A Deoxyribonuclease of Micrococcus pyogenes - ACS Publications

-1lzcrococcus pyogenes var uurezis was found to release large quantities of a calcium-activated deoxyribonuclease (DSasc) into the culture medium when...
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TABLE VI11 PHYSICAL COSSTANTS AND N Acetyl d e r i v a t i v e of


Calcd. for



i,-Butyriric 131 n .But yr in e 131 ~-Snrv:iline 100 11-Sorvaline 100 I-Sorleuciiie 11% 1 ) - Sorlcucine 112 L-IIeptyliric 108 ~-Heptyliiie 108 i.-Caprylinc IO3 i)-CapryIiIic 105 I.- \.':Lline 168 w\.alinc l(iS k.-.isl)art ic acid 11% r)-ilspartic acid 142 'I -411 inciting points correctctl. acid,

;'~NAI.YSES Allalysr>, '



- 40,O(c) +40,0(c) -35. O(C) +35.0(c) - 20.0(c) +20.0(cii - S.O(d) f- 8 . 0 ( d ) -I- 7 , 5 ( e j - 7.5(cj A 7.5(cj - 7.6(c)

+57. o ( C )



Calclrldterl H