of Streptovaricins and Related Compounds on Reverse Trans­ criptase and Tumor Transformation. L. H. Li. 11:00—87. Studies on the Surface Mem­ brane of Viral Transformed Cells. M. C. Glick.

CALENDAR OF EVENTS May 10. Water Quality Planning Seminar. Sheraton Inn, New CarroUton, Md. Write Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin, Suite 407, 1025 Vermont Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005. May 14-16. 13th Cotton Utilization Re­ search Conf. Fontainebleau Motor Hotel, New Orleans, La. Sponsor, USDA. Write Southern Regional Research Labs, USDA, P.O. Box 19687, New Orleans, La. 70179. June 4-6. ACS Division of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry. 9th State of the Arts Symp.—Occupational Safety & Haz­ ard Prevention Industry. In cooperation


General D. A. Brown, Presiding

Room 3292

Symposium on New Dimensions of Chemical Education W. T. Lippincott, Presiding 9:00—Introduction 9:05—100. Continuing Education: Ex­ tending Professional Competence. M. Passer.

with AIChE, MCA, et ai. Carnegie Institu­ tion, Washington, D.C. Write Dr. R. S. Shane, NAS, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418. June 12-13. Conf. on Future Technological Needs of the U.S. Pulp and Paper Indus­ try. State U of New York, Syracuse. Write Office of Public Service & Continuing Education, SUNY, College of Environ­ mental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, N.Y.13210. June 12-14. 7th Annual Conf. on Trace Substances in Environmental Health. U of Missouri, Columbia. Write James O. Preston, Conf. and Short Course Office, 347 Hearnes Multipurpose Bldg., U of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 65201.

Room 4380

4:30—114. Coping with the Static Haz­ ard of Charging Large-Scale Chroma­ tography Columns. J. Drogt, L. Sacco, Jr. 4:45—115. Hydrogen Sulfide Production in Lake Sediment. D. A. Dunnette, D. P. Chynoweth, K. H. Mancy.

July 1-6. Conf. on Maintaining Profes­ sional and Technical Competence of the Older Engineer—Engineering and Psy­ chological Aspects. Berwick Academy, South Berwick, Me. Write Engineering Foundation, United Engineering Ctr., 345 East 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017. Aug. 22-24. Pacific Slope Biochemical Conf. U of British Columbia, Vancouver. Write David R. Howton, Warren Hall, UCLA, 900 Veteran Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90024. Nov. 12-16. Symp. on Physical Behavior of Radioactive Contaminants in the At­ mosphere. IAEA. Vienna, Austria. Write John H. Kane, U.S. AEC, Washington, D.C.20545. May 7, 1973 C&EN