A close look into analytical efficiency... from polymers to pesticides

Nov 6, 2010 - 10 Start-Ups to Watch. The story of a chemistry-based start-up is one of discovery paired with risk. That's a compelling combination,...
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A close look into analytical efficiency... from polymers to pesticides

So widespread is the pursuit of the polymer molecule New Text by so m a n y scientists in so m a n y laboratories that New Text Sunday Supplement writers will soon be calling it the New Text polymer explosion. Even if it isn't really an "explosion", it certainly is an expensive pursuit because so m u c h scientific time is involved . . . hence a growing d e m a n d for instruments to replace the tedious and time-consuming classical methods heretofore used by the polymer chemist. F o r some, it m a y seem curious that these demands come from analytical and micro-chemical sources as well as from the polymer chemist . . . but polymer chemistry is a complex field that involves all these chemical disciplines. It will be more curious to others that Hewlett-Packard, a c o m p a n y generally known for its achievements in electronics, is also deeply involved with things chemical, including polymer research. Molecular weight determination, a chief factor in polymer characterization, provides examples. Hewlett-Packard offers no fewer than four types of molecular weight instruments now considered by m a n y as standard laboratory apparatus because of their proven efficiency: the Model 302 V a p o r Pressure Osmometer for determining n u m b e r average molecular weight in the range of 100 to 20,000; the Series 500 M e m b r a n e O s m o m e t e r for the same type of measu r e m e n t up to 1 million; the Model 701 Light Scattering P h o t o m eter for determining weight average molecular weight from 500 to 5,000,000; and the Model 5 9 0 I B Auto-Viscometer for determining viscosity average molecular weight. W h e n reminded that polymer characterization is a case of establishing molecular weight by all rather than just one of these methods, and that molecular weight determination via classical routes is expensive, complex, and time-consuming, the efficiency of one or all of these Hewlett-Packard instruments is considerably more beneficial than might otherwise be apparent. F o r a full description of these instruments, write for D a t a Sheets 3020, 5000, and 7010.

New Text

G r a n t e d that molecular weight counts heavily in polymer chemistry, there are several polymers ( a n d m a n y m o r e co-polymers) whose characterization would be incomplete without C H N analysis (determination of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen p r o p o r t i o n s ) . Unfortunately classical C H N analysis tends to defy efficiency, requiring lengthy procedure, costly equipment, and an environment-controlled balance room, all resulting in a somewhat classic laboratory fee. T o the extent that H-P's Model 185 C H N Analyzer streamlines traditional C H N analysis it is a b o o n to all concerned. F o r the bench chemist, n o more than this need be said of the 185's capability: one sample, one weighing, ten minutes per determination, with reliability well within the traditional 0 . 3 % allowable error. F o r the managing chemist, a m o r e direct comparison might be in o r d e r : C H N analysis is valued on the order of $15.00 per hour, with the classical approach requiring about one h o u r per determina-

tion. T h e 185 makes determinations at the rate of six per hour. O r a value of $90.00. Or an improvement over the classical of $75.00 per hour. T h e calculation of how long it would take the Model 185 to pay for itself will be left to others. T h e instrument costs $6,000.00. It's fully described in Bulletin 1850. Frequency If t n e C H N Analyzer strays from the classical, • ^ p, H-P's Model D Y - 2 8 0 1 A Quartz T h e r m o m e t e r in D e g r e e s C (hereinafter called the Q T ) departs radically. Platinum resistance t h e r m o m e t r y has always been looked upon as the best (if not the most practical) means of making sensitive laboratory temperature measurements. This view will likely soon change in the direction of quartz thermometry, which in the Q T has been developed to such a fine state that there's a breakthrough in the offing—both a technological and a practical one. T h e new technology lies in the precise angle of cut of a quartz crystal wafer, which gives the Q T a linearity of ± 0 . 0 5 % vs ztO.55% (—40 to -f 2 5 0 ° C ) for platinum resistance devices. T h e new practicality can be traced to H-P's electronics design capability, which has given the Q T direct digital readout in degrees—no bridge balancing, n o conversion tables. Together they m a k e for a very gifted instrument: the Q T is ten times m o r e linear and conservatively that m a n y times m o r e convenient to use than anything else available. T h e Q T operates on the basis of the variation of the resonant frequency of its quartz crystal due to temperature change. T h e crystal wafer is mounted in a small p r o b e and connected by cable to its oscillator circuit. W h e n the probe is placed in a test environment, oscillator frequency is compared to a reference frequency, the difference is automatically converted to temperature and read out on a 6-digit electronic converter to a reso+ 026.530°C lution as high as 0.0001 °C or F . Because the Q T can be equipped with one or two probes, it can measure the temperature of either p r o b e or the difference between the two. It can also double as a highly accurate 300 k H z electronic counter. In application, the Quartz T h e r m o m e t e r can be depended upon to improve determinations in just about every popular area of temperature analysis. This is apparent in the field of differential thermal analysis—qualitative characterization and quantitative identification of a material by measuring the temperature difference between its sample and an inert reference—where the superiority of the Q T can again be laid to its superior linearity. Discussions on how to use the Q T in calorimetry and molecular weight determinations can be found in Application Notes 78-2, 78-3.


"For the first time in the history of the world, every human being is now subjected to contact with dangerous chemicals, from the moment of conception "P**cfir»iHoc until death. In the less than two decades of their xresllCluev pesticides have been so thoroughly use^ Synfjiefic distributed throughout the animate and inanimate world that they occur virtually everywhere." RACHEL CARSON—Silent Spring


The determination of precisely how much contact human beings do have with synthetic pesticides is currently a very active scientific pursuit, and a bit more difficult than Miss Carson's statement might reveal. In fact, never before in the field of chemical analysis has it been necessary to detect such minute amounts of such unstable compounds, whose presence is so greatly clouded by the natural samples in which they exist. While the men engaged in pesticide detection are many and far flung, instrumentation for this sensitive work falls almost solely on the gas chromatograph. On this basis much research effort at HewlettPackard's F & M Scientific Division is directed I at pesticide analysis with the aim of perfecting. I both instrumentation and technique. In regard to the former, it is interesting to note that although pesticide detection is still most often recorded in the nanogram range, an F & M gc —more than two years ago—separated a lin A laboratory pesticide sample at the picogram , / v level (lxlO- 1 2 , or .000,000,000,001 g r a m ) . Most of this chemical detective work is being performed on the F & M Model 402 High-Efficiency Gas Chromatograph—an instrument perfected especially for this and other biochemical research. H-P's pesticide analysts prefer to use this instrument equipped with an electron capture type of detector. The latter employs a radioactive tritium source t o produce electrons whose capture by t h e pesticide molecules is a direct measure of their presence. Recently, H-P chemist-designers have perfected a new electron capture detector that employs a radioactive Ni G3 source that is more stable at higher temperatures, thereby holding out a promise of more searching pesticide detection than the older tritium type can accomplish. Sometimes the inherent difficulty of pesticide analysis is resolved by improvements in technique rather than hardware. A case in point is an H-P developed procedure that aids in the identification of elusive eluted pesticide peaks by running the same sample through two dissimilar gc columns. When the suspected pesticide has the correct retention time in both columns, identification becomes more positive; conversely its presence is ruled out if it doesn't have the correct retention time in either column. This work was first recorded in H-P laboratories using samples of a domestic and an imported marmalade. The first column indicated that the domestic sample was free of pesticides but that the imported one showed the presence of Endrin. Those partial to imported jams should feel free to eat them anyway since the presence of Endrin was ruled out on the second column. H-P chemists have developed similar techniques for the analysis of pesticide residues in many foodstuffs, and sample extraction techniques for the analysis of bovine and human milk. If you care to pursue this subject in depth, ask for Applications Lab Report 1003. Write Hewlett-Packard, 1501 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, California 94304.

