A common misunderstanding of Hess' law

A COMMON MISUNDERSTANDING OF HESS'S LAW. THOMAS W. DAVIS. New York University, New York, New York. In a series of measurements having wide ...
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series of measurements having wide general significance, G. H . Hess in 1840 determined the amount of heat evolved when sulfuric acid is neutralized by solutions of alkalies. Since the addition of sulfuric acid to water releases heat even though no alkali is present, it proved to be of great interest to know how the heat of neutralization varied when the acid was first diluted with different amounts of water. The measurements were all made a t essentially atmospheric pressure. The data led to Hess's "law of constant heat summation." The original statement is "Wenn eine Verbindung stattfindet, so ist die entwickelte Warmemenge constant, es mag die Verbindung direct oder indirect und nu wiederholten Malen geschehen." A familiar translation is "The amount of heat evolved during the formation of a given compound is constant, independent of whether the compound is formed directly or indirectly in one or in a series of steps." This statement preceded a recognition of the law of conservation of energy and may be regarded as one of the bases for that law. The work of J. R. Mayer and J. P. Joule on the conservation of energy came later. The following numbers taken from Hess's papers are typical. Typical Data from Hesg's Study of the Neutralization of Sulfuric Acid by Ammonia Subslances added together Acid Wak Base

Heat evolved an adding W a k Ammonia

Tolal heal



The fourth column in the table gives the heat evolved on diluting the sulfuric acid and the B t h column the heat evolved when the diluted acid was neutralized. The sum of the heat effects is nearly constant as shown in the last column. Hess's papers on the subject have been reprinted as Number 9 of Ostwald's Klassiker der Exakten Wissenschajten.' A clear discussion of the work appears in Ostwald's 'LOutlinesof General Chemistry."z In recent years there has grown up a tendency to quote Hess's law out of context and to attribute to it, rather inaccuratelv, a more wneral meaning than was OSTWALD, W., Klassiker der ezaklen Wissenschaften, No. 9, Leipzig, 18W. ' OSTWALD,W., "Outlines of General Chemistry," translated The Macmillan Co., New York, 1890, p. 209. by J. WALKER,

originally intended. Applied to determinations carried out in the manner used by the original author, the law is both correct and useful. According to the law, one can, for example, combine data on the heat of formation of carbon dioxide and on the heat of combustion of carbon monoxide to calculate the heat of formation of carbon monoxide from the elements. Direct measurement of this heat cannot be made with satisfactory accuracy. Such applications of the lam are both correct and valuable. New types of thermal measurement have been developed since Hess's time and they require a more careful statement and a more careful use of Hess's law than seems apparent in several popular American textbooks. In particular, bomb calorimetry and the investigation of reversible reactions have extended the whole basis of thermochemistry. In one current book, we find the statement: "In any series of rhemical or physical changes the total heat effect is independent of the path by which the system goes from its initial to its final state." Were the xvord "energy" substituted for "heat," the statement would be correct. As given it is wrong. In another book, we read: "The heat change in a chemical reaction is the same whether it takes place in one or in several stages. This means that the net heat of reaction depends only on the initial and final states and not on the intermediate stages through which the system passes." The use of the word "heat" makes the statement false. The net heat of reaction depends not only on the initial and final states of a system but also on the intermediate stages. Serious contradictions arise a t once if one applies the versions of Hess's law quoted above. These are typical of what one can read in a great many present-day books. There are exceptions, of course. The statement in Taylor and Glasstone's "Treatise on Physical Chemistry" is correctS and so is the clear statement in Macdougall's "Thermodynamics and Chemistry."' Suppose one tries to apply the familiar form of Hess's law to the synthesis of water. 2Hdg.) f Odg.) = 2H2O(g.)

When carried out in an open vessel, the heat of reaction a t 100°C. is 116,210 ca1.6 for every two mols of water formed, the starting materials and the product all beine eases a t 1 atm. Dressure. The "law" tells us that 'TAYLOR, H. S., AND S. GLASSTONE, "Treatise on Physical Chemistry," 3rd ed., D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New York, 1942,Vol. 1. * MACD~UGALL, F. H., "Thermodynamics and Chemistry," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1939. "Elementsry Physical 6 T ~ nH.~ S., ~ AND , H. A. TAYLOR, Chemistry," D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New York, 1942, p. 72.



if we start with two mols of hydrogen and one of oxygen, all a t 100° and 1 atm. and end with two mols of steam a t 100' and 1 atm., a very definite amount of heat will be released. I t is not so. We may prefer to effect the combination in any of many other ways. Two particular paths, in addition to the constant pressure combinat.ion, may be represented diagrammatically as follows:


Path A: 2 mols of H2, loo", 1 atm. 1 mol of 0 3 , looo, 1 atm.


in bomb oalorimeter

eompression 2 mols of steam, loo', 2/3 atm. 2 mols of steam, 1W0, 1 rttm.



Path R : 2 mols oI Hs, loo", 1 atm. compression, 1 mol of 01,l W D ,1 atm. 2 mola of Hg,loo", 3/2 atm. {l mol of On, lWo, 3/2 atm. 2 mols of steam, 1W0, 1 atm.

I n neither of these cases will the amount of heat evolved add up to 116,210 cal. For the sake of simplicity, we assume that hydrogen and oxygen and steam are all ideal gases a t 100'. The assumption of ideal gas behavior means that the same amount of heat will be liberated in the bomb calorimeter reaction along path A as along path B, the internal energy of the gases being independent of the pressure. Let us designate this heat as Qv. The value of Qv may be derived in the following way. For the constant pressure reaction, o = AE+PAV,

where q is the heat evolved, AE is the decrease in "internal energy" ("chemical energy"), P is the pressure, and AV the volume decrease accompanying the reaction. In the bomb reaction no mechanical energy is received or contributed by the hydrogen-oxygen system, so that the heat of reaction will be AE. cal.

In addition to Qv,the heat of compressing 2 mols of a n ideal gas from 2/3 atm. to 1 atm. will be liberated along path A and the heat of compressing 3 mols of gas from 1 atm. t o 3/2 atm. will be liberated along path B. The total heat evolved along the two paths then will be (ideally) Path A: Qu

1 + 2 RT In = 115,470 + 600 = 116,070 eal. 2/3

Path R: Qu

+ 3 RT In 3/2



+ 900 = 116,370 cal.

We may contrast these figures with the heat liberated in the constant pressure process, namely, 116,210 cal. Depending entirely on the path, therefore, one might observe any one of a great many values for the heat of formation of steam at 1OO0, the steam having the same final pressnre as the hydrogen and oxygen initially. An even more impressive difference in the heat of formation of steam. would be observed if the hydrogen and oxygen were allowed to combine at the electrodes of a reversible electrochemical cell. Some of the energy

of the combination would appear as electrical energy and the heat of synthesis of the water would be considerably less than in the irreversible combination. Actually the heat of formation in the reversible process a t 1 atm. pressure would be about 8600 cal., a figure quite different from the others given above. It is apparent that the common form of Hess's law applies to the type of experiment carried out by Hess. I t is wrong to state the law without such qualification. While the language is not that of the original, one might preserve the accuracy of Hess's law and indeed its spirit by stating that the internal energy change accompanying a chemical reaction is independent of the path and depends only on the initial and final states. I t is usual to introduce Hess's law in the freshman chemistry course and there arises the problem of presei.ting the law in a form that is both simple and correct. We can hardly do better than quote Taylor's statemenl of Hess's law as a solution to the problem (ref. 3). "The heat evolved in any chemical reaction at either constant pressure or constant volume is independent of the manner in u~hich the reaction is achieved, whether in one or many steps."' To the student who may inquire as to the reason for the restriction "at constant pressure or constant volume," it may be pointed out that in chemical reactions not only is "chemical energy" converted into heat' but L'mechanicalenergy" may be converted as well. Two terms, namely, AE and W together determine q, not one alone. Only if the amount of mechanical work is made definite can the sum of the internal energy change plus the mechanical energy change, which together determine the heat evolution, be specified. At constant volume or at constant pressure the total mechanical work converted to heat is definite, so the total heat effect will have a fixed magnitude. At constant volume, regardless of the steps, the total conversion of m e c h ~ i c work ~ l into heat is hero while at constant pressure, regardless of the steps, the total conversion of mechanical work into heat is P A V . These statements apply provided there are no frictional or other constraints on the system which would lead to the degradation of mechanical, electrical, and similar forms of energy to heat. In the presence of such constraints degradation to heat may occur with an accompanying alteration in the total heat effect. If Hess's law is to be discussed at all, it should be given in correct form. In the process of presenting the law it ~vouldseem appropriate to mention the fact that changes in mechanical and electrical energy may occur incidentally in chemical reactions. These changes superimposed on the changes in internal or chemical energy determine the heat effects. The latter changes are themselves, as a rule, not sufficient to determine the magnitude of the observed heat evolution. 6 Actually this statement stands in need of the further restriction that no other constraint is imposed on the system, as exolained below. I'ois~hly into other kind.- of mrryv dq,wJinp: on th? rcpenmcnnl r i n w t ~ ~ l r ~ usurrounding cr. t l w n>ucriou.
