A Full Line of COMPLETELY - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

A Full Line of COMPLETELY. Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 (6), pp 6A–6A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60138a704. Publication Date: June 1958. ACS Legacy Archive...
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featuring rectangular and

Model 95075 Rectangular Oven: All stainless steel interior. Temperature range 60-245° C. 3 shelves. 1 2"xl 2"x 14" inside. Gravity circulation. Takes glass observation door $275.00 Model 95080 Rectangular Oven: All stainless steel interior. Temperature range 60-245° C. 4 shelves. 17"xl5"x 20" inside. Gravity circulation. Fitted to take glass inner d o o r . . . .$350.00 Model 95051 Cylindrical Oven: All purpose. Low cost. All-aluminum chamber. Fast uniform heating. Temperature range 37-200° C. 3 shelves. 1 4 % " x l T / 2 " inside. Gravity circulation $195.00

Cylindrical Vacuum Oven: Model 95051 Oven with Cenco Cylindrical Vacuum Chamber. Combines fractional millimeter pressures with temperatures up to 150° C. 3 shelves. 10"x8'/2" inside. Model 95056 Chamber $155.00

Model 46015 Rectangular Incubator: Electrically heated. Forced circulation. Control from 37-110° C. Temp e r e d glass observation door. 4 shelves. 17"xl 5"xl 2" inside.$425.00 6 A


Models 95375-95380 Rectangular Ovens: Forced circulation. All stainless sfeel interiors. Temperature range 60-250° C. Fitted to fake glass inner door. No. 95375, 1 2 " x l 2 " x l 4 " ins i d e . . . $315.00. No. 95380, 17"x I 5 " x 2 0 " inside $395.00

Model 46002 Cylindrical Incubator: Control from 37-110° C. Pyrex Brand glass observation door. 3 shelves. 1 4 % " x l 1 Vi" inside $210.00