A computer program for calculating the magnetic moment of ions

A Fortran IVcomputer program has been written that will calculate the effective magnetic moments of ions from their Russell-Saunders ground-state term...
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A Computer Program for Calculating the Magnetic Moments of Ions A Fortran I V computer program has been written that will eillculste the efieetive magnetic moments of ions from their Russell-Saunders ground-state t e r m by the "spin-only," the "orbital and s.~ i n. . "and the total anaular momentum methods.' The Droaram is xisotable to remote . terminal use. The moeram is convenient to use when a. series of moments is needed. The cdcleolated mo-

upon request. MUL LAY, L. N., "MagneticSuseeptibility," John Wiley 61 Sons, Inc., New York, 1963, p. 1772.



Journal of Chemical Education