9th Annual Chemical Engineering Symposium - C&EN Global

Nov 4, 2010 - Registration. All persons attending the meeting must register. The registration fee is $1.00 for members of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL ...
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DECEMBER 1 0 , 1 9 4 2

N U M B E R S3

9th Annual Chemical Engineering Symposium Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, A. C. S. Palmer House, Chicago, III., December 28 and 29, 1942 T H E Ninth Annual Chemical Engineering Symposium of the Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, AMERICAN





held Monday and Tuesday, December 28 and 29, 1942, a t the Palmer House, Chi­ cago, Ill. This Symposium on Industrial Reaction Rates is intended to deal primarily with the applications of chemical kinetics com­ bined with transfer rates to the rational design of process equipment a n d t h e calcu­ lation of schedules of operation. Great strides have been made in t h e theoretical aspects of chemical kinetics through the media of statistical mechanics, b u t rela­ tively little literature i s available on the translation of such information into the terminology of the chemical engineer. Registration. All persons attending the meeting must register. T h e regis­ tration fee is $1.00 for members of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, students,

and nonchemist visitors, a n d $2.00 for chemists and chemical engineers who are not members of the SOCIETY. Registra­ tion will be in the foyer of the fourth floor of the Palmer House. Officers R. N . Shreve, Purdue University, Chair­ man. T. H . Chilton, E. I . du P o n t de N e ­ mours & Co., Inc., Vice Chairman. Whitney Weinrich, Gulf Research & De­ velopment Co., Secretary-Treasurer. Executive Committee L. W . Bass, New England Industrial Research Foundation. F. J. Curtis, Monsanto Chemical Co. C. C. Furnas, Yale University. H. E . Howe, Editor, Indutrial and Engi­ neering Chemistry. H. F . Johnstone, University of Illinois. T. K . Sherwood, Massachusetts Insti­ tute of Technology.

Program of Papers. All papers will be presented in Room 17 of the Palmer House. Each paper is allotted 30 minutes for presentation followed b y 15 minutes for discussion. Local Committee Harry McCormack, Chairman, Illinois Institute of Technology. Κ. Μ. Watson. R. J. Altpeter. R. C. Kintner. C. A. Herbst. Symposium Committee E . W. Comings, University of Illinois. C. M. Cooper, E . I. du Pont de N e ­ mours & Co., Inc.

Nominees for Offices in the A . C. S. THE

following members of the




have been nominated for the offices indicated, and balloting is now in progress: President-Elect. T. A. Boyd, C. S. Marvel, Thomas Midgley, Jr., Linus Pauling, W. T . Read, Ε . Η. Volwiler, Hobart H. Willard, Robert R. Williams; Councilors-at-Large. M. L. Crossley, Vincent du Vigneaud, George Glockler, W. N . Jones, O. E . May, W. Albert Noyes, Jr., George Scatchard, R. L. Shriner, Robert B. Sosman. The committee which counted the vote for nominations consisted of H. L. Hallcr, Raymond M. Hann, W. Gordon Rose, E. R. Smith, and Charles L. Parsons. Ballots must be received in the office of the Secretary of the SOCIETY on or before December 15, 1942.

T. B. Drew, Columbia University. P. D . V. Manning, International Min­ erals & Chemicals Corp. Κ. Μ . Watson, University of Wisconsin. O. A. Hougen, Chairman, University of Wisconsin.

Monday, December 2 8 Morning Session E . W. COMINGS,


8:00 t o 10:00 A. M.—Registration. 10:00 A . M . — H E N R Y E Y R I N G , H . M . H U L BERT, AND R. A. H A R M A N . Theory of

Absolute Reaction Rates. 11:00 A. M. W. S. ΒΟΝΝΕLL AND WHIT­ NEY WEINRICH. Isomerization of N o r ­ mal Butane.

Afternoon Session P . D . V. MANNING,


2:30 P. M.—P. H. EMMETT.

Rate of A m ­

monia Synthesis. 3:15 P. M.—C. W. D E A N E .

Kinetics in

Acid Media. 4:00 P. M . — H . F. HOERIG, D O N H A N S O N ,

AND O. L. KOWALKE. Phase Esterification.

Rates of Vapor

Evening 7:00 P . M.—Dinner, Room 17, Palmer House. HARRY MCCORMACK, Toastmaster

Tuesday, December 2 9 Morning Session C. M . COOPER,


9:00 A . M.—FARRINGTON D A N I E L S .

diction of Reaction Rates.

Spring Meeting of the A . C. S., Detroit, Mich., April 1 2 - 1 6 , 1 9 4 3


Dr. Skinner joined the bureau in 1904 as a food inspection chemist and has seen many changes in the organization he helped to build. In the old days it was known simply as the Bureau of Chemistry. Later it took on soils work and became Chemistry and Soils. A few years ago it became Chemistry and Engineering, indi­ cating another change in the scope of the work. Since Pearl Harbor the bureau has been engaged in many vital war projects as one of the seven scientific agencies brought together in the Agricultural Research Ad ministration, under the direction of E. C. Auchter. During his long career as a government chemist, Dr. Skinner has held office in various scientific organizations, and has served as chairman of the Maryland State Board of Agriculture and the Board of Regents of the University of Maryland.

Data Published on Selective Service Equipment for studying reaction rates, Chemical Engineering Dept., University of Wisconsin

9:45 Α. M.—D. Μ. Ηurt. Principles of Reactor Design. 10:30 A. M.—C. C. DEWITT.


of Rate Data.

W . W . Skinner Appointed Chief, Chemistry and Engineering, USDA

1 1 : 1 5 A . Μ.—Κ. Μ. WATSON. Rate Equa­

tion for Heterogeneous Catalysis. Afternoon Session

of the wide interest in BECAUSE this subject and the need for obtaining trained men for our Pro­ duction Army, we give below refer­ ences to information we have pub­ lished on occupational deferments, including those of men in training, and the need for technically trained persons. Future developments will be brought to the attention of our readers. Chemical and Engineering News

T. B. DREW, Chairman

(NEWS EDITION previous to 1942) 2:00 P. M.—R. H. WILHELM, W. C. JOHNSON, F. S. ACTON, AND J. A. CAW-

Vol. 18 (1940), pages 890, 1127 Vol. 19 (1941), pages 129, 311, 457,

LEY. Transverse Heat Transfer in Cata­ lyst Beds. 2:45 P. M.—Rates of Catalytic Hydro­ genation. (α)


Experimental Equipment and Pro­ cedure. (6)

459, 489, 520, 587, 681, 797, 1164, 1412, 1464 Vol. 20 (1942), pages 110, 157, 472, 579-80, 788, 812, 837-39, 985, 1099, 1100, 1219, 1294, 1370, 1514, and 1536.




tal Results. 3:30 P. M.—J. DUDOMAINE, R. L. Swain,

AND O. A. HOUGEN. Rate of Base Ex­ change in Water Softeners. A. E. Laurence, formerly chief chemist for the Solo Works Division, Perfect Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, is now employed in the development department of the Thiokol Corp., Trenton, N. J., on the compounding of synthetic rubbers.

Industrial and Engineering Chemistry


W. SKINNER has been ap-

pointed chief of the Bureau of Agri­ cultural Chemistry and Engineering, U. S. Department of Agriculture, to fill the vacancy left by the death of Henry G. Knight last July. Born in Baltimore, Md., in 1874, Dr. Skinner has had 38 years of intimate as­ sociation with the work of the bureau, which he has helped direct as associate chief since 1939. From 1935 to 1939 and from 1921 to 1927 he was assistant chief. In 1927 he was assigned to other duties in connection with chemical and tech­ nological research in the bureau.

Vol. 33 (1941), pages 1, 135, 283, 561 Vol. 34 (1942), pages 2, 131, 259, 648, 1134

Willis R. Whitney, vice president in charge of research of the General Electric Co., has been awarded the 1943 John Fritz Medal "for distinguished research, both as an individual investigator and as an outstanding and inspiring administrator of pioneering enterprise, coordinating pure science with the service of society through industry".

The AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY assumes n o responsiblity for the statements and opinions advanced by contributors to its publications. Published by the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Publication Office, 20th & Northampton Sts., Easton, Penna. Editorial Office, 1155 16th St., N. W., Washington, D . C ; Telephone, Republic 5301; Cable, Jiechem (Washington). Advertising Department, 332 West 42nd St., New York, Ν. Υ.; Telephone, Bryant 9-4430. Entered as second-class matter a t the Post Office at Easton, Penna., under the act of March 3. 1879, as 24 times a year on the 10th and 25th. Acceptance fur mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized July 13, 1918. Annual subscription rate, $2.00. Foreign postage to countries not in the Pan American Union, $0.60; Canadianι postage, postage, $0.20. Single copies, $0.15. Special rates to members. No claims can be allowed for copies of journals lost in the mails unless such claims are received within 60 days of the date of issue, and no claims will be allowed for issues lost as a result of insufficient notice of change of address. (Ten days' advance notice required.) "Missing from files" cannot be accepted as the reason for honoring a claim. Charles L. Parsona, Business Manager, 1155 16th St., N. W., Washington, D . C., U. S. A.