A conductimetric-potentiometric titration for an advanced laboratory

Aug 1, 1981 - Lois C. Rosenthal and Lawrence C. Nathan. J. Chem. Educ. , 1981, 58 (8), p 656. DOI: 10.1021/ed058p656. Publication Date: August 1981 ...
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A Conductimetric-Potentiometric Titration for an Advanced Laboratory Lois C. Rosenthal and Lawrence C. Nathan University of Santa Clara. Santa Clara, CA 95053 We desrrilw here an experiment for physical chemistry or instrumental analvsis lahoratorv in which the t i t r a t i o n of glycine hylrochlo;ide w i t h stanriard sodium hydroxide is simultaneously followed w i t h conductimetric and polentiometric measurements. Coml~inationol'the two measurements all,,ws the calculation of more information ahout the glycine system than is availahle from either method ahme. Only standard lahoratorv instrumenl.atim is recluired. and design d t h e experiment provides the instructor crmsideral~leflexiI ~ i l i t yfor implrmenl;ltion. I n aqrwous solution, the amino a r i d glycine exists i n three l'orms: the I'uIIy ~,nrtunatt.d dil,asic I'orm. +NH:tCH2('00H: the m