A convenient and easily handled source of sodium

PEORIA, ILLINOIS. 61604. 'A product of the J. T. Baker Chemicsl Co., Phillipsburg, N.J. Mention of firmnames or trade products is for identification o...
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A Convenient and Easily Handled Source of Sodium A commercially available granular sodium-lead alloy, "dri-Na,"' is a convenient and moderately safe source of metallic sodium. It is easy to handle and weigh and gives reproducible results. I t contains approximately 8.8% metallic sodium and is reasonebly stable in air. Only 11y0of the sodium had decomposed in 8. 13-month-old bottle which h d been opened and closed repeatedly. If dri-Ne, is accidentally dropped into water it sinks to the bottom, As a result ignition of the hydrogen gas formed by the decomposing sodium is minimized. NORTEERN REGIONAL RESEARCH LABORATORY AGRICULTURAL RFISEARCR SERVICE US.DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE 61604 PEORIA,ILLINOIS


'A product of the J. T. Baker Chemicsl Co., Phillipsburg, N.J. Mention of firmnames or trade products is for identification only and does not imply endomment by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

278 / Journal o f Chemical Education