Chapter 3
A Generic Approach to Minimizing Impact on Nontarget Species in Canada Downloaded via UNIV OF TEXAS AT EL PASO on October 18, 2018 at 01:28:23 (UTC). See for options on how to legitimately share published articles.
R. E . Mickle Atmospheric Environment Service, 4905 Dufferin Street, Downsview, Ontario M3H 5T4, Canada
In 1989, the Canadian Interdepartmental Task Force on Pesticide Drift was established to develop a generic approach for the registration and regulation of pesticides in Canada. The generic approach utilizes the vast data base existing in the open literature to characterize the downwind deposit profiles for varying application and meteorological conditions. Presently, models are being evaluated against the data base and will be used to interpolate for conditions not found in the data base. The generic approach recognizes the similarities in spray dynamics for different formulations and hence only incorporates product specific toxic data in linking fate to environmental impact. In this paper, the approach is used to compare the case for the spraying of biologicals and chemicals for forest insect control.
As of 1992, it was estimated that 3 million tons of pesticides were in use worldwide and that this number was increasing steadily (/). Published results (2) indicate that offtarget losses on the order of 50 - 70 % can occur during the aerial application of insecticides to forests owing to evaporation and drift The environmental risk of these toxins continues to be a concern. However, woven within the fabric of sustainable forests and increased yields is the continued use of pesticides. In recent years, the use of broad-spectrum chemical insecticides to control forest pests has been sharply curtailed in large part due to their perceived negative impact on the environment (3). In most jurisdictions in Canada, these traditional chemicals are being replaced by biologicals. As new products are developed, there is an increasing need to evaluate them in a timely manner in a regulatory sense and ensure their use in an environmentally acceptable fashion. Buffer zones (sometimes referred to as 'no-spray' zones) have become an important regulatory tool to protect the environment during the application of pesticides. Each province in Canada has developed, over a period of time, an approach to the setting of buffer zones (4) which has recognized environmental concerns as they arose. This has led to a non-uniformity in the buffer zones utilized on a provincial basis and also buffer zones which do not necessarily address the uniqueness 0097-6156/95/0595-0027$12.00/0 Published 1995 American Chemical Society
Hall and Barry; Biorational Pest Control Agents ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
of the product toxicity and the ecosystem sensitivities. Recently, the product specificity of buffer zones for glyphosate and permethrin have been addressed through extensive field trials (5,6). Although ultimately the field approach may be the most accurate estimate of deposit for the meteorological conditions during which the trials were conducted, years of research have afforded an extensive data base encompassing a variety of combinations of controlling input parameters. Based upon these data, models have been developed (7-9) and verified and now offer the opportunity to be used to develop meaningful buffer zones on a product and use-strategy basis. From the data base and/or models a generic approach can be utilized to screen new pesticides for potential environmental impact and regulate the use of existing pesticides through the implementation of buffers zones which reflect the relationship between the toxicity of individual products and identified areas requiring protection. Generic Approach In 1989, the Canadian Interdepartmental Task Force on Pesticide Drift was formed to develop new regulatory guidelines for assessing the potential for drift associated with a given use strategy in the registration of pesticides (10). In essence, the new guidelines would include a tool to be used for drift prediction centred on the use of models and/or a data base. The outcome of the prediction exercise would be an assessment of the expected environmental concentrations which, in association with the environmental toxicology data already provided by the applicant, could be used to determine the environmental significance of the drift and if necessary to estimate buffer zones as a mitigative measure. Essentially (Figure 1), rather than requiring supporting field drift data, submissions would be assessed for drift potential utilizing a generic approach. Initially, the product submission would be assessed for drift potential taking into consideration the product volatility and application method. If there was a potential for off-target movement, then the submission would be reviewed for potential impacts from direct overspray otherwise it would be reviewed according to current procedures. For direct overspray, the proposed application rate would be utilized to estimate the expected environmental concentration or deposit and coupled with the toxicological data, the potential impact on the appropriate indicator species in the relevant ecosystem would be evaluated. If the direct overspray indicated a potential impact then the assessment would be expanded to include the potential for environmental impact due to off-target drift. In order to simplify the task of drift behaviour assessment, a generic approach would be followed (Figure 2) utilizing formulation properties, application vehicle and use pattern. Fundamental in the assessment of the potential for drift is an indication by the applicant of a recommended emission spectrum for the product under review. For that portion of the emission spectrum with droplet diameters greater than 150 Jim, research (11-13) has shown that the bulk of the spray will impact the target area with maximum deposits occurring at a given flight line offset due to cross winds. Droplets with diameters less than 150 u,m (14) can potentially drift significant distances from the flight line and hence impact sensitive areas down wind of the spray block. The volatile fraction of the proposed end formulation coupled with the relative humidity at the time of application enhance the potential for off-target movement due to evaporation. Emission height and meteorology have also been found (2, 15) to strongly
Hall and Barry; Biorational Pest Control Agents ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
Minimizing Impact on Nontarget Species in Canada
CURRENT SUBMISSIONS * Use pattern * Chemistry * Toxicology * Environmental Fate
Generic Information
Direct Overspray
Generic Approach
Field Studies
figure 1
Proposed Regulatory Guidelines for A ssessing Drift
i< 150 urn) * Volatile Fraction * Emission Height * Meteorology ( Max case)
(> 150 um ) * Fllghtllne Offset * Vapour Drift
* Application Rate * Deposit, Concentration, Dosage down wind * Receptor Surface * Persistance, Toxicity * Buffer Zone Requirements
Figure 2
Generic A pproach for Evaluating Pesticide Drift
Hall and Barry; Biorational Pest Control Agents ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
influence the ultimate deposit profile. Utilizing either models or a data base, the extent of drift for the proposed use strategy can be determined for an operational worse case scenario leading to a maximum off-target drift. It is expected that the majority of cases will fit into the generic approach channel. If the data submitted indicate that the product under review will not lend itself to the generic approach (because the characteristics of the product do not match the categories established or the proposed use strategy is not applicable to the generic approach), field studies will have to be carried out and the results submitted by the applicant for review. After the extent of drift has been estimated by either the generic approach or field studies, mitigation options will be considered. The available options include buffer zones, restrictions on the type of application equipment, restrictions on the meteorological conditions during which the product can be applied or modification of the use pattern. Spray Drift Database The initial step in developing the generic approach was the establishment of a data base (Riley, C M . , Research and Productivity Council, Fredericton, unpublished contract report) against which models could be assessed and which could be used to carry out sensitivity studies for those parameters most likely to influence off-target drift. Presently, the data base contains in excess of 200 data sets from nearly 50 references. The majority of the studies (nearly 200) include deposit and drift profiles from simulated aerial insecticide and herbicide spray applications relevant to a forest scenario. Spray deposit profile data are for natural and artificial targets representing the vegetation canopy and for ground deposit. Drift measurements include mass transport profiles to heights of 200-300 m above ground level at distances of 200 m and 600 m downwind of the spray line. Figures 3a, b give examples from the data base (Data Ref: 1047/32_1992 and 1049/05_1987) for aerial applications with aircraft heights around 36 m ((a) = 35 m, (b) = 36.7 m) above ground (characteristic of aircraft heights over a mature forest) and spraying with equivalent application rates in cross-winds ( (a) = 2.6 ms" at 53° to the flight line and (b) = 3.5 ms" at 77° to the flight line). The two different nozzle types produce emission spectra with volume median diameters ( D ) of 150 (a) and 59 (b) fim. The deposit has been plotted as a function of downwind distance from the spray line for foliar, ground and total deposit. The total deposit has been fitted with a least squares power law fit (76) to predict deposit beyond 800 m. A comparison of the two deposit profiles demonstrates that for the larger droplet emission spectrum (D8-46), the peak deposit occurs close to the spray line with deposit dropping an order of magnitude over the next 200 m. For the other case study (b), the maximum deposit, at a greater down wind distance from the spray line, is an order of magnitude lower and the decline in deposit with distance is much slower having decreased an order of magnitude in 8001000 m. Beyond 100 m, the deposit from the AU4000 emission is considerably greater (up to 6 X ) than the deposit from the spray using the D8-46 nozzles. Clearly with the smaller emission spectrum, the spray is spread over greater distances with less material depositing close to the spray line. For the larger droplets (D8-46), the deposit close to the spray line mainly reaches the ground with only about 20% being deposited on 1
Hall and Barry; Biorational Pest Control Agents ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
Minimizing Impact on Nontarget Species in Canada
Data Ref: 1049/05_1987
t O)
Ground Foliage • Total LSQ Fit
! % 1-=
8 Q. Q
o-iif : g " 1
(b) 0.001 - | 0
1 500
Downwind Distance (m)
Figure 3
Downwind Deposit for A erial Applications with Different Emission Spectra (a) D8-46 (b) A U4000
Hall and Barry; Biorational Pest Control Agents ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
foliage. The distribution of the deposit reflects the density of the canopy at the spray site (in this case, the leaf area index (LAI), the ratio of foliage area to ground area, was 0.3). Beyond 200 m, the deposit is distributed evenly between foliage and ground deposit. For the smaller drop emission spectrum (AU4000), the bulk of the deposit is into the forest canopy (LAI = 3.2) with about 10% passing through the canopy to impact the forest floor. The partitioning of the deposit between canopy and ground is relatively constant over the full downwind distance. The partitioning of the deposit has been found to be a function of wind speed (Figure 4) at the canopy top. These data sets are taken from spray trials over a mature forest (D =59, 68 p,m, maximum tree height of 20 m, (LAI) of 3.2 m of foliage / m of ground (2)) and over a reforested block (D =150 p,m, maximum foliage height of 2.5 m, L A I of 0.3 m of foliage/ m of ground (Riley, C M . , Wiesner, C.J., Research and Productivity Council, Fredericton, unpublished data)). With increasing wind speed, the ratio of foliage to ground deposit increases significantly so that a greater fraction of the total deposit is deposited into the canopy. The effects of increased impaction efficiency are less significant with increased volume median diameter. However, with increasing distance from the spray line, a higher fraction of the remaining spray cloud will deposit on foliage due to the reduced D of the cloud. Utilizing the data from a single swath, the effects of track spacing on deposit uniformity (Figure 5) within the spray block and the impact on off-target drift can be ascertained. While maintaining a constant line source strength and increasing track spacing, the average deposit (upper curve in Figure 5) across the block increases to approach the target application rate. However, with increased track spacing, the variation in the deposit (vertical bars) increases thereby leading to a less uniform deposit within the block. The ratio of the deposit variation to the mean deposit is the coefficient of variation (COV) which minimizes at an optimal track spacing and continues to increase beyond due to the increase in the variation of deposit. Coefficients of between 0.2 and 0.3 (16) have been suggested as appropriate for deposit variation. Using the optimum track spacing (as given by the track spacing that produces the highest minimum deposit), a composite deposit profile (Figure 6) can be developed from the single swath data set. In this case, the ratio of deposit to application rate has been plotted as a function of downwind distance from the first spray line. The boundary of the field commences on the upwind side of the field at the location of the peak deposit from the first spray line and ends at the position of the peak deposit from the last spray line. The deposit increases from a value of 40% of the target application rate at a distance of 40 m from the initial spray line and increases across the block to a maximum near 90% at a distance 230 m into the spray block. As the width of the block is increased, the average deposit would continue to approach the target application rate. However, operationally a typical track spacing is 21 m leading to a less uniform deposit (Figure 7) within the spray block (COV = .142). The minimum deposit approaches 65% of the target application rate, significantly lower than the 85% associated with the lower track spacing. Also with the increase in deposit variation, areas within the target receive deposits which are greater than the target application rate. Increased track spacings leading to COVs of 0.2 and 0.3 would increase the extent of both the over deposit and under deposit within the spray block. Beyond the downwind edge of the block, the off-target deposit falls off in accordance with the contributions from the spray v05
v 0 5
Hall and Barry; Biorational Pest Control Agents ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
Minimizing Impact on Nontarget Species in Canada
Figure 4
Partitioning of Deposit within a Canopy
AgTruck - D8 - 46 Data Ref: 1047/32 1992
Track Spacing (m)
Figure 5
A verage Deposit and Variation across a Block
Hall and Barry; Biorational Pest Control Agents ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
AgTruck - D8 - 46 Data Ref: 1047/32 1992 Track Spacing 21 m
Downwind Distance (m)
Figure 6
Normalized Deposit for an Optimal Track Spacing
AgTruck - D8 - 46 Data Ref: 1047/32 1992
Track Spacing 13 m
Downwind Distance (m)
Figure 7
Normalized Deposit for an Operational Track Spacing
Hall and Barry; Biorational Pest Control Agents ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
Minimizing Impact on Nontarget Species in Canada
lines within the block. Varying the track spacing has little effect on the off-target deposit profile and hence does not impact the buffer zone requirements. Figure 8 presents the estimated buffer zones as a function of spray block width for an aerial application scenario with D8-46 atomizers. The isopleths are for acceptable off target deposits as a percentage of the target application rate. For example, i f an offtarget deposit of 10% of the application rate is acceptable then the buffer zone requirements increase rapidly from 60 m to 220 m as the spray block width is increased to 1 km. For blocks greater than 1 km in width the buffer zone would remain relatively constant. The isopleths also indicate the strong relationship between buffer zone requirements and product toxicity. A product with a higher toxicity, reflected as a lower acceptable deposit, would result in a substantially increased buffer zone which is more strongly influenced by block width. Hence, the use of these products could possibly be limited to small blocks. Figure 9 presents a similar graph but for a use strategy involving an emission spectrum producing significantly smaller droplets. In comparison to the previous example, the buffer zones are considerably larger reflecting the effects of increased drift due to the reduced volume median diameter of the emitted spray. Now, tolerable off-target deposits that were 10% of the application rate would require buffers greater than 200 m and increasing rapidly with block width. With a block width of 1000 m, the buffer is over 900 m. Even at an acceptable off-target deposit of 50% of the application rate, buffer zones are 160 m. The results clearly demonstrate that the buffer zone approach strongly favours the use of environmentally safe pesticides in order to be able to effectively protect the crop of interest and minimize the potential impact on the environment. Operationally by decreasing the volume of fines in the emitted spray (increasing the volume median diameter), the requirements for buffer zone width can be reduced. Ultimately, models will be used to interpolate for those cases not covered in the data base. Presently in Canada, the Interdepartmental Task Force is completing a verification study on FSCBG (9), AgDISP (8) and PKBW2 (7). Sensitivity studies (77) have highlighted the importance of aircraft height, emission spectrum and meteorology on deposit profiles. Accurate models can be used to develop a more thorough understanding of the application and hence can be used to optimize spray strategies for the product of choice given the environmental constraints. Ultimately, they will be used to assess the proposed use strategy for pesticide registration and development of buffer zones as a means of environmental protection. In reality, once the generic approach has been established, an assessment of the proposed use strategy could be encompassed in a limited number of case studies combining spray emission size categories with those operational parameters that would produce the maximum drift. Application of the Technique to Insecticide Spraying of Forests Historically, buffers have developed in each jurisdiction based on data on pesticide toxicity, spray deposit and drift coupled with public opinion and political pressure. This has lead to a range of buffer zones (Figure 10) for the use of biologicals in Canada which in certain instances span orders of magnitude. Buffer zones around aquatic areas vary from no buffer requirements to buffers in excess of 3 km. There is, from a scientific perspective, little rationalization behind such differences unless the areas
Hall and Barry; Biorational Pest Control Agents ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
AgTruck - D8 - 46 Data Ref: 1047/32 1992
Spray Block Width (m)
Figure 8
Proposed Buffers for A ericd Applications using Medium Drops
AgTruck - AU4000 Data Ref: 1049/05 1987
Spray Block Width (m)
Figure 9
Proposed Buffers for Aerial Applications using Small Droplets
Hall and Barry; Biorational Pest Control Agents ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
Minimizing Impact on Nontarget Species in Canada
AREA OF CONCERN HABITATION Residential WATER Potable Lakes Municipal Intake Fish Hatcheries Fish Bearing Waters SENSITIVE CROPS Berry Patches Organic Farms ENDANGERED SPECIES
50 - 300 m 0-50 m 10* - 3200 m 0-50 m 0-50 m 0 m Specific Buffers 0 - 500* m * Eagle Nesting
figure 10
Range of Buffers in Canada for the Aerial Application of Biologicals
Hall and Barry; Biorational Pest Control Agents ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
requiring protection, the pesticides being used or the off-target deposit from the application technique being employed differ greatly. Laboratory and outdoor stream studies (18,19) on the effect of Bacillus thuringensis var. kurstaki (Btk) on representative aquatic insects ( Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera) showed a 24-h LC50 greater than 600 IU/ml. The forestry application for the control of spruce budworm in Canada is 30 B I U / ha. Complete deposit of a direct overspray represents a target deposit of 300 IU/ cm which when mixed through a water column of 10 - 50 cm leads to a maximum concentration of 30 IU/ ml some twenty times lower than the LC50 for these aquatic insects. The generic approach has indicated a potential over-application up to 25% under operational spray conditions due to track space variations. This can be further increased by flight lines that may overlap causing multiple applications into the same receptor area. However, even this type of variability is still not sufficient to produce a potential concentration close to the LC50 for these aquatic insects. An environmental review of Btk for use in forest pest management concluded that "laboratory and field studies indicate that Btk is specific to Lepidoptera larvae and does not pose a threat to humans and the environment" (Surgeoner, G.A., Farkas, M.J., University of Guelph, unpublished report). A second insecticide used within Canada for budworm control is fenitrothion which is applied at an application rate of 210 g a.i./ha. The median static 24-h LC50 value for aquatic insects (Trichoptera, Plecoptera, Neuroptera, Diptera, Odonata) was found to be 68 Jig/L (20) or approximately 30% of the target application rate mixed through a water column of 10 cm. In some jurisdictions within Canada, the trend in forestry insecticide spraying is towards the utilization of nozzles producing a fine spray ( D < 100 \im) in order to maximize deposit into the target foliage (27). Figure 9 can be used to characterize the buffer zone requirements for such a scenario. Tolerable off-target deposits that were 30% of the target application rate would require buffer zones of 160 m for small blocks with buffer zones increasing to 400 m for spray blocks up to 2000 m wide. By comparison, utilizing a somewhat larger spectrum (Figure 8) would result in buffer zones between 40 and 80m for varying block sizes. The appropriate receptor representing the specific environmental sensitivity within an area requiring protection and an acceptable off-target deposit are critical in developing actual buffer zones. The level of acceptable deposit will be strongly influenced by the level of protection required, whether it be half the population (LC50) or the whole population (No Observable Effect Level - NOEL). However, the generic approach does highlight the need to address product specific toxicity information in developing mitigative options in the registration and regulation process. 2
Summaiy The Canadian Interdepartmental Task Force on Pesticide Drift is completing the assessment of a generic approach for the registration and regulation of pesticides in Canada. Drawing on extensive field trials, the approach has been used to highlight the influence of emission spectra on the resultant buffer zone requirements to protect sensitive environmental areas. For spray strategies employing small droplet emission spectra, the cross-wind width of the spray block strongly influences the size of the associated buffer zone. In practice, with the categorization of the proposed emission spectrum, the generic approach collapses to a select number of cases relating the
Hall and Barry; Biorational Pest Control Agents ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.
Minimizing Impact on Nontarget Species in Canada
proposed strategy with the operational conditions which promote maximum drift. The case example between the use of a biological and chemical in forestry insect control highlights the need to regulate the use of pesticides on a product specific basis. Given the specificity of existing field trials, the use of models will be required to interpolate for conditions relevant to assessing the maximum drift potential. Ultimately, the precise buffer requirements will be reflected in the choice of representative receptors and the level of protection to be afforded.
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January 14, 1995
Hall and Barry; Biorational Pest Control Agents ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.