A Burette and Standard Solutions Convenient for the Determination of

71 and 72 of the general mining police order, January 18, 1900, of the Royal Head ... the burettefrom the stock bottle until it reaches 56.16. The tit...
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I the siiiiplcst, (luiclirst and iiiost exact maiiiier according to Sections 71 and 72 of tlic geiieral inining police o r t h . Jaiiuary 18, 190of 0, the Royal IIea(l \lining Office, I:rcslau. ‘l’lic apparatus scrres further ior thc (leterinination of methaiir i n the high nitrogenous gases which arc foiml in milie inflaiiimator~gases. It is also quick alii1 accui-at? for determiiiing their content of carbon monoxiile. F. sc111~1~1131