A computer model of an enzyme - Journal of Chemical Education

Aug 1, 1972 - A BASIC program has been developed that allows students to determine the characteristics of a model enzyme...
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A Computer Model of an Enzyme A compnter program has been developed that allows a student t o determine the characteristics of a model enzyme. This is done by entering various parametem and obtaining the activity of the enzyme under the stated conditions The student mav determine PH and temoerature ootimums, stability as a function of tlme, effect of an inhibitor, type of inhibition, K,, V,., and KI. The model obeys ideal Miehaelis-Menten kinetics. We have found it usefol t o compare this behavior t o that of real enzymes (e.g., alkaline phosphatttase) that are soppased to obey this type of kinetic analysis. The program is written in BASIC and is designed for use on a time-sharing system. A complete copy is available from the author on request. WALTERA. WOLF



Journol o f Chemicol Fducofion