A Boiling Point Apporatus for Organic Laboratories

requires a 2-5 ml sample, and may be cleaned by an acetone flush and purged with dry air. ... OSCAR L. WRIGHT. Volume 42, Number 5, May 1965 / 259...
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A Boiling Point Apporatus for Organic Laboratories


A rather simple but effective ebulliometer can be built by anyone with a minimum of glass-blowing ability. The apparatus requires a 2-5 ml sample, and may be cleaned by an acetone flush and purged with dry air. Less than ten minutes are required to make a measurement and to clean up the equipment. Liquid is added to the apparatus to level (a). Power is sopplied to the heater through a Pawerstat and the liquid is rapidly hrought to its boiling point. Liquid and vapor are both carried up across the thermometer bulb and the temperature is recorded every 1W15 seconds until it has been constant for five readings. This recorded tem~eratureis a boiline mint accurate enoueh for most work in the &kroductory organ~~~c'laborator~. The apparatus will operate from room temperature to about 250°C. All thermometers should be calibrated. If desired, a thermocouple can be used instead of the thermometer and the temperature changes can be recorded automatically by a recardingpotentiometer. OSCAR L. WRIGHT

Volume 42, Number 5, May 1965
