A friendly plastic - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications)

Using a thermoplastic modeling compound called "Friendly Plastic" that melts but is insoluble in hot water. Keywords (Audience):. High School / Introd...
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A Friendly Plastic A thermo~lasticmodeling compound called "Friendly P l a ~ t i c " ' has ~ recently become available,' and offers some interesting appli&tions for classroom &d laboratory use. A white solid a t rmm temperature and up to 120°,the plastic becomes aclear viscous liquid a t 135' andis readily molded by hand. On cooling thematerialsolidifies and can he remelted asoften as needed. The solid is mechanically strong and insoluble in water but soluble in toluene. I t is readily melted in hot . .. .. ..

In Ircture drmonstratiuns the material is useful in illustrating thermoplastic properriri, and the drawing of lilrers irom a melt. In the laboratmy we haw t'c~mdit usrful in sealing an rlectrodc inag1s.i~tube. Another potential appliratiw is IPpninnt: ur rcplnrmr: m a l l plnarir parts such ns nre common in lalwmtory initrwncnts. Smce Friendly Plastic cnn ha handled by students with minimal precautions, it offers a way to provide students an interesting and creative experience with a novel chemical product.

' Inlormation may be obtained by writing: The Friendly Plastic Company, LM.. 2888 Bluff Street X233. Baulder, CO 80301. William L. Bell Division of Science and Technology Red Rocks Community College 12600 West Sixth Ave. Goiden. CO 80401