A crossword puzzle of chemical history

A plant employing nature's own. 36. American Standards Association. 15. Met,al discovered in 1917 by Hahn. Haber process. 3i. An adult sexually mature...
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Across Author of ''Sunto" distributed at Karlsl'uhe in 18" 15. Met,al discovered in 1917 by Hahn and Meitner 17. Wohler's synthesis 18. Metal represented by Jupiter (alchemy) 19.ESalt crystallizing on the stakes beneath a draining trough of salt

20. Alkeli dement isolated In. Sit. 1~1umphr.vDavy 21. Inventor of the mass apeetmgrrph 23. A plant employing nature's own Haber process 24. Any performance in which the performer has no partner or a s x i a t e 26. Source of acetic acid 27. Early use for hydrocarbons 28. Any device used to measure a physic d quality 144


34. 36. 3i. 38. 40. 41. 44. 46.

Metal discover~dhv s~ectmpraphic methods by ~ichtet;in 18i3 State of being absent American Standards Association An adult sexually mature insect Boyle's first name Metal named h p Klaproth in 1708 Figure formed h,v two intersecting planes -4 speck Improper use

MARCH, 1955 Trade name for a detergent Maleria Prima according to Prout One of the rare-earth metals Narrates Freezing point of water Beverages produced by "top fermentation" of malt liquor To corrode a metal such as by an acid or by oxygen Suffix indicating superlative of an adjective Asiatic unit of length Secondary arnine in which two hydrogen atoms are replaced hy a bivalent radical A college professorship in chemistry A strip or pillar of ore left t o support a. working g d e r y in a mine Invites Founded a system of chemical ~hilosophvwhioh was later discredited An edible shrub of Japan and China He nublished the first e. m. f. series Amember fastening parts together and receiving tensile stress A pronoun A lump of melted glass A small island captured from Japan in World War I1 SO. The man who preceded Wohler in study a t the home and laboratory of Berzelius King of Rashan (Biblical) To apportion A wheeled vehicle First person to distinguish between vegetable and mineral chemistry Metal discovered in 1803 by Tennant in the residue left when crude platinum was dissolved in aqua regia The man who discovered oxygen A rare inert gas A beast of burden in South America The heaviest known element Damp Affirmative Natural storage reservoir for casein An impervious layer whioh is used to prevent oxidation of iron M e t d of the manganese family supposedly discovered in 1924 Metal discovered in 1817 by Bereelius Another metal of the manganese family discovered in 1924 Compounds formed by the replaeement of the acid hydrogen of acids by hydrocarbon radicals A dye obtained by the action of bromine on fluorescein Prefix indicating the presence of an NO, group Unit of measurement in gravimetric analysis A vertical pole He made the first scientific ohservation of osmosis A metal of the rareearth group Soaks in water Unit of volumetric analysis Williamson's synthesis

145 Organic suhntances which catalyze the process of digestion Negative Element whose atomic number is 85 A white poisanaus protein in the castor bean A negatively charged particle Attrihuted to low molecular weight fatty acids Formulator of the law dealing with the effect of temperature on gases Father of electrochemistry in Ameriea Tool used in quantitative analysis Down A salt of sulfuric acid Prepared a type of cell used in measuring osmotic pressure A type of insect which transmits yellow fever Fastened A word coined by Richter The lightest alkali metal Insects whioh produce formic arid Without foresight Smallest parts of an element An inert gtls Metal used by Volta in the construction of the pile A French alchemist who claimed to have found the philosopher's stone Investigated by Mme. Curie Suffix indicating that a substance is a carbohydrate Element named by Mme. Curie for her native country Indiscriminate of kind Payment as the price of protection h'onprecious metal known t o ancient people Want Bt~sisof the German dye industry Metal whose oxide is used in the manufacture of white pigments Organs irritated by mercaptan compounds Type of acid Most sdvantagwus College administrative officer supervising a school Suffix used in forming the names of enzyme8 Suffix denoting an alcohol Geoffroy showed this metal to be distinct from lead in 1753 Lavoisier's name for nitrogen Orean of hearing

this topic Bird of the cuckoo family Exists Sir Humphry Davy proved that there was no ovveen - - in this element Road A knot -4 prefix signifying "away from"

Collaborated with Frankland in the discovery of certain lines in the ~peetraof the sun which they attributed to an unknown substance which they called helium A part of the "quintessence" Egyptian goddez~ Covered u-ith small figures A precious metal Beraelius used this compound to explain dualism Metal used as a catalyst for dehydrogenation Form of "to he" Silliman that founded the firat truly scientific journal in the United States Senseless A special section of the periodic table is set aside for this t .v.~ of e ewth metals Food prepared from the taro root A noun suffix indicating the diminutive Cereal grain whose hulk are used in the manufacture of furfural A quantity of matter Second most abundant element on the earth A baby carriage Author of "Fameus Chemists" Portion of a radio set that receives impulses Famous for mrmiium of human patience applied to quantitative analysis Swards Fliehtless bird In That manner Not permitted (abbreviation) Electrical unit named after a Cerman physicist (1787-1854) Suffix used for sdts formed f ~ o m acids ending in ic Element having a positive valence Unit of weight A rare-earth metal Factor sometimes present in the blood A type of flower Toward Experimented with X-ray diffrae tlon A printer's measure Suffix indicating an animal First name of movie actress whose name u7as given to the self-inRating life jacket Element first prepared by Berzelius in 1823 A charged particle A precious metal Element discovered in 1802 by Eckeberg hletal prepared by Davy in 1808 A suffix denoting that the element is present in its highest valence Obstetrics Alkalineearth material fint isolated hy Davy in 1808 ~


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