A Choice for NIH Authors - ACS Chemical Biology (ACS Publications)

A Choice for NIH Authors. Eric Martens (Managing Editor, ACS Chemical Biology). ACS Chem. Biol. , 2008, 3 (7), pp 383–383. DOI: 10.1021/cb800163c...
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Laura L. Kiessling University of Wisconsin, Madison BOARD OF EDITORS

Jennifer A. Doudna University of California, Berkeley

Kai Johnsson Ecole Polytechnique Fe´de´rale de Lausanne

Anna K. Mapp University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Michael A. Marletta University of California, Berkeley

Peter H. Seeberger Eidgeno¨ssische Technische Hochschule

James R. Williamson The Scripps Research Institute EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD

Carolyn R. Bertozzi University of California, Berkeley

Brian T. Chait Rockefeller University

Tim Clackson ARIAD Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Jon C. Clardy Harvard Medical School

Benjamin F. Cravatt The Scripps Research Institute

Peter B. Dervan California Institute of Technology

Rebecca W. Heald University of California, Berkeley

Linda C. Hsieh-Wilson California Institute of Technology

Tony Hunter Salk Institute

Stephen C. Kowalczykowski University of California, Davis

Richard H. Kramer University of California, Berkeley

Thomas V. O’Halloran Northwestern University

Hiroyuki Osada RIKEN

Anna M. Pyle Yale University

Ronald T. Raines

LETTER A Choice for NIH Authors


tarting on April 7, 2008, the revised National Institutes of Health (NIH) Public Access Policy mandates that the results of all NIH-funded research be deposited into the digital archive PubMed Central (PMC) (1). Authors must ensure the submission of the final, accepted, peer-reviewed manuscript, which will be made publicly available within 12 months of the official publication date. American Chemical Society authors who declare NIH funding now have multiple options for how they wish to comply with the NIH mandate. Option A allows authors to bypass the NIH requirements for PMC submission by participating in the ACS AuthorChoice open-access program. In this fee-based system, end-users are granted immediate and unrestricted access to the final published article on the ACS Publications web site, and the ACS will fulfill the deposit requirements of the NIH mandate on behalf of the authors. The authors may also post this version of the article to other web sites and depositories of their choosing. ACS AuthorChoice fees range from $1000, for authors who are affiliated with an ACS-subscribing institution and are ACS members, to $3000 for those who are neitherOrates that are competitive with other open-access publishing options. For no fee, authors may select Option B, in which they deposit the manuscript into PMC themselves. This final peer-reviewed manuscript would be the version submitted to the ACS, reflecting any changes made in response to the peer-review process but prior to copyediting, correction, formatting, and production of the final published article. Authors must also request a 12-month embargo period prior to posting on the PMC web site. Beginning later this month, the ACS will also offer Option C, in which ACS will deposit the final peer-reviewed manuscript and supporting material on behalf of the authors. This option relieves the authors of responsibility for the deposit, and the service will be free for ACS members (a fee of $100 will be incurred for nonmembers). As with Option B, posting on PMC will occur 12 months after the official publication date. Publishing journals such as ACS Chemical Biology, the ACS has a large number of authors whose work bridges the gap between chemistry and the biological and biomedical sciences. For those researchers funded by the NIH, the ACS now provides a number of options by which they can deliver their work into the open and strives to make the process as easy as possible. Visit the ACS Publications web site for further details (2).

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Charles Sawyers University of California, Los Angeles

Stuart L. Schreiber Harvard University

Peter G. Schultz The Scripps Research Institute

Michael P. Sheetz

Eric Martens Managing Editor, ACS Chemical Biology

Columbia University

H. Ulrich Stilz Sanofi-Aventis, Frankfurt

Christopher T. Walsh Harvard Medical School

REFERENCES 1. http://publicaccess.nih.gov/FAQ.htm 2. http://pubs.acs.org/copyright/nih/index.html

10.1021/cb800163c CCC: $40.75 Published online July 18, 2008 © 2008 by American Chemical Society
