a compact, low-cost

Here's a brand new instrument engineered specif- ically for its job of indicating and transmitting tem- perature. The M/44 Indicating Temperature Tran...
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a compact, low-cost INDICATING TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER engineered for fast, sensitive response under roughest field conditions — uses a n y filled t h e r m a l system. Here's a brand new instrument engineered specifically for its job of indicating and transmitting temperature. The M/44 Indicating Temperature Transmitter offers the inherent simplicity of a motion balance instrument. Compact and lightweight (10 lbs.) its indicating scale and fluorescent red pointer are visible up to 20 feet a w a y . The output pressuré of the M/44 is transmitted to any remote 3-15 psi recorder^ controller, or indicator. The M/44 is m a d e with standard performanceproved Foxboro components, simply and conveniently arranged in a weather proof steel case. Changing range or type of thermal system can easily be done in your own plant. Thanks to its rugged construction, the new M/44 is unaffected by vibration, sudden shock, or corrosive atmosphere. Even in the event of air supply failure, this instrument continues to indicate process temperature. Ask your Foxboro Field Engineer about this new instrument. Or write for Bulletin 456-20A, The Foxboro Company, 405 Neponset Ave., Foxboro, Mass. green area is actual size silhouette of the new M/44

CHOICE OF THERMAL SYSTEMS Foxboro M/44 Transmitters are available with any filled thermal system. These classes are suggested for particular range characteristics:

Class IA & IB Liquid Expansion ( - 2 5 0 ° to +600° F) Good response, good sensitivity, uniform scale. Uses smallest bulb of any filled thermal system.

Class II Vapor Pressure (100° to 600°F) Lowest cost, fastest response, highest sensitivity. Recommended for all installations within this range except when the measured temperature crosses ambient temperature.

Class HI Gas Pressure (—450° to +1000° F) Applicable to ranges beyond the limits of other filled systems. Uniform scale. Bulb has long sensitive section; permits useful averaging measurements.




VOL. 50, NO. 5


MAY 1958

45 A