A Abietic acid 317 Absorption at 1600 cm"1 313 Accessibility 468

313. Accessibility. 468. Acetylation of coal, vapor phase 402,403. Acetylene. 646,650,667. Acid anhydrides. 639. Acid permanganate oxidation. 468. Act...
0 downloads 0 Views 1012KB Size

A Abietic acid 317 Absorption at 1600 c m " 313 Accessibility 468 Acetylation of coal, vapor phase 402,403 Acetylene 646,650,667 Acid anhydrides 639 Acid permanganate oxidation 468 Activation energy 380,440,471 of desorption 610 of dissolution 438 for sorption 415 Alanine 11,12 Alginite 308 Alicyclic carbon atoms 338 Alicyclic rings 68,338 Aliphatic-aromatic distribution 497 Aliphatic group distributions 335 Aliphatic hydrogen content 333 Aliphatic structures in coal 457, 475 Alkaline permanganate oxidation of coal 466 Alkane composition 34,35, 37 Alkanes from coal 32 from crude oil and coal 35, 37 from Fischer-Tropsch product 32, 35 from natural gas 32, 37 from petroleum 32 Allan Nunatak 157 Allochthonous coal 308 Allochthonous origin of coal 158 Alluvial deposits 18 Alpine tertiary foredeep, coalifica­ tion of 149 Aluminum 225, 229,237 Amber 309,314 Amery 158, 161 Amino acids 4,11,14,68,237 preservation of 227 Anaerobic bacterial activity 225,361 Anisotropic domains 260 Anisotropy 248 of vitrinites 152,154 Antarctic coals 156,196 Anthracene extraction of coal 458 Anthracite lithology 363 Anthracite, lithotypes in 364 Anthracitic coal 165,379 Anthracitization 138,139

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Anthraxolite analysis of 97 origin of 106 paragenetic history of 91 slate 91 thermal history of 109 Anthraxylon 704 Appalachian region 140 Arabinose 11 Arginine 11,12 Argon from coals, diffusion of 379 Argon plasma jet 650 Arkansas 234,239 Aromatic -aliphatic hydrogen distribu­ tions 333,497 clusters, sizes of 337 compounds 12,68,687 contents of coals 333, 475 hydrogen 311,333 in oxidation, loss of 325 Aromatic substitution index 335 Aromatic structures in coal 457 Aromaticity 308,333,503,508 Artificial catechol humic acid 82 Ash content vs. fluidity 570 Aspartic acid 12,227 Atomic hydrogen to carbon ratio 508 Attrital coal 158 Australia 160 Australian coals 276 Autohydrogenation of coal 479 Aztec Nunatak 158 Β Bacterial activity 229 anaerobic 225 Benzene-insolubles 560 Benzene ring, reduction of the 516 Benzenoid acids 470 o-Benzoquinones 63,66,68 Beryllium 224,228,230,232, 233,235,236,238,239 B E T area 468 B E T equation 388,416,446, 725,729 Biochemical coalification of exinite 328 Bitumen fractions 4 Bituminous coal 270,276,311,329 phenanthrene extraction of 448 Bituminous substances 5, 7, 10

In Coal Science; Given, Peter H.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1966.



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Black Beauty samples 714 Black shale 247 Boron 224,228,230,232, 235,236,238,247 Bramsche Massif 138 Brandon lignite 211,704,705 pétrographie study of 695 Brazil 160 British coal seams 345 Broadening of the O O adsorption 331 Bruceton coal 451 Buckley 156 Bulk density 528 By-product gas, specific properties of 585

C e - C i compounds 63 Ce-C3 compounds 63 C-methyl content in coal 487 C NMR 512 Calcite 721 Calcium acetate exchange method, Fuchs 22 Calorific value 578 Ca/Mg 230 Canadian coals 564 Carbargelite 567 Carbohydrate components 14 Carbohydrates 4,9,11 Carbon-13 38 spectra 504 Carbonaceous materials 503 Carbon dioxide isotherms 391 Carbon dioxide and water, formation of 638 Carbon at high temperatures, thermodynamics of 666 Carbon-hydrogen system 667 Carbon-hydrogen-nitrogen system 674 Carbon in recent sediments, organic 43 Carbon isotope ratios 113 Carbon-nitrogen system 669 Carbonization 250,687 characteristics of Canadian coals 564 of coal tar pitch 560 process 530,563 products, yields of 580 Carbonized coal 533 Carbonyl 191 adsorption in low rank resinites 316 groups in coal 490 Carboxyl group 23 in coal 323 Carboxylic acids 639 Catechol 227 Cellulose 703 Cell walls 280,697 CH2 groups in resinites 312 C H o groups in rings 315 CH3 groups in the initial resinite ... 315 1 3

Chalcocite 225 Charge transfer character of humic acid 87 Chelates 224 of glycine, aspartic acid, and glutamic acid 227 stability series of 224 Chelating properties 235 Chemisorption 615 Chemistry of the solidification process 556 Chlorite 721 Chlorophyll, magnesium of 226 Chromium 225, 232,234,243,244,245 Clarain defined 364 Clarite 568 Clarodurite 568 Classification of coal by reflectance 590 Clay mineral absorptions 313 Coal, adsorption by 396 Coal, aliphatic structures in 333,475 Coal, alkane and naphthene composition from 37 Coal, alkanes from 32 Coal beds 232 Coal into coke, conversion of 528 Coal derivatives 503,511 Coal dissolution kinetics 434 Coal dissolution mechanism 435 Coal extraction 443,448 Coal extracts, spectra of 454 Coal as a free radical source 345,454,678 Coal geology 69 Coal at high temperatures, thermodynamics of 666 Coal into humic acids, conversion of 622, 638 Coal, humic fraction of 237 Coalification 64,133, 141 age of 148 of Alpine tertiary foredeep 149 effect of overburden pressures on 143 effect of pressure on 139,152 effect of temperature on 137 experiments 143 and humic substances 58 temperature 152 times 151 vs. time 144,152 of woody tissue 695 Coalified wood 228 Coalified woody materials, germanium in 228 Coal macérais 307,332 Coal metamorphism 708 in Antarctica 156 Coals of different rank, structure of 493 Coal petrography 69,577,696 Coal, quinones and hydroxyquinones in 640 Coal rank defined 133

In Coal Science; Given, Peter H.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1966.



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Coal Rank


differences in microscopy for 280 vs. folding in Ruhr Basin 141 vs. maceral composition 363, 527 vs. mineral paragenesis 138 vs. reactivity 461 Coal shrinkage 536 Coals, metal-organic complexes in 229 Coals, metamorphism 108, 111 Coal, solution of 427 Coals, sorption by 724 Coals, specific surface of 396,724 Coal structure 261,501,725 Coal-sulfur reaction 482 Coal-tar nuclear polyhydrocarbons 550 Coal-tar pitch 514 carbonization of 560 Cobalt 223,232,234,244,245 Coke 248 conversion of coal into 528 formation 527 mineral matter in 720 order in the formation of 549 oven stabilities 587 stability 573 structure 248 Cokes, resolidification temperatures of 248 Coking ability 545 properties of rank coals 564 properties of vitrinite 278 Collinite 282, 705 Combustion characteristics 587 Complex formation, metal-organic 224 Complexes, stability constants of 225 Complexing agents in decaying plant materials 226 Control of nucleation 558 Conversion of coal into coke 528 into humic acids 464,622 Copper 223,227,232,234,244,245 Corona discharge activation 681 Covellite 225 Cross-linking in coal 470 Crypto vesicular coal 161 Crystalline polynuclear compounds 418 Crystallite size 98, 105 Crystallites 267 Crude oil, alkanes and naphthenes from 37 Crude oil compositions 33 Cutinite 308 Cyanogen 669 Cystine 12 Cyrilla wood 700,703

Decaying plant material, complexing agents in


Decomposition of straw, holocellulose, and lignin 59 Degradation of coal structure 470,700 Degradation products of humic acids 633 Degree of aromatic ring substitution 508 Depolymerization with phenol-BF3 493 Depolymerization products, hydrogen distribution of 493 Depth of burial 194 Desorption kinetics of H2 and CH4 609 Destructive distillation 167 Desulfurization 687 Detrital mineral matter 225 Devonian rocks 4, 10 Diabase sills and dikes 160 Diamond knife 262 Differential thermal analysis 102 Diffusion 464 Diffusion parameters 380 Diffusion, unsteady state 616 Dilatometer 537 Dimers 68 Distribution of carbon in coal 488 Donor atoms 226 Donor element 228 relation of metals to 225 Dry oxidation of coal reactions for 633 subbituminous 621 Dull coal 364 Durain 364,366 Duroclarite 568 Durite 568 Duxite 319 spectrum 321 Dyes, sorption of polar vapors by 418

Early induration 128 Eastern Interior Region 233,243 Electrical resistivity 206 Electrochemical reductions in ethylenediamine 516 Electrokinetic behavior of anthracite 363 Electrokinetic properties by streaming potential 366 Electron diffraction 266 Electron microscopy 256,262 of vitrinites 274 Electron spin resonance 344 Elements, organic affinity for the 222 Ellsworth Mountains 158 Enthalpy of activation 439 Entropy of activation 439 Epigenetic mineralization of uranium 124 Epigenetic uranium 355 EPR studies of humic acid 80 Equilibrium sorption of methane 386 ESR study of exinites and vitrinites 351

In Coal Science; Given, Peter H.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1966.



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Ester function 23 Ethylene 650 Ethylenediamine, electrochemical reductions in 516 Ewald sphere 257 Exinite 264, 279,307,332,501,696,731 electron microscopy of 279 Exinites, electron spin resonance of 344 Exinoids 202 Extraction of bituminous coal, phenanthrene 448 Extraction of coal, solvent 436

Falkland Islands 158 Faults 164 Fiber texture 257 Fiber-tracheids 697 Fischer-Tropsch compositions 33 product 32,35,38,41 Flash irradiation of coal 643 Float-sink methods 222,308,345 Folding in Ruhr Basin, coal rank vs. 141 Folding pressure 139 Foredeep, coalification of Alpine tertiary 149 Fossil charcoal 364 Fossil resins 309 Fossil wood 159 Freeport coal 71 Free radical centers by pyrolysis 357, 459 Free radical source, coal as a 345, 454,678 Free spin concentration 192 Friction heat 141 effect upon coalification 152 FSI 578 Fuchs calcium acetate exchange method 22 Furfural 4 Fusain 268,361,364, 366 Fusinite 194,264,501,566 electron spin resonance 344 Fusinization 695 Fusinoids 202 Fusitc 297,567

Galactose Gallium

11 224,225,226,228,230, 232, 235, 236, 238, 240, 244 Gases from flash irradiation of coal 643 Gas phase chlorination of coal 677 Gas vacuoles 202 Geological chronology 129 Geological photographic plate 120 Geothermal gradient 166 during coalification 149,151

Geothermal metamorphism 160 Geothermometer 168 Germanium 224,226,228,230, 232, 235, 236, 238, 240 Glossopteris flora 158,204 Glucose H Glutamic acid 12 Glycerol 11 Glycine 12,227 Golden Yellow G . Κ 421 Gondwana coals 284 Gondwanaland 204 Gordonia wood 701, 703 Granite Harbor 156 Granular carbonization 532 Graphitizability 258 Graphitization 100,104, 105,106, 143,154,262,273 Gray shale 247 Green River oil-shale kerogen 22 Grey 3G 422 Growth of spheres 558 Growth rings 159 Guaiacyl group 60,227 Guaiacyl oxygens, chelation with metals through the 227 Gums 309 Η Halo 120 Hardness, Knoop 209 Hartshorne coals 238 Hartshorne Sandstone 237 Heteroaromatic compounds 12 Heterocyclic rings 338 High ionic potentials 224, 232 High temperature carbonization 675 reaction of coals 650 thermodynamic aspects of carbon and coal at 666 High volatile coal kinetics of solution of 427 mechanism of solution of 427 Histidine 11, 12 Holocellulose, decomposition of 59 Horlick Mountains 197 Houtzdale quadrangle 69 Humic acid analysis of 81,272 artificial catechol 82 charge transfer character of 87 concentrations 625 EPR studies of 80 formation of 84 free radical content of 84 quinones and hydroxyquinones in 640 solubility 211 yields 625 Humic acids 64,65, 464, 470,474, 621 from coal 90,622,638 degradation products of 633 model compounds for 83,89

In Coal Science; Given, Peter H.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1966.

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Humic materials 227,238 Humic substances in coalification 58, 144 227 237 Humification 58,60,64,65 Humins 227 Hydrazine 676 Hydroaromatic contents of coals 475 Hydroaromatic solvents 448 Hydrocarbons 7,137 Hydrogen 192,661 Hydrogenating coal 516 Hydrogen-bonded O H groups 312 Hydrogen cyanide 646, 663, 674 Hydrogen distribution 288, 333 of depolymerization products 493 Hydrogen exchange 453 Hydrogen in oxidation, loss of aro­ matic 325 Hydrogen in recent sediments, or­ ganic 43 Hydrogen sulfide 225,229 Hydrogen types in soluble fractions 496 Hydroxylamine reaction 24 Hydroxylconiferyl alcohol 228 Hydroxyl groups 24 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural 5 Hyaroxyquinones 86

Igneothermal alteration of coal 166 Igneothermal metamorphism 160 Igneous associations in Antarctica .. 156 Igneous intrusives 708 Illinois 233,234,243,244,245 Illinois beds 5 and 6 233 India 160 Indiana 233,243 Indian coals 284 Induction time 464 Induration, early 128 Inertinite 276,307 Infrared adsorption 97 Infrared spectra 191 of oxidized coal 639 Inorganic association 225 Insoluble hydroxides 225 Interior Province 232, 239 Internal surface area 547 Intrusives, igneous 708 Ionic potentials 223,236 Iowa 234 Ireland Mine vitrain 451 Iron 226,229 Irradiated zones 121 Irradiation of coal, gases from flash and laser 643 Isoleucine 11 Isoprenoids 31 Isotherms for coal adsorption 387 Isotherm computation for methanol sorption 406 Isovols 138


160,280 Κ

Kaolinite 721 Kauri gum 309 Kentucky 233,243,244 Kerogen 22,25 Ketone and aldehyde groups 24 Ketones 191 Kinetics of coal carbonization 666 Kinetics of solution of high volatile coal 427 Kinetics of sorption 400 Kinetics of volatile matter release 602 Kjeldahl nitrogen 15 Knoop hardness 209 Kupferschiefer 127

Lagoonal deposits 18 Lake Kizaki-ko 44 Lake Lauzon 46 Lake Nakasuna-ko 44 Lanthanum 224,232,235,239 Laser irradiation of coal 643 Leucine 11 Lignin 227,236,697,703 decomposition of 59,64 decomposition products 60,64 demethylation of 63 polymerization of 62,63 decomposition, scheme for 66 derivatives, oxygens of 226 fractions 59 molecule 227 products, oxidation of decomposi­ tion 61 Lignite 104,106,313,493,501 Line width, gauss 192 Liquid phase oxidation 460 Lithium chloride 5Ί6 Lithotype 363 in anthracite 364 properties 368 Littoral beach deposits 18 Lower Freeport coal 75 M Maceral analyses 285,711 Maceral distribution of size fractions 566 Macérais 276,284,307,344, 501,696,731 electron microscopy of coal 276 electron spin resonance of 344 Maitland samples 714 Marcasite 225

In Coal Science; Given, Peter H.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1966.

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Martinsburg Slate 94 Mass spectrometry 644 Mass transfer processes 471 Mechanical movements 123 Mechanism of solution of high vola­ tile coal 427 Medium volatile 161 Mercury penetration 468 Meta-anthracite 266,382 Metal-amino acid chelates, forma­ tion of stable 227 Metal-organic affinity in complexes 224 Metamorphosed Antarctic coals 196 Methane, equilibrium sorption of 386 Methane formation 478 Methane isotherms on Appalachian coals 393 Methane sorption 386,400 activation energies for 415 mechanism of 411 rate equation of 401 Methionine 11 Methylated bodies 488 Methylene bridges υε. degree of depolymerization 499 Methyl groups in coals 476 Micrinite 264,276,332,359,501,706 Micrinite, electron microscopy of 279 Micrinization 695 Micrinoids 202 MicrodifFraction 248,259 Microhardness studies 302 Micropore size 380 Microporous solids, sorption by 726 Microscopic study 697 Microscopy for coal rank, differ­ ences in 280 Middle Devonian rocks 4 Mineral matter in coke 720 Minor element distribution 232 Minor elements 221 Missouri 234 Model compounds for humic acid 83 Moisture ot coal 144,155 Molecular probe technique 727 Molybdenum 224,232,234 Monocyclic aromatic compounds .... 448 Mosaic structure 248 on heating 550 Mount Glossopteris 164 Mount Schopf 161 Mount Suess 156 Mount Union Quadrangle 3 Mount Weaver 164 Munsterland 1 borehole 137 Ν Naphthenes from crude oil and coal 37 Natural coke 202,710 xenolith of 719 Natural gas, alkanes from 32 Natural gas condensate 38

Nature of the carbonyl groups 330 Neritic formations 15 Neutral oil 511 New South Wales 276 New Zealand 160 Nickel 223,224,226,232,243,244,245 Nitrogen 226,228 in coals 211 isotherms on Appalachian coals 390 plasmas 663 in recent sediments, organic 43 Nonaromatic C - H groups 314 in oxidation, loss of 325 Nucleation, control of 558 Ο Octane isomers - O H / - C O O H ratios Oil shale Oklahoma-Arkansas Basin

36 622 22 234, 238,239,245 Olefinic groups in lowest rank res­ inites 316 Olive Green Β 422 Optical anisotropy 549 of cokes 248 Optical microscopy 252 Optical phenomena 119 Optical properties 205 Order in formation of coke 549 Ordovician rocks 5 Ordovician slate 91 Organic affinity series of minor ele­ ments 222,224 Organic carbon 1,7 Organic carbon, nitrogen, and hy­ drogen in recent sediments 43 Organic and inorganic matter of coal, minor elements in 221 Organic phase, partition of metals between sulfide phase and 225 Organic residues in sedimentary en­ vironments 15 Organic substances in paleozoic rocks 1 Ouachita Mountains 237 Outcrops in Antarctica 159 Overburden pressure on coalifica­ tion, effect of 143 Oxidation, acid permanganate 468 Oxidation bands 128 Oxidation of coal 460 Oxidation of lignin decomposition products 61 Oxidation, loss of aromatic hydro­ gen in 325 Oxidation, loss of nonaromatic C - H groups in 325 Oxidation of sporinite during prepa­ ration 316 Oxidation of subbituminous coal, dry 621 Oxidation rims 326

In Coal Science; Given, Peter H.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1966.



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Oxidation vs. reflectance 585 Oxidized coal, infrared spectra of 639 Oxybenzon 422 Oxygen in chelates 226,228 Oxygen content of coal 192 Oxygen functional groups in kerogen 22 Ozark uplift 237

Paleological setting 237 Paleozoic anthracite, glutamic acid in 227 Paleozoic rocks 10, 11 organic substances in 1 Palynological investigations 302 Parenchyma 700 Parr formulation 160 Peat 54,104,106,384 bogs 360 Pectins 703 Pen Argyl slate 94 Pennsylvania anthracites 602 Pennsylvania, Paleozoic rocks of Central 1 Pennsylvania strata 232 Pensacola Mountains 158 Permafrost 159 Permian coals 194, 197, 276 Persea wood 697,698 Pétrographie compositions 70, 73, 158,731 Petrography of Antarctic coals 202 of Brandon lignite 695 of Canadian coals 564 coal 577 of Pennsylvania coals 69 of Gondwana coal in India 284 Petroleum 512 iron in 223 Petroleum pitches 550 Phenathrene extraction of bituminous coal 448 Phenols 639 Phenylpropane monomers 228 Phenyl propane structures 236 Phlobaphenes 330 Phosphoric acid-dichromate oxidation of coke 466 Pitch, carbonization of coal tar- 550, 560 Pitted vitrinite vs. stability 574 Plankton 43 Plasma gas 651 Plastic vitrinite 560 Plastic zone 527 Platelets 266,272 Polar functionalities 418 Polycyclic aromatic substances 68 Polycyclic compounds, pyrolysis of 687

Polycyclic, polynuclear aromatic structures to 558 Polyfunctional phenols 640 Polymerization reactions during coalification 154 Polynuclear aromatic compounds 448 aromatic structures to polycyclic 558 hydrocarbons 550 Polyvinyl chloride 550 Pore formation 535 during coking 527 Pore-narrowing on sorption, effect of 725 Pores in coal 261, 268, 270, 383 Potential-determining ions 366, 388 Preferred donor 225 Pressure, effect upon coalification 139, 152,214 Prince Charles Mountains 157 Protoanthraxolite Ill viscous nature of 107 Proton nuclear magnetic resonance 503 Pure macérais 523 Purpurogallin 8-carboxylic acid 68 Pyrite 225,245 Pyritized fossils 245, 247 Pyrolysis of coal 346,478 Pyrolysis of polycyclic compounds 687 Pyrophyllite 138, 139

Quartz 721 Quaternary igneous intrusion 160 Quinhydrone 84 Quinoline insolubles 560 Quinones 66, 191,331,639 and hydroxyquinones in coal and humic acid 640

Radical centers in coal 354 Range of α-particles 122 Rank 133,380,659 difference in microscopy for coal 280 in liquid phase oxidation 460 maps 135 profiles 134 structure of coals of different 493 Rate of coalification of resinite 328 Rate constants for methanol sorp­ tion 408 Rate equation for methanol sorption 401 Rate of production of humic acids 464 Ray parenchyma 697 Reaction of coals 650 Reaction kinetics in coalification 150 Reactions for dry oxidation of coal 633 Reactivity of a coal 461

In Coal Science; Given, Peter H.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1966.


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742 Reactivity in liquid phase oxidation 460 Reduction of aromatic double bonds 516 of benzene ring 516 of double bonds 516 in ethylenediamine, electrochemi­ cal 516 of olefinic double bonds 516 Reflectance 97,205,577 classification of coal by 590 studies 299 of vitrinite 278 Reflectivity of the resinite 326 Release of hydrogen from anthra­ cite 613 Residual gases from chlorination 684 Resin inclusion 267 Resinite 308,316,501,706 Resinites to carbonization, response of 322 Resinoids 202 Resins, oxidation of 316 Resolidification temperatures of cokes 248 Rhamnose 11 Roof sediments of vanadium-rich coal 247 Ruhr Basin, coalification in 149 Ruhr Basin, coal rank vs. folding in 141 S Saar-Lorraine Basin, coalification 146 Sclerotinite 359 Seams, American coal 348 Secondary xylem 697 Sediments, organic carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen in recent 43 Semianthracite 161 Semicoke 250 Semifusinite 267,279,359,501,566 electron microscopy of 280 Semifusinoids 202 Sentinel Range 158 Shackleton 156 Shale 247,567 Shearing 141 effect upon coalification 152 phenomena 141 Siliceous "knots" 91 Silicon 226,229,237 carbide reactor 677 Silurian rocks 4, 5 Size fractions vs. microlithotypes .... 568 Sizes of aromatic clusters 337 Slate character of 94 Martinsburg 106 Ordovician 110 Softening of coal 528 Solidification process, chemistry of the 556 Soluble products of coal 521

Solvent extraction of coal 427 Somerset area 710 Soot 663 Sorption apparatus, gravemetric 403 by coals 386,400,418,724 effect of pore-narrowing on 725 isotherm, methanol on coals 401 kinetics of 400 by microporous solids 726 of polar vapors by dyes 418 South Africa 160 South Victoria Land 197 Spanish Peaks Region 714 Specific properties of by-product gas 585 Specific surface area 461 Specific surface of coals 724 Spectra of carbonized resinites 321 of coal extracts 454 of lower rank resinites on heating 322 of oxidized resinites 323 for thionyl chloride 684 of untreated resinites 311 Spectral band 1600 cm." 313,317,330 Spheres, growth of 558 Spheroidal coal 715 Spin concentration 355 Spin decoupler 504 Spin-decoupling 514 Spore coal 266 Spores, oxidation of 316 Sporinite 308,316 Stability series of chelates 224 Stable amino acids 227 Stable free radicals, origin of 352 Static pressure 141 Straw, decomposition of 59 Streaming potential 266 Structure of coals 725 of different rank 493 Structure of lignin decomposition products 60 Subbituminous coal 264 dry oxidation of 621 Subbituminous rank 194 Substitution of carbonized resinites and high rank vitrinites 322 Sulfide phase and organic phase, partition of metals between 225 Sulfides, solubility product of the 225 Sulfur distribution during pyrolysis 694 Surface areas for coal 388 Surface functions for sorption 406,408 Surface oxidation rate 462 Syngenetic origin of uranium 131 1

Τ Tannins Tar formation Telinite

In Coal Science; Given, Peter H.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1966.

330 483 282,706


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INDEX Temperature, effect upon coalification 137,151,216 Terrace Ridge 164 Tertiary bituminous coals 359 Tertiary coal 697 Tertiary lignites 359 Texture of coke, anisotropic 249 Thermal characteristics of Gondwana seams 298 conductivity 139 decrepitation 603 dissolution of coal 427 Thermally metamorphosed resinite 319 Thermodynamics of carbon and coal at high temperatures 666 Thermograms 104 Theron Mountains 157 Thin-film replicas 261 Thionyl chloride, spectra for 684 Threonine 12 Thucholites 119 Tidal flat deposits 18 Time vs. coalification 144, 152,215 Tin 223,224,232 Titanium 224,226,228, 229,232,235,244 Transantarctic Mountains 158 Transition metals, amino acid chelates of the 226 Triassic 163,280 Tritium exchange 452 Trona acids 22, 30 Tropolones 227 True aromaticity 334 Tyrosine 11 U Ultrafine banding Ultrafine structures Ultrathin sections Underclay Univalent copper Unsteady state diffusion Upper Freeport coal Upper Rhine coalification Uraniferous caustobioliths Uraniferous organic materials Uranium Uranium-rich coalified fragments trees

282 261,281 249,262 159 225 379, 616 71 151 119 119 228 of 229

Violanthrone 422 Vitrain defined 364,365 Vitrains 228,501 Vitrain samples, minor elements in 222 Vitrineritite 567 Vitrinite 264, 307, 332, 359, 577, 706 coke 549 fine structure of 280 vs. fluidity and swelling 570 reflectivity 570 structure 501 Vitrinites 133, 192,264, 274,567,696,731 electron spin resonance 344 Vitrinization 695 Vitrinoids 202,298 Vitrite 133,567 vs. fluidity 571 Void volume 531 Volatile content 104 Volatile matter 135,333,461,578,731 release, kinetics of 602 Volatiles 99,100, 103,106 W Water, formation of carbon dioxide and 638 Water isotherms on Appalachian coals 391 Watson Escarpment 157 Weathered coal 230 Weathered samples 239 Weathering 159,246 White rot fungi 68 Wood 697 Woody tissue, coalification of 358,695

Xenolith of natural coke X-ray diffraction X-ray structural analysis Xylem parenchyma Xylites Xylose

Y/La ratios Yttrium Valine 11 Vanadium 223-229,232,243 Vanadium porphyrin complex 224 Variable coalification 318 Vesiculation 167 Vicrinite 359

Zero-point-of-charge Zinc sulfide

719 97 336 697 330 11

235 224,232,235,239


In Coal Science; Given, Peter H.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1966.

367 223,232 225