A convenient device for drying microliter syringes - Journal of

A convenient device for drying microliter syringes. Kalavelil M. Koshy. J. Chem. Educ. , 1975, 52 (6), p 395. DOI: 10.1021/ed052p395.2. Publication Da...
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A Convenient Device for Drying Microliter Syringes It is a common practice to let air he drawn through the barrels of microliter syringes to remove the residues of the solvent used for cleaning the syringes, espeTUB~NC eiallv when drying them in an ove~risimpracticable. We have found the following -70 VACUUM device very handyffor this purpose. A short piece (about 3 in. in length) of standard wall glass tubing of 13 or 14 mm i.d. is inserted through a hole drilled in a rubber cork of suitable size to fit a 500-ml filtration flask. A -34 serum cap is fitted at the end of the glass tubing. The side tube of the filtration flask is connected to a water aspirator or any other source of vacuum. Far drying the syringe, after removing the plunger (which can be wiped dry), the needle is inserted into the serum cap and the vacuum turned on. The air flowing through the banel completely removes the residues of commonly used organic solvents in 2-3 min. University of Saskatchewan

Saskatoon, Canada

Volume 52, Number 6, June 1975 / 395