A Β 307

Quality control check points. 220. Quality control and evaluation, wine. 212. Quercus alba. 258. R. Racking. 290, 301. Raw materials, grapes and other...
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Downloaded by UNIV OF ILLINOIS CHICAGO on July 15, 2012 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: November 1, 1974 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1974-0137.ix001

A Acid ( s ) of native American grapes . . . . production, effects of climatic conditions ratios, Brix for several fruits, organic in wine, organic Acidity, analysis of volatile Aciditv, titratable 18, Acidulating agents Additives, prohibited Aerobic bacterial spoilage Aging changes in wine color during . . Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, ( B A T F ) , U.S. Bureau of . . . . Amelioration of musts American grapes acids of native pectin content of sugars in native grape varieties, winemaking from native hybrids and hybrid varieties, anthocyanin pigments of native oak Amino acids on fertilization, dependence of Analyses, wine Analysis of diglucoside anthocyan pigments methods required in winery operations 135, acetaldehyde calcium citric acid '. . color copper fixed acid glycerol histamine hydroxymethylfurfural iron lactic acid malic acid pH potassium simultaneous determination of acids

94 96 106 20 16 136 163 155 141 213 227 82 106 106 94 99 90 88 15 104 261 2 226 134 139 142 143 145 143 145 144 142 144 144 143 144 143 142 143 144 143

Analysis (Continued) methods required in winery operations sorbic acid and sorbates . . . . sorbitol and mannitol tannin tartaric acid total acid of metal contaminants in wine . . for pesticides and fungicides . . . for sulfur dioxide in wines of volatile acidity wine Analytical fractionation of phenolic substances of grapes and wine Anthocyanin ( s ) 51, classification of wines by in the different species of Vitis, distribution of diglucosides for grapes and other fruits . . . . pigments, analysis of diglucoside pigments of native American and hybrid varieties Aroma

144 144 145 143 142 138 141 137 136 226 184 291 69 57 53 30 139 104 292

Β Bacteria 282 freeze-dried 162 lactic acid 151 malo-lactic 294 Bacterial inoculation, procedure for 159 Bacterial spoilage, aerobic 213 Bacteriological stability 154 Balling, degrees 285 Barrels 255, 286 Berry, total extractable phenols rjer 30 Biological-technological sequence. . 1 Bisulfite ion in solution, sulfur dioxide as 233 Botrytis cinerea 12, 57 Brandy distillate, fusel oil content of . . 234 distillation, single and split columns for 237 distilling wines into 232 Brix 285 /acid ratios 106 values for eastern grape musts . . 91 Browning 281 oxidative 119 Bulking agents 108


In Chemistry of Winemaking; Webb, A.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1974.



Downloaded by UNIV OF ILLINOIS CHICAGO on July 15, 2012 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: November 1, 1974 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1974-0137.ix001

294 200 165 291 12 295 121 286 96 82 50 71 186 18 63 138 131 266 254 125 195 302 279

D Decarboxylation Defects, oxidation Diacetyl Diethylpyrocarbonate ( D E P C ) . . Diglucosides, anthocyanin Diglucosides character, transmission of the Disorders of wine, non-microbial . . Disorders of wine, microbial . . . 127, Distillation single and split columns for brandy Distillation, wines for Distilling wines into brandy Double salt treatment

151 127 155 297 53 69 122 131 237 233 232 154

Ε Enzyme ( s ) cofactor nicotinamideadenine dinucleotide ( N A D ) in grapes nomenclature Enzymology of malo-lactic fermentation Equipment, buying foreign Equipment cleaning Esters, excess formation of European oak Exact threshold values Extractives, oak Ethyl acetate




Cap Carbonyl reactions as a flavonoid assay Cell yield Chardonnay Chemical composition of fruits . . . Chromatography, paper Clarification of wine, fining and . . Cleaning, equipment Climatic conditions on acid produc­ tion, effect of Color during aging, changes in wine . . chemistry of red wine determination of wine Colorimetric analysis of phenols . . Commercially important grape spe­ cies of the United States . . . . Condensed tannins Contaminants in wine, analysis of metal Control of microbial disorders . . . Cooperage surface-to-volume ratio Cooperage, wood Copper cloudiness, iron and Coumarins Criadera stage Crushing-maceration-pressing operations


171 41 178 171 218 286 282 262 271 275 302

Federal regulations Fermentation care of wine, postcontrol of malo-lactic enzymology of malo-lactic . . . . inhibition of malo-lactic malo-lactic 107, 109, 151, stimulation of malo-lactic temperature of Fertilization, dependence of free amino acids on Film sherry Filtration, sterile Fining agents, use of Flavan molecules, polymerization of Flavonoids 193, Flavonoid assay, carbonyl reactions as a Flavor complexity Flavor intensity Flor sherry Folin-Ciocalteu ( F-C ) reagent . . . Formaldehyde precipitation of phenols Fox grapes Freeze-dried bacteria Fructose ratios at maturity, glucose Fruits anthocyanins for grapes and other , chemical composition of organic acids for several as raw materials, grapes and other Fungicides, analysis for pesticides and Fusel oil content of brandy distillate

288 120 156 171 157 295 158 290 2 299 157 122 65 268 200 154 271 299 186 201 89 162 14 30 12 20 11 141 235

G Glazed crocks Glucose/fructose ratios at maturity Grape(s) acids of native American enzymes in fox maturation, development of pigments during musts, Brix values for eastern . . and other fruits, anthocyanins for and other fruits as raw materials pectin content of American . . . . skin waxes sugars in native American varieties, protein pherograms of different varieties, winemaking from native American and wine, analytical fractionation of phenolic substances of . . Growth rate oak

In Chemistry of Winemaking; Webb, A.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1974.

293 14 94 41 89 76 91 30 11 99 159 6 90 4 88 184 165 264




History of winemaking in the United States Home winemaking Humidity, relative Hydrocarbons in wine Hydrogen sulfide Hydrolyzable tannins Hydrometer Hybrids, American Hybrid varieties, anthocyanin pig­ ments of native American and Downloaded by UNIV OF ILLINOIS CHICAGO on July 15, 2012 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: November 1, 1974 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1974-0137.ix001


Inorganic constituents in wine . . . . Instability, tartrate Internal reflux ratio Iron clouds Iron and copper cloudiness

88 278 304 7 294 63 285 15 104 32 122 248 17 125


Leucoanthocyanins, principal source of

Leuconostoc oenos

M L 34

106 91 17 97


Nicotinamideadenine dinucleotide ( N A D ) , enzyme cofactor . . . . Nitrogenous substances in wine . . Nonflavonoids Nursery stage Nutritional requirements of malolactic bacteria

171 20 268 302 161


153 153

279 164 295 98

Palomino 299 Paper chromatography 161,295 Pasteurization 157, 297 Pectin content of American grapes 99 Pectins in wine 37 Pectolytic enzymes 109

153 167 177




Maceration-pressing operations, crushingMalate carboxy lyase Malic acid 167, Malic acid ratio, tartaric acid-to- . . Malic and tartaric acids in must samples Malo-lactic bacteria nutritional requirements of . . . . Malo-lactic fermenta­ tion 107, 109, 151, control of enzymology of inhibition of stimulation of Maturation, development of pig­ ments during grape Maturation, wooden containers in wine Maturity, glucose/fructose ratios at McCabe-Thiele method Metal contaminants in wine, analysis of Methyl anthranilate in V . labrusca Microbial disorders, control of . . . Microbial disorders of wine non-

297 187 199

Oak American extractives flavor growth rate species Organic acids for several fruits . . . Organic acids in wine Organoleptic character of wine . . Oxaloacetic acid decarboxylase activity Oxidation defects Oxidation, wine Oxidative browning

Lactic acid 296 bacteria 151 in fermenting must 17 Lactic bacteria, malo294 Lactic fermentation, malo107, 109, 151,295 Lactobacillus casei •plantarum

Micronutrients Molar absorptivities Molybdophosphoric anions Must(s) amelioration of Brix values for eastern grape . . . lactic acid bacteria in fermenting samples, malic and tartaric acids in

97 294 161 295 156 171 157 158 76 254 14 248 138 102 131 127 122

261 275 291 264 261 20 16 50 177 127 278 119



Pesticides and fungicides, analysis for pH Phenol(s) colorimetric analysis of content of wine, total formaldehyde precipitation of . . per berry, total extractable formaldehyde resins Phenolic compounds during vinification, evolution of substances of grapes and wine, analytical fractionation of . . substances in wine Pherograms of different grape varieties, protein Pigments, analysis of diglucoside anthocyan Pigments during grape maturation, development of

In Chemistry of Winemaking; Webb, A.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1974.


141 163 186 185 201 30 201 79 184 27 4 139 76



Downloaded by UNIV OF ILLINOIS CHICAGO on July 15, 2012 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: November 1, 1974 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1974-0137.ix001

Plaster Polymerization of flavan molecules Post-fermentation care of wine . . . Pressing operations, crushingmacerationProtein cloudiness pherograms of different grape varieties stability Punching down Pyruvic acid

300 65 120 279 125



Sulfur dioxide as bisulfite ion in solution as reducing agent, addition of . . in wines, analysis for Surface-to-volume ratio, cooperage Sweetening


4 Tannins 62, 23 astringent 294 . bitter 167 condensed hydrolyzable Tartaric acid Q -to-malic acid ratio Q. robur 262 Q. sessilis 262 Tartrate instability Tartaric acids in must samples, Quality control check points 220 malic and Quality control and evaluation, wine 212 Technological sequence, biologicalTemperature of fermentation . . . . Quercus alba 258 Threshold values, exact Titratable acidity 18, R Total phenol content of wine . . . . Racking 290, 301 Tungstophosphoric anions Raw materials, grapes and other Tyloses fruits as 11 Rays of wood 257 U Reagent, Folin-Ciocalteu ( F - C ) . . 186 United States Red dry table wines 291 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Reducing agent, addition of sulfur Firearms ( B A T F ) dioxide as 280 commercially important grape Reflux ratio, internal 248 species of the Relative humidity 304 history of winemaking in the . .

S Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces feremntati Sauternes Sauvignon Blanc Schizosaccharomyces Sensory properties Semillon Sherry, film or flor Single and split columns for brandy distillation Skin waxes, grape Solera Sorbic acid Species of the United States, com­ mercially important grape . . . Split columns for brandy distilla­ tion, single and Spoilage, aerobic bacterial Stability, bacteriological Stabilization, wine Standards, analysis methods re­ quired by legal or regulatory Starter cultures Stem Sterile filtration Storage area Succinic acid Sugars in native American grapes Sugars in wine

235 299 298 291 154 14 291 299 237 6 302 297 18 237 213 154 116 135 158 285 157 286 296 90 13


Vinegar, wine Vinification, evolution of phenolic compounds during Vanillin Vitamins in wine Vitis distribution of anthocyanins in the different species of fobrusca rotundifolia Volatile compounds in wine W Waxes, grape skin White dry wines White Riesling Wine(s) aging of analyses methods for analytical fractionation of pheno­ lic substances of grapes and by their anthocyanins, classifications of color during aging, changes in chemistry of red determination of for distillation

In Chemistry of Winemaking; Webb, A.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1974.

233 280 137 266 297 254 287 287 63 63 296 98 122 97 1 290 271 163 185 199 258

106 18 88 302 79 287 33 57 89 15 39 6 289 291 227 226 134 184 69 291 82 50 71 233


Downloaded by UNIV OF ILLINOIS CHICAGO on July 15, 2012 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: November 1, 1974 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1974-0137.ix001


Wine ( s ) (Continued) fining and clarification of hydrocarbons in inorganic constituents in maturation, wooden containers in microbial disorders or nonnitrogenous substances in .. organic acids in organoleptic character of oxidation pectins in phenolic substances in post-fermentation care of quality control and evaluation . . red dry table stabilization sugars in tannins in total phenol content of vinegar

121 76 32 254 127 122 20 16 50 278 37 27 120 212 291 116 13 62 185 302

Wine ( s ) (Continued) volatile compounds in white dry yeasts Winemaking home from native American grape varieties practices, modification of Winery size Wood cooperage Wood, rays of Wooden containers in wine maturation Yeasts classification of wine Y( glucose)



In Chemistry of Winemaking; Webb, A.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1974.

39 289 283 278 88 105 215 254 257 254 282 283 283 164