A combined liquid-liquid extractor and Dean-Stark apparatus

Here is a description of a simple one-piece apparatus that can serve as a liquid- liquid extractor and as a Dean-Stark setup for removing water. This ...
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A Combined Liquid-Liquid Extractor and Dean-Stark Apparatus

Here is a description of a simple one-piece apparatus that can serve as a liquidliquid extractor and as a Dean-Stark setup for removing water. This apparatus is similar to the additional solvent trap normally used in the rotary evaporator and basically consists of a 2-1 flask with a 24/40 adaptor and a l-in. diameter glass tubing protruding 4 in. into the flask. At the top of the glass tubing a 10-ml beaker with a side tubing (114-in. diameter, 3 in. long) is fused as in the figure. The l-in. glass tubing also has a vertical opening closer to the top. We find that this apparatus is very efficient and space-saving in extracting small volumes of aqueous solution with solvents lighter then water, like ether, ethylacetate, etc. This can also he used as a substitute for a Dean-Stark apparatus by packing the flask with some dehydrating agent like molecular selve or calium sulfate. This apparatus could be made in any capacity ranging from 2 1to 100 ml and altering the rest of the glassware proportionately.

R. Sornanathan Cemro de Graduados lnstituto Technoldgico de Tijuana Apartado Postal 1166 TiJuana. B.C., W x i c o


Journal of Chemical Education