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The essential role of a mobile alkali in catalyzing steam oxidation of carbon is stressed, .... RESEARCH RESULTS SERVICE,l&EC. 1155 Sixteenth Street,N...
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Catalysts and Catalytic Processes in the Steam Reforming of Naphtha. T h e relation between

Role of Coupling in Nonisothermal Diffusion.

Experimental Sinfering Studies of Iron Pyrites.

A method of analysis developed for multicom-

Low grade iron pyrites concentrate can be sintered to yield a gas containing a reasonable concentration of SO2 for acid making. Design information is presented.

catalyst formulation and performance is outlined. T h e essential role of a mobile alkali in catalyzing steam oxidation of carbon is stressed, and use of Kalsilite as a reservoir of available alkali is described.

ponent gas absorption accompanied by effect of heat of solution is used to illustrate interactions of coupled fluxes in the ammonia-water system and in a hypothetical quinary system.

Sydney P. S. Andrew, Imperial Chemical Industries, Billingham, England

of Pittsburgh.

9 pages (1 figure)

Ms. 5 9 - 5 7 I&EC Subscribers $2.00

George B. DeLancey and S. H . Chiang, University

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Performance of Various Sulfurized Catalysts Used in Hydrotreatment of Petroleum Distillates. Shows how it is possible to select the

most suitable catalyst for a given transformation in hydrotreatment of a petroleum fraction. Practical examples illustrate the bifunctional role of the hydrotreating catalysts.

S. P. Ahuja, M . Derrien, and J . F. LePage, Institut Francais du Petrole, Malmaison, France Ms. 6 9 - 7 9 (in French)

3 6 pages ( 9 figures, 7 tables) I&EC Subscribers $8.00 Nonsubscribers $ 1 6.00

Polymerization of Precipitating Media.



Polymerization by oxidative condensation in both pyridine and pyridinemethanol mixtures is first order with respect to the CuCl catalyst. Low molecular weights of polymers formed in methanol-containing solvents are raised on heating.

B. W. Brooks, Loughborough University of Technology, Leicestershire, England Ms. 69-1 17 1 2 pages (2 figures, 2 tables) I&EC Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

flux of gaseous propene and propane through polyethylene exhibits a minimum near the condensation temperature. T h e phenomenon is explained qualitatively as resulting from a coupling of reaction and diffusion within the membrane.

John A. Howell, State University of iVew York at Buffalo, and Dorodame M . Leitao, Uniuersidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

MS.6 9 - 8 5 I&EC Subscribers $6.00

Unique fluid-particle agitated bed overcomes many inherent limitations of both fluid and spouted beds. Minimum air mass flow rate for maintaining spouting or fluidizing is lower than when entire bed is only spouted or fluidized.

For countercurrent leaching under equilibrium conditions, stepwise calculation of stage concentrations is simplest, no matter how the underflow varies with concentration. A theory based on the influence of surface tension of miscella is proposed for oil seed extraction.

E. Olesen, Aarhus Oliefabrik A / A , Denmark Ms. 69-1 1 9 14 pages ( 3 figures, 4 tables) l&EC subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

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Distillate Fuels.

Describes a new method for measuring freezing point of distillate fuels which is simple enough for routine use and much more precise than the cloud point procedure.

A . K . Roebuck and B. L. Ezering, American Oil Company

Ms. 69-121 25 pages ( 7 figures, 6 tables) l&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $12.00

Discusses several continuous reactor systems for the process and describes a pilot plant with two continuous stirred tank reactors in cascade. Economic evaluation shows process may be superior to other synthetic glycerol processes, provided by-products can be sold.

G. van Ling, A . J . Driessen, A . C. Pzet, and J . C. Vlugter, Technological Unzuersity “Twente,” Enschede, The Netherlands. Ms. 69-1 2 2

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High activity of catalysts is modified by aromatic hydrocarbons and metal chlorides so that first products of alkylation are not altered by subsequent isomerization, disproportionation, hydrogen transfer, and cracking. Inhibitor appears to act through control of acidity.

RESEARCH RESULTS SERVICE, l&EC 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036

A . Chatterjee, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay


Isobutane-Olefin Alkylation Aluminum Chloride Catalysts.

2 4 pages ( 1 0 figures) Nonsubscribers $1 2.00

Spout-Fluid Bed Technique.


3 0 pages (5 flgures, 1 table) l&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $1 2.00

Continuous Production of Glycerol by Catalytic High Pressure Hydrogenolysis of Sucrose. Calculating Theoretical Stages and Concentrations in Countercurrent liquid-Solid Extraction.

Permeation of Propane and Propylene Through Polyethylene at Reduced Temperatures. The

Peter B. Linkson, Cniuersity of Sydney, Auslralia Ms. 69-1 2 0



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Optimum yields of 58 g of acid per 100 g of arabinogalactan were obtained, with three hours heating a t 93 O C starting with 00% HNOa. Cost estimates for raw materials for commercial production are included.

Mucic Acid from Arabinogalactan.

George T . Austin, Washington State University

Ms. 69-1 2 4

17 pages (5figures, 1 table) l&EC Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

Effect of Interfacial Mobility of Mass Transfer in Gas-liquid Systems. Surfactants reduce transfer

rates either by forming a diffusive barrier or by hydrodynamically damping circulation cells. The lateral mobility of the surface is important only when these cells are driven by surface tension gradients.

D. W. Thompson, Shell Development Compag Ms. 69-1 3 2 1 9 pages ( 2 figures, 5 tables) I&EC Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

Second Virial Coefficients of Nonpolar Mixtures by Kihara Core Potential. Macroscopic relation-

ships consistent with a three-parameter theorem of corresponding states permit calculation of second virial coefficients from Kihara core expressions to within accuracy of experimental data for a wide range of nonpolar mixtures, including mixtures containing dissimilar components.

Holdup and Mass Transfer in Bubble Columns Containing Screen Cylinders. Results show that

Larry I. Eisenman and Leonard I. Stiel, Syracuse University

B. H . Chen and R. Vallabh, Nova Scotia Technical College, Halifax

Ms. 69-1 2 6 3 7 pages (5figures, 5 tables) I&EC Subscribers $8.00 Nonsubscribers $1 6.00

Ms. 69-1 33 25 pages ( 9 figures, 2 tables) I&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $1 2.00

Hydrogenolyris of n-Butane on Supported Ruthenium. The order with respect to hydrogen

and butane was -1.34 and 0.91, respectively; the activation energy 48.1 kcal/mole. All carbon-carbon bonds crack a t an equal rate. Propane and ethane crack approximately 3- and 100-fold slower than n-butane.

J . C. Kempling and R. B. Anderson, McMaster University, Hamzlton, Canada

Ms. 69-1 2 7

20 pages (6figures, 1 table) l&EC Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

On the Method of Successive Approximations for Population Balance Equations. Convergence

and uniqueness have been established. Calculations for a microbial population multiplying by binary fission illustrate the method in “growth” and “fission” processes in any particulate system.

Sok Moon Yoon and Dairo Kunii, University of Tokyo, Japan Ms. 69-1 28 2 6 pages (6figures, 1 table) I&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $1 2.00



D . Ramkrishna, A . G. Fredrickson, and H . M . Tsuchiya, University of Minnesota MS.69-1 3 8 2 6 pages (2 figures) l&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $1 2.00

Gas Flow and Pressure Drop Through Moving Beds. Flow characteristics of air were observed,

and longitudinal pressure gradient was determined by slip velocity of gas relative to descending solids. Gas flowing into bed from hopper plays an important role in mass balance at gas outlet.

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addition of screen cylinders to a conventional bubble column can greatly increase gas holdup and overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient, significantly reduce liquid surface fluctuation, and considerably enlarge the range of gas flow.

Thermodynamics of Solid Solubility in Cryogenic Solvents. Presents a framework which

makes it possible to estimate solubilities with sufficient accuracy for most design purposes. Methods discussed are applicable to single and mixed solvents.

Haws washes accidents awav

G. T . Preston and J . M . Prausnitr, University of California, Berkeley Ms. 69-1 40 2 8 pages (8 figures, 7 tables) I&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $1 2.00

Optimal Thermal Design of an Autothermal Ammonia Synthesis Reactor. 11. Estimates in-

terprocess transfer price of heat, and presents solutions to the maximum-profit problem, with results presented parametrically for various values of the upper limit of heat transfer and the transfer prices. Defines regions where simplification is valid.

lated from isobaric vapor-liquid equilibrium data and heat of mixing of liquid phase, it demonstrates an extension of x-y-t data to obtain the diagram by using thermodynamic equations.

H. L. Roberts, A . Murase, and A . 0. Converse,

Luh C. Tao, University of Nebraska

Dartmouth College.

Enthalpy-Concentration Diagram of N-Heptane and Benzene System at 760 mm. Hg. Calcu-

Ms. 69-1 29

MS.69-141 I&EC Subscribers $2.00

Method of Estimation for Standard Heats and Free Energies of Formation. Proposes a simple

Variation of liquid Diffusion Coefficients with Composition. 1. Binary Systems. Proposes a

expression for rapid estimation. Two constants characterize the anion and cation, and values are accurate to +15 kcal for oxyacid salts and to +10 kcal for carboxylates.

modification of the Vignes equation which accounts for solution viscosity. Comparison with data for a large number of systems shows the modification improves predictability.

M y Le Van, Centre de Miaocalorimetrie et de Thermochimze, C.N.R.S., Marseille

John Lej7er and Harry T . Cullinan, Jr., State University of N e w York at Buffalo

MS.69-1 31 9 pages (2 figurer, 5 tables) I&EC Subscribers $2.00 Nonsubscribers $4.00

Ms. 69-1 4 4 36 pages (1 7 figures, 1 table) I&EC Subscribers $8.00 Nonsubscribers $ 1 6.00

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VOL. 6 1



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Variation of L i q u i d D i f f u s i o n C o e f f l c i e n t r with Composition. II. D i l u t e T e r n a r y S y s t e m s .

Extends modified Vignes equation to dilute ternary systems. Reports experimental results, which are also used with previous data to test the theory. Agreement is generally good.


John Lefler and Harry T. Cullinan, Jr., State University of N e w York at Buffalo


Ms. 6 9 - 1 4 5

T e m p e r a t u r e P r o f l l e s in P y r o t e c h n i c D i s s e m i n a tion of A e r o s o l s . This theoretical and experi-

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mental investigation provides new insights into the complex nature of the temperature profile formed during the generation of aerosols by vaporization from pyrotechnic mixtures. A. Wayne Tamarelli, Dejartment of the Army, Edgewood drsenal Ms. 6 9 - 1 4 7

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K i n e t i c s of the T h e r m a l D e c o m p o s i t i o n of T r i s (difluoroamino) f l u o r o m e t h a n e . Thermal decomposition results in the formation of nitrogen, carbon tetrafluoride, and nitrogen trifluoride. The first-order rate constants fit the Arrhenius expression k = 1.36 X 1016 exp(-45,800/RT) sec-1.

Erwin W . Neuvar, Central Research Laboratories, 3 M Comjany


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with increasing ultrasonic intensity. An empirical correlation for predicting such decrease has been developed, and a linear equation for correlating interfacial area data is proposed.

E. C. Chen, Quebec Iron and Titanzum Carporatton, and W. Y . Chon, State Cnzverszty of New York at Buffulo.

Effect of liquid R e c i r c u l a t i o n of G a s A b s o r p t i o n in P a c k e d C o l u m n . Variation in solute concen-

tration a t the bottom is represented by equations for each period of residence time and for recirculation time lag. Establishing an accurate initial condition is difficult, but otherwse agreement between experimental results and theoretical calculations is excellent.

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Effects of U l t r a s o n i c V i b r a t i o n s on D r o p l e t S i z e and I n t e r f a c i a l A r e a of C o n t a c t in a S p r a y Column. Drops \?ere found to decrease in size

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F s t i m a t i o n of l a t e n t H e a t of V a p o r i z a t i o n of M u l t i c o m p o n e n t M i x t u r e s at l o w P r e s s u r e from E x p e r i m e n t a l x-y-t Data. Shows how to predict

enthalpy of coexisting vapor and liquid phases using available x-y-t data and a thermodynamic relationship. Enthalpy values presented form a thermodynamically consistent set of data useful in distillation design calculations. Robert E. Furritor and L u h C. Tao, Uniuercity of Nebraska MS.6 9 - 1 55 I&EC S u b s c r i b e r s $4.00


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