A. A. A. S. program

AT THE time ofgoing topress the final program of Section C. (Chemistry)of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, meeting inPittsburg...
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A. A. A. S. PROGRAM AT THE time of going to press the final program of Section C (Chemistry) of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, meeting in Pittsburgh, December 27, 28, 29, 1934, is not available. However, the following contributions to the symposium on The Role of Chemistry in Education to he held jointly with Section Q (Education) and the Division of Chemical Education of the A C. S. on Thursday afternoon (Dec. 27) have been announced: 1. "The Extent of Chemical Education," Victor H. Noll, Rhode Island State College. 2. "The Cultural Value of Chemistry in General Education," B. S. Hopkins. University of Illinois. 3. " The Training Value of Chemistry in General Education."

J. H. Simons, Pennsylvania State College. 4. "The Prerequisite and Collateral Value of Chemistry." Alexander Silverman, University of Pittsburgh 5. "The Profession of Chemistry." Webster N. Jones, Carnegie Institule of Technology. Professor B. S. Hopkins will serve as chairman. Friday morning and afternoon (Dec. 28) will he devoted t o a joint symposium with Section B (Physics) and the American Physical Society on "Heavy Hydrogen and I t s Compounds." At the Friday evening session Professor A. B. Lamb, of Harvard, will speak on "Crystallogenetic Adsorbents." Saturday (Dec. 29) will he given over t o sessions for contributed papers.