A Computer Display of Multicomponent Fractional Distillation Curves

Journal of Chemical Education. Advanced .... A Computer Display of Multicomponent Fractional Distillation Curves. Daniel M. ... Computer Series. View:...
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to select one of several control options: display figure on screen, plot hard copy on the plotter with or without user supplied titles and notation, choose pen color, enter new function code or exit from program. After the screen display or hard copy plot is completed, program control returns to the menu and the user may change input parameten and/or select a new control option. This is written - ~ - oromam -~~~ in EXTENDED BASIC-PLUS for execution on a PDP 11/70 minicomputer, operating under Version VO6C-03 of the RSTSfE time-sharine svstem. and l HP driving a Hewlett-Packard 2647A Graphics ~ e r k i n aand 9872A Graohics Plotter. The oroeram . .. contains 240 multistatrment lines (most of which contain comments) as well as 70 numbered comment liner: and reuuirrs 11K 16-bit words plus one temporary disk data file. ~bcumentationincludes a copy of the listing, of the user's guide provided to students, several sample plots and a discussion of the HP-graphicshardware-dependent statements to assist conversion to other graphics systems. This documentation package is available tipun request. Please includr a self-addressed, stamped ( 3 oz) 9-x 12 envelope. L








A Computer Display of Multicomponent Fractional Distillation Curves Thomas M. Matvlya and Danfel M. Downey West Virginia University Morgantown. WV 26506 One of the problems of teaching fractional distillation is the difficulty of presenting meaningful data plots such as are found for chromatography and countercurrent extraction. It is common to find distillation described with Clausins-Claoevron s temoerature versus comoosition diamams. . . ..m a.~ h and hut these fnll short of nn ndequatr depictim of the frsrtiunal distillation orocess. It is more nvrthwhile to dot the ww,riutd still-pot c&npositions as a function of