A field study program in analytical chemistry for college seniors

A field study program in analytical chemistry for college seniors. D. L. Langhus, and D. A. Flinchbaugh. J. Chem. Educ. , 1986, 63 (10), p 866. DOI: 1...
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A Field Study Program in

Chemistry for

College Seniors D. L. Langhus Department of Chemistry. Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA

D. A. Flinchbaugh Research Department, Steel Group, Bethlehem Steel Corp., Bethlehem. PA

Concerns relating to the supply prepared~.. and degree of . . ness of r h ~ m i s t required s to meet our nati(;n9sneeds, as well as the increasing costs of education have led to the development of many new cooperative programs between industry and academia. These typically include exchange of person) . coonerative renel between universitv and industrv ( 1 4 .. search programs (5-8); and industrial internships for graduate students (9-11). In some cases. the relationshins involve government funding (4,121. At the undermaduate level. internshin. Dromams are eain. ing in populariiy (9,13-16). Many of these programs require that a student invest up to five years t o earn the BS degree. Providing significant industrial training within a four-year degree program presents serious scheduling problems. ACSapproved colleges and universities have a &imum of elec. tive time available to offer such programs due primarily t o the extensive curricular requirements associated with a combined chemistry and liberal arts program. In addition, simnlv nlacine the student in an industrial settine. while certainiy a plotentially valuable opportunity, do¬ insure that the student will he e x ~ o s e dto the breadth of the industrial experience, nor necessarily enhance a variety of the skills required therein. Moravian College implemented an elective field study program in 1976. The program provides an opportunity for the BS candidate to obtain first-hand experience in his area of interest as a part of his overall liberal arts education. The analytical chemistry program described in this article was developed by Moravian College and Bethlehem Steel personnel in 1980 as one ontion in this field studv nroeram. " The Moravian col{ege Chemistry Department is approved by the American Chemical Society, with four faculty members and approximately eight chemistry majors in each class. Of these, approximately half are offered industrial positions. The remainder attend graduate or professional schools after graduation. The majority of formal coursework is aimed at teaching fundamentals, with some student research possible through the elective Individual Studv Project and Honors progr&ns. Bethlehem's Analytical Chemistry Group is responsible for conducting research and providing service analysis in




Journal of Chemical Education

support of research projects. I t participates in corporate standardization, method development, and training programs. The group is also active in national and international standardization activities, including the American Society for Testing and Materials and the International Standards Organization. This environment makes i t possible for the student to acquire exposure to many different aspects of industrial analytical chemistry during a one-semester course. Overvlew of Program

Students are expected to spend an average of 2% days each week a t Bethlehem Steel Corporation during the first semester of the senior year. Academic credit is earned equivalent to one half of one semester's work. Students pay the normal tuition charges to the College and receive no compensation from the Company. The program is designed so that Bethlehem does not receive anymore benefit from the student's effort than Bethlehem invests in the student's training. All aspects of the program are designed to maximize decision makine on the nart of the student in plannine experiments, evaluaZng data; and selecting specifiE areas of exposure. The first half of the semester is spent developing, testing, and documenting an analytical procedure for permanent use in the laboratory. For many students, this is their first opportunity to performexperiments in which there is nopredeiermined expected outcome, so that future action is based to some extent upon results obtained from current experiments. The second half of the semester is spent participating in normal laboratory operations. These activities include the use of instruments and techniques selected by the student which are not readily available a t the college. They also include learning laboratory management functions such as quality assurance, quality control, safety administration, standardization of procedures and materials, and cost accounting. The program is structured to require student interaction with a large number of company personnel and t o include the faculty coordinator in all major decisions. During the analytical method development part of the program the stu-

dent works very closely with a professional analytical chemist and the analvsts workine in the immediate area. Durine the second half bf the program, time is spent with all oth& staff members and analvsts in the erouo. . Significant emphasis is placed on developing planning and communication skills. Three two-hour meetings are held each semester with the faculty coordinator, the group's supervisor, and the technical staff. The student is res~onsihle for planning and conducting these meetings. company personnel provide direction to the student and answer questions hut do not organize the meetings or conduct "dry runs". The use of student-prepared overhead transparencies durine these meetines is stronelv recommended. The first two meetings are structured in the form of management information project reviews. During the first meeting the student presents the objective of the method development project, discusses the experimental plan, and solicits input from the faculty coordinator and company staff. The second meeting is held a t completion of the method development work and consists of a presentation descrihing the experimental work and its conclusions. The student-prepared plans for the lahoratory operations part of the course are also discussed and approved. The third meeting, a t the end of the semester, cons& of a tour of the laboratory given by the student to the faculty coordinator and selected company staff in which the student descrihes the activities and technologies of the group. Two written reports are reouired. The first is the documented analyticai procedure k i t h performance data. The procedure must he written in Bethlehem Steel format so that it can he incorporated directly into existing quality assurance promams. Here the student learns to write in a highly str6ctu;ed format common to standard methods of analysis. The second is an unstructured essav in which the student's only instructions are to comment on the most significant learning experiences and impressions from the program. This essay gives an indication of the student's creative writing ability and is intended to give feedback to the staff relatine to the most sienificant asDects of the ~ r o gram from the student's perspective. Upon com~letionof the above reouirements the lahoratory staff prepires a writtenevaluation of the student'sperformance and recommends a course erade to the facultv coordinator. At the same time the company decides whether or not to invite the student for an interview with the companv's recruiting personnel to discuss career opportunities with the company.




Pre-Projecl Planning Near the end of the first semester of each academic year, the laboratory staff and the faculty coordinator discuss potential method development projects for implementation the following fall. Usually, three or four possihle projects are considered and the educational and commercial benefits of each are identified. Some of the more important considerations are (1) the use of techniques that are emerging as important eeneral purpose analvtical tools hut are not readily &ailnbl~at theioll&e, (2) a high prohability of success in the time allt~tted.(3) an opportunity to accumulate sienificant amounts of data rapidl; for the application of statistical procedures, (4) a high probability that the method will he used by the corporation and that its implementation schedule is compatible with commercial and lahoratory needs, (5) availabilitv of orofessional staff to oversee the work. and (6) compatihiiity kith the interests of the faculty coordinator. This information is used hv Bethlehem ~ersonnelin developing the annual plan for the laborator; and by Moravian personnel in the selection of a candidate from the current junior chemistry majors. The candidate meets with the laboratom nersonnel in late spring to discuss the requirements of the course. The student then prepares a "contract" which identifies the person-

nel to he involved in the work and describes the nature of the work to he done. The contract is approved by Bethlehem and Moravian personnel after which the student officially registers for the course a t the College. The student is encouraged to read background materials over the summer in preparation for the project. Method Develwmenl Prolechl The following is typical of the method development projects which have been undertaken to date. While the more distinctive concepts learned by the student are pointed out, no attempt is made to list all educational activities associated therewith. The authors would be pleased to provide similar outlines of other projects upon request.

Determination of Mn in Steel by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry This work was aimed a t introducing the student to fully automated atomic absorption instrumentation and a t developing an in-house method, with supporting data, which could also heused by the staff in developing hoth ASTM and I S 0 standard methods of analysis for Mn in steel. The student conducted an on-line literature search. became familiar with existing standard methods for determining Mn, and -thenplanned and carried out an experimental program. The final work product was a method for in-house use within Bethlehem, along with the required support data for ASTM and ISO. During the course of the work the student learned how to make use of automated analytical instrumentation in developing performance data and become familiar with the national and international standardization literature. Experiences In Laboratory Operations The DurDose of the second half of the aromam is to eive the studeni experiences in the operation i f a aomprehe&ive analvtical chemistry lahoratow. The followine discussion highlights some of the most popular areas covered by the students.

Technology The program offers exposure to a number of technologies which are not usually available a t a four-year liberal arts college. For example, in the sample preparation area, the student experiences the practical problems associated with sample size and form, p&sihle co&amination and segregation by the submitter and lahoratory personnel, and the various techniques for preparing metal and powdered materials for analysis. The wet chemical laboratory offers experience in the quantitative analysis of a wide variety of materials produced and consumed by an integrated steel company, including coal, ore, slag, refractories, fluxes, iron, steel, coatings, process waters, oils, lubricants, and environmental waters and particulates. The student sees many of the skills learned in quantitative analysis being applied daily. He or she also sees instrumental finishes including atomic absorption and plasma emission spectrometry. Finally, the student is exposed to the setup and use of automatic samplers and other microcomputer-controlled devices and learns the economic advantages associated with the use of such equipment. In the instrumental laboratory the student can work with hoth mini- and microcomputer driven instrumentation, and learns procedures for calihrating the instruments and maintaining software. He can become involved in maintenance functions and is given experience in quality control and quality assurance programs to insure that accurate results are consistently reported over long periods of time. Laboratow Management . Concurrent with the exposure to new technologies, the student develops an awareness of the laboratory management functions which must he adequately performed if high Volume 63 Number 10 October 1988


quality service is to he maintained. Students have found the followine items t o he of narticular interest: (1) of samnle . . CO&OI . l&d. The -~~~student anends time with the laboratory cwrdinntor obsrrving conversations 4 t h submilten in which analytical requests arr clarified, rl~enrprpecrationr art. negorioted. and reported results are interpretpd to rlirnts. He also oh. serves the use of a computerized system for keeping track of Laboratory productivity and turnaround time, as well as back charging analytical service costs to submitter's projects. (2) Safety. Most students have the opportunityto attend a quarterly safety meeting and participate in discussions relating to current safety matters. The student is left with a heightened sensitivity to the importance of safety and the need far periodic reviews of safety practices and regularly scheduled safety inspections. (3) Standardization. Through conversations with the staff the student becomes aware of the activities of standardizing agencies within the company and outside, such as the ASTM and ISO. He develops an awareness of the development cost and commercial need for standard reference materials and standard methods of analysis, as well as the mechanisms for developing these standards. ~






Evaluation ol Student Performance Evaluation of student performance is a n internal Dart of the program. Each decision point in the method development work includes an evaluation of the auality of the data and the manner in which i t was generated. lnformal discussions are held among t h e laboratory staff on a regular basis to determine how the student is performing and to make certain that adequate resources are being supplied to insure technical success to the research work. Each review meetine conrludea with around table discussion about the progress of t h r work and the uualitv" of the student's ~~rt'ormance. Rv the end of the semester there is always good agreement amonr the lahoratorv staff and the facultv coordinator concerniig the perform.&ce rating of the student. The formal evaluation and the assignment of the course grade is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Moravian College Field Studs Program. This process includes a written eialuation by the fieih supervise; covering the student's degree of preparedness t o participate in the program, the personal and professional attributes of the student which serve as indicators of the student's potential for success in an industrial settine. -. and sueeestions hv the field personnel for changes in the program. The field personnel then recommend a erade for the student. which is affirmed by the faculty coordinator. A


Value of the Program to Sponsors An important mark of a successful cooperative program is that all participants feel that they are benefiting equally


Journal of Chemical Education

from its existence. The previous discussion identifies many ~ They can be summaof the sneciiic benefit8 ~ I tI h student. rized aifollows: (1) expansion of knowledge, (2) experience in problem solving, (3) development of planning and communication skills, and (4) help in career guidance and planning. The benefit of this program to Bethlehem Steel has been significant. In addition to the development of methodology which could not have been accomplished without student help, the company receives a n opportunity to evaluate pros ~ e c t i v em~lovees e and is in an enhanced Dosition to recruit thesestude&&hen appn,priateopening8exist. In addition, Hethlehem's analysts have realized an im~rovedquality of work life from this opportunity to contrihke thei; skilis in an educational setting. The ability to offer a program which significantly addresses the needs of students headed for industrial careers is, of course. the nrimarv benefit enioved hv Moravian Colleee. Also, however, the interaction df &ofesiors with ~ e t h l e h e m staff has been the occasion for hroadenine of exnerience and attitudes, prompting adjustment in course content to address more readilv the needs of industrv. The contact of students and fatuity with the company has helped to foster understandine of the r)olitical and economic nroblems of the basic industrGs on campus as well. Acknowledgment The authors wish to acknowledge the input of Bethlehem Steel's Human Resources Group and Industrial Relations personnel in the early planning stages of this program and thestrong support of Stuart S. Kulp, Chairman of the Chemistry Department of Moravian College. We also thank the staff of the Analytical Chemistry Group a t Bethlehem Steel Corporation for their enthusiasm and support of the students on a daily basis. Literature Clted (11 Mattran,G.;Gupton,J.J Chem.Edue. 1983.60.124. (2) Csbat, L. W. "Encouraging Quality A Role for Corporations in Educational Renewal": Council for Financial Aid to Education: New York, 1983.

(3) nenni8. w. H. V O C E ~1978.53(61,40. 1 0 Bmdsky. R. P. J . AeroapnrcEduc. 1974. f(91.21. (5) "Modelunivcrsity-lndudry Enxineering Programs. An AEAGuidebwk": American Eleefronia A m i s t i o n : Palo Alto. 1982. 161 Chem. En#. Nmus 1984,62(61,27. 17) Curnmings. P. CASE Curr. 1981.7(10). 32. 181 Rahn. H. W.; Segner. E. P., Jr. EM. Educ. 1976.66.794. 19) Chem. Eng N e w 1982,60(321,29. (10) Kravitz,L. C. Ens. Educ. 1981, 71,391. (111 Tucker,W . H. J. Chern.Educ. 1973,50,250. (12) Chsm.Eng N e u 1980.581491,36. 113) HHea,FF.J.Chsm. Educ 1982.59.967. (14) Knipmeyer.L.L.J. Chem.Edue. 19S2.59.45. (151 Dauie8.L. J. Chem.Edu. 1983,60,580. (16) MeAu1ey.A. J. Ch~m.Educ.19S4,6I.155.