A challenge with a future: Expanding research opportunities at United

Nov 6, 2010 - A challenge with a future: Expanding research opportunities at United States Steel, where the big idea is innovation. Chem. Eng. News , ...
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A challenge with a future: Expanding research opportunities at United States Steel, where the big idea is innovation United States Steel Research Center in Monroeville, Pennsylvania, just 15 miles east of Pittsburgh, offers challenging opportunities to chemists and chemical engineers for work on a wide variety of projects in both applied and fundamental research. The Center provides facilities for research in diversified fields, including mineral beneficiation, ore reduction, coal chemicals, plastics, organic coatings, corrosion, electrochemistry, reaction kinetics, oxidation of metals, gas-metal reactions, and diffusion in solids. The variety of research problems involving new technological concepts and new areas of product and process development affords opportunities for personal advancement for men with training in analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry, and in chemical engineering. Opportunities for advancement are offered both for research specialists and for those interested in technical

supervision and management. Employees may choose a city or suburban residence and be convenient to Pittsburgh's universities for graduate study. These are only a few of the many advantages of employment at the United States Steel Research Center. To learn more about the Research Center and the positions available, phone collect, wire, or write to: Mr. L. F. Grace, U. S. Steel Research Center (5), Monroeville, Pennsylvania 15146.

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