A computer program for the interpretation of second-order kinetics

A computer program for the interpretation of second-order kinetics data. Edwin E. Hach Jr. J. Chem. Educ. , 1977, 54 (6), p 386. DOI: 10.1021/ed054p38...
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A Computer Program for the Interpretation of Second-Order Kinetics Data I'HOC.HA41 HKIN H.4SIC. I50~mtcments, transportability probable; student run HSI'S Eimplen~rntarion:c~rc~~tion rrquirri dK II)EC 1'111' 1 1 10, 112K. ifi-hrr uordsl. An interacti\e program has bren wltren to inwrpret dntn f*>rn second-order kinetics system. It was designed for and has been used extensively in a physical chemistry laboratory course.The reaction may be run with the reactants present in either stoichiometric or nonstoichiometrie amounts. If kinetic data is available a t three or more temperatures selected activation parameters may be obtained. The program may be used for the comoutation of the activation oarameters alone. Available outout includes the rate constant a t each temverature alone with the frequency factor and the experimental activation energy if sufficient data is provided. Also output are the form of the second-order equation used, the slope and intercept of the LLS fit of the seeond-order equation and tables of data suitabls for nmstrurtmg second-order plotsat each temperature. Card decks or mngnetir wpe Itstings xill no1 he supplied. A listing uf the program. suffirient dmmwntarion and sample ourput mnv he ohtamed on requev a; fullmri: send a self addrcased 9 X 12 in. emelope hearing SO26 p