A Brief Outline of the History of Science (Druce, J. G. F.) - Journal of

A Brief Outline of the History of Science (Druce, J. G. F.). Edgar F. Smith. J. Chem. Educ. , 1928, 5 (2), p 241. DOI: 10.1021/ed005p241.1. Publicatio...
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Recent Books A Brief Outline of the History of Science. J. G. F. D ~ u c s M.Sc. , The Chemical News, Ltd., Merton House, Salisbury Square, E. C., London. First edition. 1925. 141pp. 11.2 X 18.5cm. $1.00. ~h~ sciences occupy much attention in the schools and in these days. preference seems to he held for general science and not any particular science, but whatever the thought may be there any question but that a concise, reliable cowse on the history of science, in general, will add mt,ch to a school or college curriculum. ~h~ writer became deeply in the above publication by Dr. J. G. F. Druce, of London, who is a student of science in a broad sense, an investigator, and a writer. T~~ favorable impression that the author of these lines received as to the excellence of the little book has prompted him to invite the attention of other science to it. ~~~h~~~ of science subjects will find it ~h~~~ are more treatises on the history of science, but where something concise and accurate in regard to i t is sought the present volume will prove most satisfactory and is bound to win high favor.

purpose but have been, nevertheless, an evil influence. This has not been true of science handbooks. The difference is a fundamental one. The engineering handbook contains a great many empirical formulas which are useful only within a n u o w range. The engineering student is taught t o accept, without question, many statements in the handbook; therefore, heoftenextends the use of a formula far beyond its intended field. Sudden and certain disaster results. The science handbook, on the 0th- hand, attempts to stick to scientific facts. It only approaches this ideal, but the results are Satisfactory.

The "Handbook of and Physics," by C. D. Hodgman and Norbert A. Lange, is the outstanding science qf The mere fact that it Of both and physical properties makes i t of unique value t o the chemist and the chemical engineer. It is well known that chemistry today includes the major part of physics. The combination of data in a handbook is a natural and necessary A

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It is more or less conceded that enpineering handbooks have served their

York. First edition. 1927. 233 16 X 22.7 em. $2.50.