A Bioengineering Approach to the Production of Metal and Metal

activity toward S-0 bond cleavage while prior studies have shown that nanoparticles of Au .... peak-to-valley height differences for the large feature...
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Chapter 31

A Bioengineering Approach to the Production of Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles 1



Hazel-AnnHosein ,Daniel R.Strongin ,Trevor Douglas , and Kevin Rosso 3

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Department of Chemistry, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Montana State University, 108 Gaines Hall, Bozeman, MT 59715 Chemical Sciences Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, P.O. Box 999, K8-96, Richland, WA 99352



Research is presented that explored the biological protein ferritin as a precursor for the production of nano-sized iron oxyhydroxide and iron particles supported on SiO . The protein, which is an iron sequestration protein, has a shell that is roughly spherical with a 120 Åouter diameter and a 80 Åinternal diameter. Approximately 80 Ådiameter ferrihydrite (i.e., Fe(O)OH) particles were grown within the shell in solution in our laboratory. The ferritin was deposited on a SiO support, dried and subsequently exposed to oxygen in the presence of UV (i.e., ozone cleaning) that removed the protein shell. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) showed that these nano iron oxyhydroxide particles had a relatively narrow size distribution (averaging about 80 Å). Reduction of the iron oxyhydroxide nanoparticles in H at elevated temperatures led to the production of iron metal nanoparticles, but with a broader size distribution than the iron oxyhydroxide precursor. 2




© 2005 American Chemical Society

Karn et al.; Nanotechnology and the Environment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.


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Introduction Research in our laboratory is concentrated in part on developing a biomediated route to the synthesis and control of selected metallic and metal oxide nanoparticles, and to investigate the fundamental surface chemistry of these nano-structures. Our working hypothesis is that metallic nanoparticles will provide a unique chemistry not accessible at larger spatial dimensions. Much of the interest in nanoparticles stems from research that has shown that materials fabricated at such a size-scale often exhibit unique structural (both geometric and electronic) properties and chemical reactivity. Cobalt at the nanoscale, for example, shows a magnetic behavior that is dependent on size (1). Nano-sized T i 0 shows specific enhancements in its redox properties (2), while nano-clusters of gold have been shown to exhibit a catalytic activity that cannot be duplicated by bulk gold particles (3-6). Au on T i 0 is an interesting case of how unique catalytic activity can be obtained if the spatial dimension of the catalytic particle is brought into the nano-regime. Another contribution in this book by Rodriguez demonstrated that nanogold on T i 0 shows a unique activity toward S-0 bond cleavage while prior studies have shown that nanoparticles of Au supported on the T i 0 surface exhibit a high activity toward CO oxidation: a chemistry that is not experimentally observable on bulk Au (3,4,6-9). Some of the physical properties of this system bring forward interesting general scientific challenges that need to be met in order to evaluate the full potential of nanoparticle driven catalysis. At elevated temperature and/or reactant pressures, where catalysis occurs, agglomeration of the Au nanoparticles is observed (10). Hence, methods to prevent the destruction of the active nanoparticle component of the catalytic surface need to be developed. The electronic structure (11), and ultimately the reactivity of Au nanoparticles show a strong dependence on size. Au particles with a diameter of about 2 nm show the largest CO oxidation behavior (10). This size dependence might be expected to occur in other metallic systems. This result emphasizes the need to synthesize nanoparticles with well defined sizes, so that surface reactivity can be correlated to size. Hence, general synthetic routes to the formation of homogeneous metallic nanoparticles on a variety of supports are needed. The general synthetic approach outlined in this contribution is to use a biologically relevant protein, ferritin, to mediate the growth of homogeneous iron oxyhydroxide nanoparticles and to reduce the oxide to metallic iron. Ferritin is an iron storage protein found in many biological systems. Horse spleen ferritin (used in the current research), for example, is comprised of 24 structurally similar polypeptide units that self-assemble. The resulting spherical cage has an outer and inner diameter of 120 and 80 Â, respectively. The protein shell of ferritin is permeable to iron which can be readily added to 2




Karn et al.; Nanotechnology and the Environment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

232 or removed from the protein interior under the appropriate redox conditions. Up to about 3000 Fe atoms can be mineralized as nanoparticles of ferrihydrite [Fe(0)OH] (12).


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The general synthetic scheme for the nanometal production is depicted in Figure 1. Homogeneous nanoparticles of Fe(0)OH were readily synthesized by 120 À-


Removal of shell



Fe Figure 1: General synthetic scheme for Fe metal production.

methods described elsewhere (13). Briefly, ferritin used in this study had an Fe loading of 1500. Deaerated solutions of (NH4) Fe(S04).6H 0 [25mM] were added to 2.5x10 M apoferritin (Sigma) in 20 ml MES buffer at pH 6.5 in three equivalent aliquots (0.2 ml each). After each addition the solution was allowed to air oxidize for 1 hour. The ferritin was dialyzed to remove buffer and approximately 0.2 ml of ferritin solution was deposited on to a Si0 wafer. The solution was subsequently dried in an anoxic environment. After drying the sample was placed in an ozone cleaner (NovaScan) with 1 atm 0 . After heating the sample to 350 Κ for 1 hr the sample was removed 2





Karn et al.; Nanotechnology and the Environment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

233 and analyzed in an ultrahigh vacuum chamber using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Figure 2 exhibits, Ν Is and C Is XPS data before and after cleaning. The Ν Is level is absent after cleaning and the C Is signal is markedly reduced. The remaining C Is signal is thought to be primarily due to residual carbon that was present on the Si0 wafer prior to ferritin deposition [see spectrum (c)]. These data are taken to suggest that the protein shell is removed from the sample as presumably NO* and CO gaseous species. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to characterize the sample morphology after ozone cleaning. Samples were delivered without atmospheric control from Temple University to Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for A F M analysis. A F M was performed in air under ambient conditions using a 2

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Ν 1s

^ C 1 s

c 3



to c






292 290 288 286 284 282


Binding Energy (eV) Figure 2: Ν Is and C Is XPS data for 1500 Fe loaded Ferritin before(a) and afier(b) ozone cleaning. Spectrum (c) shows the residual carbon on the Si wafer prior to ferritin deposition.

Digital Instruments, Inc. BioScopeTM operating in Tapping mode™. Standard etched silicon probes (TESP) were used with resonant frequencies in the 250 Hz range and nominal tip radii of curvature of 5 -10 nm. The scan rate was 1.0 Hz. Figure 3a exhibits one such A F M image. We chose to base our particle size analysis of the image on the height field alone because isolated particles could not be found and the small size of the particles makes width analyses susceptible to overestimation due to tip curvature convolution effects. Figure 3a and the accompanying cross-section show the full range of height values to be 16.8 nm, with a root-mean-square (RMS) roughness (standard deviation of the height about the average value) of 2.13 nm. The peak-to-valley height differences for the large features in the cross-section are in the 8-9 nm range,

Karn et al.; Nanotechnology and the Environment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.


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consistent with the particle size range expected of the inorganic core of ferritin. Prior research showed that monodispersed films of the ferritin core could be obtained by heating the supported ferritin to 673 Κ in a nitrogen atmosphere (14). Experimental observations in our laboratory suggest that the ozone cleaning more effectively removes residual carbon and nitrogen from the core and facilitates the reduction of the core when heated in hydrogen.

Figure 3: Tapping mde AFM height data for the a) iron oxyhydroxide, and b) reduced samples collected in air under ambient conditions. The scale bar in both images represents 250 nm. Dashed white lines indicate the locations for cross-sections shown below each image; the cross-section data are in nanometers. The height ranges for each image are given in the text.

Reduction of the metal oxide nanoparticles to the respective metal was carried out in a reaction cell intimately connected to the UHV chamber. Specifically, the protein free metal oxide particles were heated to 573 Κ in 50 Torr H for 1 hr. The sample was then transferred into UHV where XPS was carried out. Figure 4 exhibits Fe 2p data and shows that there is a shift of the Fe 2p level from 711 eV (characteristic of Fe -bearing oxides) to 707 eV that is characteristic of iron metal (15). Figure 3b exhibits A F M of the reduced sample. It was necessary, however, to expose the sample to air prior to acquiring the image. We assume that the A F M image of sample after exposure to air in Figure 3b is representative of the metal particles. The full range of height values in Figure 3b is 40.3 nm, with a 2



Karn et al.; Nanotechnology and the Environment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.


RMS roughness of 6.68 nm. Peak-to-valley height differences for the large features in the cross-section for the reduced sample are in the 19-20 nm range. Thus, assuming features in the images to be individual particles, the particles comprising the reduced sample were found to be considerably larger than those before reduction. Hence, under the experimental conditions used in this study, heating in H had significant effects on the particle size distribution. Presumably, upon reduction neighboring particles underwent agglomeration. Based on the A F M observations, it is also possible that agglomeration was limited to the uppermost particles, as particles deeper in the aggregate overlayer appeared to be generally smaller in size (Fig. 3b). This would be consistent with the uppermost particles having the most degrees offreedomof motion for interaction with neighboring particles. This result for these initial samples was not completely unexpected, since the particles were deposited on the Si0 wafer as a multilayer structure where particles were in contact with each other. Prior research has shown that heating ferritin to 1173 Κ in a low vacuum results in the formation of roughly spherical fullerenic shells that surround individual iron nanoparticles (16). The majority of the particles in this prior study have a size below 13nm. Presumably, the shell around the iron particles decreased the amount of agglomeration, relative to our circumstance where the iron particles have no protective shell. Experiments in our laboratory at present are investigating the formation of true monolayer and submonolayer supported structures that will decrease agglomeration when subjected to our preparatory method.

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707 eV I








Binding Energy (eV) Figure 4: Fe 2p XPS data showing the shifi of the Fe 2p3/2 levelfrom711 eV (characteristic ofFe *bearing oxides) to 707 eV 3

Karn et al.; Nanotechnology and the Environment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.


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SUMMARY AND GENERAL COMMENTS Initial results from a bioengineering approach using ferritin as a precursor for supported Fe nanoparticle synthesis has been outlined. While relatively monodispersed iron oxyhydroxide particles were produced by this method, our initial results show that the metal particles undergo agglomeration reactions. We feel that this agglomeration can be limited by preparing true supported (sub)monolayer ferritin films that has been carried out by others (14-17). Ongoing work in our laboratory is investigating ways to prepare initial supported ferritin films in the monolayer and submonolayer regime. It is expected that this will yield isolated nanoparticles after protein removal and reduction, and will lessen any agglomeration effects relative to the multilayer deposition outlined in this contribution. Furthermore, experiments outlined in this contribution described ferritin that was loaded with Fe to its internal volume capacity. The iron loading of ferritin, however, can be varied continuously between 100 and 1000 iron atoms per ferritin cage by controlling the Fe(II):ferritin ratio (13,18). This is expected to give a range of nanoparticle sizes in our future experiments. Finally, the use of ferritin is not limited to iron containing nanoparticles, since prior research has shown that ferritin can also be filled with Mn(0)OH (19) and Co(0)OH (20).

Acknowledgments DRS and TD acknowledge the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Donors of the Petroleum Research Fund (PRF), administered by the American Chemical Society, for support of this research. The A F M work described in this manuscript was performed at the W. R. Wiley Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, a national scientific user facility sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Biological and Environmental Research and located at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. PNNL is operated for the Department of Energy by Battelle.

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Karn et al.; Nanotechnology and the Environment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.