A cyclic reaction scheme illustrating carbohydrate metabolism

A cyclic reaction scheme illustrating carbohydrate metabolism. V. R. Potter, and C. A. Elvehjem. J. Chem. Educ. , 1938, 15 (2), p 89. DOI: 10.1021/ed0...
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University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin


HE accompanying scheme illustrating carbohydrate metabolism was first worked out to illustrate graphically the reactions involved in muscle contraction. Later the oxidative reactions and the possible path of glycogen synthesis were added. It is believed that the resulting scheme represents an integrated concept of carbohydrate metabolism which is based on well-founded experimental data and which should be of interest to both students and teachers of biochemistry. This is particularly true because of the fact that the bulk of the confirmatory data is in jour-


Published with the permission of the Director of the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station.

nals not generally available. Also, the reactions are of greatest significance when seen in relation to the scheme as a whole. In this connection it seems worth while to mention that an important feature of the scheme is its cyclu nature. Portions of this scheme can be found in the literature in the form of reactions proceeding in stages. The use of a cyclic scheme emphasizes the dynamic aspect of the system. Broadly speaking, the main reaction may be said to consist of the transfer of phosphate from phosphocreatine to glycogen by means of the intermediary breakdown and resynthesis of adenosine triphosphate. The bexose diphosphate thus formed breaks down to lactic

acid under anaerobic conditions. The phosphate liherated during this process is used for the resynthesis of phosphocreatine through the adenosine triphosphate system, and in the presence of air, the oxidative mechanisms furnish energy for the resynthesis of glycogen. It is readily seen that phosphate transfer is a dominant feature of the scheme, and that for all phosphorylations and de-phosphorylations we have the adenosine triphosphate-adenylic acid system acting as the phosphate donator and acceptor. In 1925 muscle contraction was explained quite simply in terms of glycogen hreakdown to lactic acid. However, in 1927 the Eggletons (1) reported the finding of

of phosphopyruvic acid while creatine is not needed for this reaction. Adenosine triphosphate is needed for the phosphorylation of creatine and phosphopyruvic acid is not needed here. This point is illustrated quite clearly in the chart. Very recently Lehmann and Needham (10) have published a paper showing the nature of the reactions in which creatine and glycogen compete for the phosphate which comes from phosphopyruvic acid via adenylic acid, and have found that pH is probably the governing factor. Some inorganic phosphate may he esterified without passing through adenylic acid, but the importance of this reaction is still questionable.

"phosphagen" in muscle, and this was shown to be phospho-creatine by Fiske and Suhharow ( 2 ) . Lohmann (3) isolated adenosine triphosphate from muscle in 1929 and two years later Meyerhof and Lohmann (4) suggested that the r81e of the compound as coenzyme in muscle glycolysis consists in the initial esterification of carbohydrate by the labile phosphoric acid groups, the triphosphate being resynthesized a t a later stage in the carbohydrate breakdown. I n 1934 Lobmann (5) showed that the splitting of phosphocreatine in dialyzed muscle extracts takes place only i n the presence of adenylic acid, which is simultaneously converted into adenosine triphosphate. The reverse Lohrnann reaction, i. e., the resynthesis of phosphocreatiue from creatine and adenosine triphosphate, has been demonstrated by Meyerhof and Lohmann (63,Lehmann (7), and by Needham and van Heyningen (8). The above papers, together with a report by Ostem et al. (9),indicated that phosphopyrnvic acid served as the source of phosphate in the reverse Lohmaun reaction. Adenylic acid appears to be necessary for the dephosphorylation

In 1933 Embden, Deuticke, and Kraft (11) proposed a scheme of glycogen breakdown in which hexose diphosphate formed 8-phosphoglyceric acid and aphosphoglycerol as shown in the figure. According to Emhden, the phosphoglyceric acid formed pyrnvic acid. which was then reduced to lactic acid by a-phosphoglycerol, which was thus oxidized hack to triosephosphate (phosphoglyceraldehyde and phosphodihydroxy acetone). This reduction of pyruvic acid has been well supported by experimental data, hut it is shown in dotted lines on the chart because it is perhaps quantitatively less important than the reduction of pyruvic acid by triosephosphate as shown by Meyerhof and Kiessliug (12, 13). I n the latter reaction


phosphoglyceraldehyde pyruvic acid acid lactic acid



The phosphoglyceric acid then rearranges to yield more pyruvic acid and thus the main path of glycogen breakdown probably proceeds as indicated. The Emhden-

Meyerhof scheme does not include methylglyoxal, but i t would seem that this substance may still have a significant r61e in lactic acid formation even though it has been shown that lactic acid can be formed by another mechanism. There are indications that not all tissues form lactic acid via phosphorylated intermediates, and that in those which utilize glucose without phosphates methylglyoxal is involved (see Geiger (14)). In the presence of oxygen, lactic acid is oxidized to pyruvic acid. It has been known for many years that lactic acid could be converted to glycogen nnder aSrobic conditions in which a part of the lactic acid was oxidized to furnish energy for the synthetic reaction. Elliott and Schroeder (15), and Elliott, Benoy, and Baker (16) have proposed a series of reactions which can be presented as shown in the chart nnder "oxidation mechanisms." A similar series of reactions was previously described by Hahn (17) for muscle tissue. It should be noted that in the oxidative cycle, two molecules of pyrnvic acid begin the reaction and one is formed again a t the completion of the cycle. The quantitative relations and the extent to which the reversible systems function as hydrogen camers is still unsettled. Szent-Gyorgyi et al. (18) consider the fumarate system to be an important hydrogen carrier, and there is evidence to show that only a small part of the oxalacetate is decarbxylated (19). The possibility that oxalacetate and lactate react to form pyru-

vate and malate should also be mentioned (19). The chart shows only the main paths of breakdown. As far as the anthors are aware, no one has postulated the scheme for glycogen synthesis which is shown in the chart. The evidence in favor of it is worth considering, however. Vou Euler and Giinther (20) obtained carbohydrate synthesis in nvitro from both lactic and pyruvic acids, using liver slices from fasted rats. The in nvivo reaction bas, of course, been known for many years. Meyerhof and Kiessling (21) have shown that ci-phosphoglyceric acid, (3-phosphoglyceric acid, and phosphoenol-pyruvic acid exist as an equilibrium mixture in muscle extract, and the conversions are completely reversible. Thus phosphopyrnvic acid would be converted to (3-phosphoglycericacid if the latter were removed as fast as it was formed. The phosphorylation of pyruvic acid has not as yet been demonstrated. The course of the reaction may well be determined by the oxygen tension and pH. The authors do not believe that a reaction scheme of this type must represent the ultimate truth regarding the mechanisms involved in order to justify its existence. As soon as new data are found the scheme can be modified accordingly. Meanwhile, the scheme gives a concise and integrated picture of the probable reaction paths. It should be mentioned that all of the compounds shown have been isolated, and in many cases synthesized and substituted into the postulated reaction.


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