A Great American Chemical Library - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

The library of The Chemists' Club of New York is kept as a repository of complete information on chemical and allied subjects for the use of all who a...
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A Great American Chemical Library D. H .



168 Westchester Ave., Crestwood. Tuckahoe, Ν . Υ. The library of T h e Chemists 9 Club of New York i s kept as a repository of complete information o n chemical and allied subjects for the use of all who are interested · · · Approximately 5 5 , 0 0 0 books, journals and pamphlets are available for reference Part of main reading room on club9» fourth


on Nov. 29, 1898, 154 charter members founded The Chemists' Club to bring together and to serve all mem­ bers of the profession, the plan visioned a great chemical library. Today, that great collection of chemi­ cal literature is available to all chemists. Its existence and maintenance constitute an invaluable asset of the American chemical industry. As such, the library of The Chemists' Club is kept as a repository of the latest information on chemical and allied subjects for t h e use of all interested. This is now the largest chemical re­ search library in the United States. I t is a storehouse of valuable information of vast practical usefulness to the chemists of the country. The initial collection of the library was formed by gifts of members, notably Charles F. Chandler. This was supple­ mented in January 1899 by the library of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, which

was "deposited" with the club upon con­ ditions agreeable to both parties. Books, pamphlets, and periodicals were shelved at the expense of the Society under the direction of the Board of Trustees of the club, the shelves and other library fix­ tures purchased by the Society remaining the property of the Society. Subse­ quently, this arrangement was changed and the Society now only gives journals to the library. Under this arrangement this library receives all exchanges ab­ stracted in Chemical Abstracts, a vital and unique asset. On Oct. 12, 1900, the New York Section of the Society of Chemical Industry de­ posited its library in The Chemists' Club's rooms under the "same conditions as appertain to the library of the AMERI­ CAN



1908, the

library of Durand Woodman was do­ nated t o the club, and in 1910, that of Hermann Endemann. When in 1911 the club moved into its new, modern club house, 52 East 41st St., 2329

its library was housed in Chandler Hall, named in honor of the club's first presi­ dent, Charles F. Chandler. This original space still houses the library but is sub­ stantially supplemented to care for its manifold growth. The AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, also

in that year, donated "its library in New York to The Chemists' Club of New York, with the understanding that the journals received by the Society as ex­ changes shall, in future as heretofore, be sent to the library at The Chemists' Club in as complete a state as possible when their use for Chemical Abstracts is com­ pleted, under the condition that the members




SOCIETY shall have access to the library at all hours when it is open and that the volumes so dedicated shall revert to the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY in case The

Chemists' Club should ever cease to exist." Therefore, except for the volumes of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY and of

the New York Section of the Society of Chemical Industry which would revert to these societies only in case the club should cease to exist, the library is com­ pletely owned and controlled by The Chemists' Club. The Chemists' Club Library was in­ creased in 1913 by the gift of the private library of Morris Loeb, and the purchase of that of Frederick Schniewind. The chemical library of Charles F. Chandler, bequeathed to The Chemists' Club, was received in October 1926, and in 1927 that of J. Merritt Matthews was pur­ chased. Other important bequests were the libraries of Frank Hemingway in November 1931, and of J. H. Stebbins in October 1932. Smaller, but valuable gifts of books and periodicals are re­ ceived continuously. The library now contains approxi­ mately 55,000 volumes, books, journals, and pamphlets. Journals in the sphere of chemistry and allied subjects are the CHEMICAL


backbone of the collection. They con­ stitute nearly 75% of the entire library. The appended list shows those journals (572 of them) of which the library has a substantial representation—10 years or more of each. Also included are 22 newer journals (less than 10 years) that the library has complete. Many hun­ dreds of others are more sparsely repre­ sented. The library currently subscribes to more than 200 chemical journals, in addition to the many chemical journals received from Chemical Abstracts. More than 100 volumes of rare early works on alchemy, chemistry, metallurgy, medicine, pharmacy, technology, and the arts are museum pieces of great value. The publication dates of these volumes range from 1526 to 1800. Among these rare books are works by Agricola, Glau­ ber, and Paracelsus. The material in the library has lately been recataloged and rearranged for the greater convenience of research workers. Each broad subject is now assigned a special place on the shelves so that searchers find easily whatever they re­ quire and related volumes as well. I n addition to large sections on pure and applied chemistry, chemical engineering, and general science, these headings desig­ nate the several subject classifications on the library shelves: Agriculture and Fertilizers Brewing Ceramics Dyes and dyeing Food Founding Fuels Gases Glass Hygiene and medi­ cine Instruments

Leather Metallurgy Paint Paper Perfumery and es­ sential oils Petroleum Plastics Refrigeration Rubber Soap, oils, and fate Sugar Textiles

The Chemists' Club Library is de­ signed for reference only. Originally, it was open to members of the club, of t h e AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, and of t h e



Society of C h e m i c a l I n d u s t r y . Now, however, a n y o n e interested m a y use i t s technical m a t e r i a l . I t s usefulness a n d effectiveness e x t e n d far beyond N e w Y o r k C i t y a n d i t s e n v i r o n s . P h o t o s t a t i c p r i n t s a n d microfilm copies of t h e library's m a t e r i a l , t r a n s l a t i o n s of articles from a n y language, a n d

literature searches are supplied a t cost. R e q u e s t s for these services c o m e from all p a r t s of t h e c o u n t r y a n d e v e n a b r o a d . T h e possession of a n asset of t h e inestimable v a l u e of this library is a r e sponsibility a s well as a g r e a t privilege of m e m b e r s of t h e club. Continually t h e y s h a r e their privilege with others. Periodicals

in The Chemists9


Occasionally t h e y m u s t ask for help in carrying on these responsibilities. N e w books m u s t b e b o u g h t , old b o o k s m u s t b e cared for, a n d journals m u s t b e b o u n d . F o r these v i t a l purposes, help from m e m bers a n d from friends outside w h o share t h e a d v a n t a g e s of t h e library is essential.


List of periodicals of which the Chemists' Club Library h a s a substantial r u n , 10 years or more, except those new periodicals marked with a s t a r (*) which h a v e n o t yet been published for 10 years Academia do ciencias exactas, Sitzungsberichte fisicoquimicas y naturales de Sitzungsberichte. Physik-math. Madrid Klasse Revieta. Series I I Akademie der Wissenschaften, Academia nacional de ciencias Leipzig. Mathematisch-phyAntonio Alzate, Mexico sische Klasse Memoriae Berichte Academia românâ, Bukharest. Sec- Akademie der Wissenschaften, tiunea stiintifica Munich. Mathematische-phyBulletin sikalische Klasse Académie des sciences, Paris Sitzungsberichte Comptes rendus hebdomadaires Akademie der Wissenschaften, des séances Vienna. Mathematisch-naturAcadémie royale des sciences, des wissenschaftliche Klasse lettres et des beaux-arts de Abteilungen Belgique, Brussels Anzeiger Bulletins de la Classe des Akademie van wetenschappen. sciences Amsterdam Academy of Science of St. Louis Jaarboek Transactions Verhandelingen Accademia dei Lincei, Rome. Verslag van de gewone vergadClasse di scienze fisiche, mateeringen. Afdeeling natuurmatiche e naturali kunde Atti Memorie Proceedings of the section of A t t i . . . Rendiconti sciences A t t i . . . Rendiconto dell'aduAkademija umiejetnoâci, Krakow. nanza solenne Wydzial matematycznoprzyroA t t i . . . Transunti dniczy Accademia délie scienze, fisiche e Mémoires. Série A: Sciences matematiche, Naples. Classe mathématiques délia Società reale de Napoli Série B : Sciences naturelles Rendiconti Accademia délie scienze di Torino. Akademiia nauk, Leningrad Classe di scienze fisiche, mateDoklady matiche e naturali Mélanges physiques e t chimique Atti tirés du Bulletin de l'Académie Achema-jahrbuch impériale des sciences de St. Acta physicochimica U.R.S.S. Pétersbourg A c t a phytochimica Izvestiia. Institut fiziko-khimiAgricultural Chemical Society of cheskovo analiza Japan Akademiia nauk Kiiv. Institut Bulletin fizichnoi khemii **Agricultural Chemicals Visti Akademie der Wissenschaf ten, Ber- Allgemeine Oel- und Fette-zeitung lin . . . und Zeitschrift Mineralôle regiëter at entrance to library; Visitors on its use there are no other restrictiong


2 7,




Allgemeine Ôsterreichische Chemiker- und Techniker-zeitung Allgemeine Zeitschrift fur Bierbrauerei und Malzfabrikation Alloy Metals Review American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Boston Proceedings American Association of Textile Chemists and Coloriste Yearbook American Brewer Americap Brewing Institute, New York Transactions American Ceramic Society Bulletin Ceramic Abstracts Journal Transactions American Chemical Journal American Chemical Society Abstracts of papers presented a t its meetings Directory Journal Program of meetings American Dyestuff Reporter American Fertilizer American Food Journal American Gas Association Monthly American Gas Institute Proceedings American Gas Journal American Gas Light Association Proceedings American Ink Maker American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting Bulletin Directory of officers and members Semiannual meeting Transactions American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers Bulletin Technical publication Transactions American Journal of Hygiene American Journal of Pharmacy American Journal of Public Health American Journal of Science American Leather Chemists' Association Journal American Mineralogist American Oil Chemists* Society Journal American Paint and Varnish Manufacturers' Association Scientific section Circulars American Paint Journal American Paint Journal Convention daily American Peat Society Journal American Perfumer and Essential Oil Review American Petroleum Institute Proceedings

15, 1 9 4 9

American Pharmaceutical Associa tion Journal. Pharmaceutical abstracts Practical pharmacy Journal. edition Journal. Scientific edition Proceedings Yearbook American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia Proceedings American Society for Metals Transactions American Society for Testing Materials Bulletin Proceedings Yearbook American Water Works Association Journal American Wood Preservers' Association Proceedings Amsterdam. Kolonial institut. Afdeeling handelsmuseum Berichten Analyst *Analytical Chemistry. See Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, Anal. E d . Angewandte Chemie Annalen der Naturphilosophie Annalen der Onologte Annales de Chimie Analytique et de Chimie Appliquée.. . Annalen der Physik Annalen der Physik Beiblâtter Annales de Chimie Annales de chimie et de physique Annales de physique Annali di chimica applicata Annual Review of Biochemistry Apparatebau Archief voor de suikerindustrie in Nederlandsche-Indie Mededeelingen van der proefstation voor het Java suikerindustrie Archiv der Pharmazie und Berichte der Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft Archiv for pharmaci og chemi Archives des sciences physique et naturelles Archives néerlandaises des sciences exactes et naturelles bér. 3A: Sciences exactes S é r , 3 B : Sciences naturelles Archives of Biochemistry Archivio di farmacologia sperimentale e scienze affini Arkiv for kemi, mineraiogi och geologi Arms and Explosives Asociacion quimica Argentina, Buenos Aires Anales Asociacion salitrera de propaganda Iquique, Chile Circular trimestral Asphalt und Teer


Association d e e chimistes e t ingénieurs d e sucrerie, de distillerie e t d e s industries agricoles d e France e t d e s colonies Bulletin Association of Official Agricultural Chemists Journal Associacao Brasileira d e pharmaceutics Boletin Australasian Institute of M i n i n g and Metallurgy Proceedings Australasian Journal of Pharmacy Australia. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Bulletin Journal Australian Chemical I n s t i t u t e Journal a n d proceedings Australian Sugar Journal Beitrage zur Biologic der Pilanzeii Bell S y s t e m Technical Journal Biochemical Journal Biochemische Zcitschrift Biological Bulletin Biologisches Zentralblatt Bollettino chimicofarmaceutico B o s t o n Journal of Chemistry Braunkohle Brennstoff-chemie Brewer's Guardian Brewers' Journal British Abstracts British Association for the Adv a n c e m e n t of Science Report of t h e . . .meeting British Association of G a s M a n a g ers, London Report of proceedings of t h e . . . annual m e e t i n g British Non-ferrous M e t a l s R e search Association Bulletin British Plastics and Moulded Products Trader Bulletin d e s sciences pharmacologiques Cambridge Philosophical Society Biological reviews a n d biological proceedings Proceedings Transactions Canadian Chemistry and Process Industries Canadian Journal of Research Caoutchouc e t la guttapercha Carlsberg laboratories Copenhagen Comptes-rendus d e s travaux Oasopis ceskoslovenskcho lékarnictva. Cellulose-chemie Cellulose I n d u s t r y . Journal of the Cellulose Institute, T o k y o *Oellulosic Plastics Centralblatt fur Allgemeinc G e sund hei tspflege Centro estudiantes d e farmacia y bioquimica Revista Ceramic A g e Ceramic Industry Ceramic Society, Stoke-on-Trent, England Transactions Cereal Chemistry Chemical Abstracts Chemical A g e Chemical a n d Engineering N e w s Chemical a n d Metallurgical Engineering Chemical D i g e s t Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering and Mining Review



D. Due a. the

Chemical Engineering Progress Chemical Gazette Chemical Industries ( 'hemical, Metallurgical and M i n ing Society of South Africa Journal ( 'hemical N e w s and Journal of Industrial Science < -hemical Products and the C h e m i cal N e w s Chemical Review Chemical R e v i e w s Chemical Society, London Annual reports o n t h e progress of chemistry Journal List of officers a n d fellows Proceedings Chemical Society of Japan Bulletin Journal Chemical Technology Chemical Trade Journal Chemical Warfare Bulletin Chemické listy pro v w d u a primysl Chemic der Zellc unci G e w e b e C hemi ker-zei tung Chemisch-technische Mittcilungcn der Neuesten Zeit Chemisch-technischesRcpertoriuni Chemisch Weekblad Chemische Apparatur Chemische Berichte. (Formerly D e u t s c h e Chemische Gesellschaft. Berichte.) Chemische Fabrik Chemische Industrie Chemische Technik. (Formerly Chemische Fabrik) Chemisches Zentralblatt Chemist Chemist Analyst Chemist and Druggist Chemists' Club, N e w Y o r k N e w s . (Formerly Percolator) Yearbook Chemurgic D i g e s t Chimica e l'industria Chimie analytique. (Formerly Annales de chimie analytique) Chimie et industrie Cluj, Rumania. Universitatea. Societatea d e s u i n t e Buletinul Collegium Color Trade Journal Colorado School of Mines Quarterly Columbia University. Havemeyer Laboratory Contributions Combustion Cuir technique




D a n s k c videnskabernes sclskab, C "openhagen Mathematisk-fisiske meddelelser Oversigt D e u t s c h e Chemische Gesellschaft, Berlin Berichte Deutsche Fiirbcr-zeitung D e u t s c h e Kohlen-zeitung Deu t sche Land wi rtschaf tsgesel Ischaft Mitteilungen D e u t s c h e Vierteljahrsschrift fur Ôtïentliche Gesundheitspflegc D e u t s c h e Zuckerindustrie Deutscher verein v o n G a s - u n d Wasserfachmannern, M u n i c h Verhandlungen Dinglers Polytechnisches Journal D r u g a n d Chemical M a r k e t s D r u g a n d Cosmetic Industry Drugs, Oils a n d P a i n t s Druggists Circular Durham, England. University. Philosophical s o c i e t y Proceedings of the University of D u r h a m Philosophical S o c i e t y D y e r , T e x t i l e Printer, Bleacher a n d Finisher Dyestuffs Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester. Ν . Υ . Research laboratories Abridged scientific publications M o n t h l y abstract bulletin Economic G e o l o g y Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal Electrochemical S o c i e t y Bulletin Transactions Elektrochemische Zeitschrift Endeavour Endocrinology Engineering and M i n i n g Journal Engineering Foundation, New York Reports Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania, P i t t s b u r g h Proceedings Erdol und Teer F a r a d a y Society. L o n d o n Discussions Proceedings Transactions Farbe und L ick Farben-zeitung Fiirber-zeitung Faserforschung Fertilizer R e v i e w F e t t e u n d Seifcn





Feuerungstechnik Finska kemistamfundete Meddelanden Food Industries Food Manufacture *Food T e c h n o l o g y Fortschritte der C h e m i e , P h y s i k und Physikalischen C h e m i e Fortschritte der Minéralogie, Kristallographie u n d Pétrographie Fortschritte der Physik Franklin Institute, Philadelphia Journal Year book Frontier Fruit Products Journal Fuel i n Science a n d Practice G W F ; d a s G a s - u n d Wasscrfach Gas G a s Abstracts G a s World Gaz Gazzetta chimica italiana Geologische Bundcsanstalt. Vienna Verhandlungen der Kaiserlichkôniglichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt Geologiska foreningen, S t o c k h o l m Forhandlingar Germany. Chemisch-technischen Reichsanstalt Jahresbericht Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften z\i Gôttingen. Mathematischphysikalische Klasse. Nachrichten Gesetze u n d Verordnungen S o w i e Gerichtsentscheidungen Betreffend Lebensmittel Gidrokhimischeskie materialy Giesserei Giornale d e farmacia Givaudanian Glass Industry G t . Brit. Imperial Institute. L o n don Bulletin Gummi-zeitung H a w a i i a n Sugar Planters' Association. Experiment s t a t i o n , Honolulu Bulletin. Agricultural and chemical series H e l v e t i c a chi mica acta H e l v e t i c a physica acta Hiroshima, Japan. University Journal of Science. Ser. A : M a t h e m a t i c s , physics, c h e m i s try



Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschriftfûr physiologieche chemie Imperial Academy. Tokyo Proceedings India Rubber Journal India Rubber World Indian Chemical Society Journal Indian Institute of Science. Bangalore Journal Indian Journal of Physics Indian Lac Research Institute, Ranchi. India Bulletin Indian Soap Journal Indiana Academy of Science Proceedings Indicator Industria chiniica Industrie saponiera Industria y qui mica Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Analytical Edition Industrial Chemist and Chemical Manufacturer Industrie chimique *Ingeneria quimica Ingénieur chimiste Institute of Brewing Journal Institute of British Foundry men Proceedings Institute of Metals Journal Metallurgical abstracts Institute of Paper Chemistry Bulletin Institute of Petroleum. London Journal Institution of Chemical Engineers, London Transactions Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Bulletin Institution of the Rubber Industry Transactions Institute Solvay, Brussels. Institut international de chimie. Conseil de chimie Rapporte et discussion· •Instrumentation *Interchemical Review International Acetylene Association Official proceedings International Society of Leather Trades' Chemists Journal International Sugar Journal Internationale Zeitschrift fur Bohrtechnik, Erdôlbergbau und Géologie Iowa Academy of Science Proceedings Iron and Steel Institute Journal

Jahresbericht ûber die Leistungen der Chemischen Technologie Jahresbericht ûber die Untersuchungen und Fortschritte auf dem Gesammtgebeite der Zuckerfabrikation Japanese Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography Japanese Journal of Medical Sciences Japanese Journal of Physics Jaesy. Roumania. Universitatea Annales scientifiques Jenaische Zeitschrift fur Naturwiseenschaft Journal de chimie physique et de physico-chimie biologique Journal de pharmacie de Belgique Journal de pharmacie et de chimie Journal de physique. . .et le radium Journal des usines à gaz Journal fur chemie und physik Journal fur Praktische Chemie Journal of Agricultural Science Journal of Applied Physics Journal of Applied Science and Record of Progress in the Industrial Arts Journal of Bacteriology Journal of Biological Chemistry Journal of Chemical Education Journal of Chemical Physics *Journal of Colloid Science Journal of Dairy Science Journal of Economic Entomology Journal of Experimental Medicine Journal of General Physiology Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology Journal of Mathematics and Physics *Journal of Metals Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and the Arts Journal of Nutrition Journal of Organic Chemistry •Journal of Petroleum Technology Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Journal of Physical Chemistry Journal of Physiology Journal of Polymer Science Journal of Scientific Instrumente

Ledertechnische Rundschau Leipziger Farber-zeitung Letters on Brewing. A quarterly journal Leyden. Rijksuniversiteit. Earnerlingh Onnes laboratorium Communi cations Liebigs Annalen der Chemie Lingnan Science Journal Listy cukrovarnické Little, Arthur D., Inc., Cambridge, Mass. Industrial Bulletin London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science Louisiana Planter and Sugar Manufacturer Manchester. Municipal College of Technology Technology Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, Manchester, England Memoirs and proceedings Marseille. Institut colonial Bulletin des matières grasses Matières grasses, huiles, industrielles et alimentaires, graisses, savons... Melliand Textilberichte Mémorial des poudres Merck Report Merck's Jahresbericht ûber Neuerungen auf den Gebieten der Pharmakotherapie und Pharmazie Metal Finishing Metal Industry Metal Progress Metall und Erz Metallgesellschaft, Frankfurt-amMain Periodic review Statistische Zusammenstellungen liber Blei, Kupfer, Zink, Zinn, Silber, Nickel Metallurgia Italians Metals and Alloys Mikrochemie Mikrokosmos Mineral Industry Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society Mining and Engineering World Mining and Metallurgy Mining and Scientific Press Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiete der Lebensmitteluntersuchung und Hygiene Mitteilungen aus dem Materialprûfungsamt und dem KaiserWilhelm Institut Modern Plastics Monatshefte fur Chemie. . . Moniteur de la teinture et de l'impression des tissus Moniteur scientifique du Docteur Quesneville Mundo azucarero. The Sugar World

Kali, Verwandte Salze und Erdôl Kautschuk Kolloid-beihefte Kolloid Zeitschrift Kungliga lantbrukestyrelsens Ber&ttelee Kunsteeide Kunststoffe Kurashiki, Japan. Ohara institut fur landwirtachaftliche forschungen Berichte Kyoto. Imperial University. College of Medicine Acta scholae medicinalis College of Science and Engineering Jahrbuch der Chemie National Academy of Sciences, Memoirs Jahrbuch der Elektrochemie und Washington. D . C. Department of science Angewandten Physikaliachen Memoirs Memoirs of the College of Science Chemie Proceedings Imperial University. Jahrbuch des Vereine der Spiritue- Kyushu. Report Fukuoka, Japan. Department fabrikanten in Deutechland... National Joint Committee on Ferof Agriculture Jahreebericht iiber die Fortechritte tilizer Application Journal auf dem Gebiete der Reinen Proceedings of the annual meetFaculty of engineering Chemie ing Memoirs Jahrebericht liber die Fortechritte National Petroleum News der Chemie National Research Council Jahreebericht liber die Fortechritte Laboratory Bulletin in der Lehre von den Gâh- La Plata. Universidad nacional. National Research Council, Canrung-eorganieemen... ada Facultad de quimica y farJahreebericht liber die Fortechritte Bulletin macia. in der Lehre von den PathoReport Revista de la facultad de ciengenen Mikroorganiemen... Nature ciaa quimicas


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Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Zurich Vierteljahrsschrift Naturwiesenschaften Naturwissenschaftliche Umschau der Chemiker-zeitung Natuurwetenschappilijk tijdschrift Neues Jahrbuch fur Minéralogie, Géologie und Pàlâontologie New Modern Drugs New York Academy of Sciences Annala Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York Transactions Newcastle-upon-Tyne Chemical Society Transactions New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Halifax Proceedings and transactions Nuovo cimento. . . Oel und Kohle Oesterreichische Chemiker-zeitung Ohio Journal of Science Oil and Color Chemists* Association Journal Oil and Colour Trades Journal Oil and Gas Journal Oil, Paint, and Drug Reporter *01éagineux Optical Society of America Journal Osterreichischer Verein von Gasund Wasserfactmànnern Zeitschrift Paint and Varnish Production Manager Paint Industry Magazine Paint, Oil and Chemical Review Paper; the Magazine of the Paper Industry Paper Industry and Paper World Paper Trade Journal Parfums de France Papier-zeitung Papir-journalen Patent Office Society, Washington. D. C. Journal Percolator Perfumery and Essential Oil Record Perfumery and Essential Oil Record. Yearbook Petroleum •Petroleum Processing Petroleum Refiner Petroleum Review Pharmaceutical Journal Pharmaceutical Review Pharmaceutical Society of Japan Journal Pharmazeutisch Weekblad voor Nederland Pharmazeutisch Zeitschrift fur Russland Pharmazeutisch monatshefte Pharmazeutische presse Philippine Journal of Science Philosophical Society of Washington, Washington, D. C. Bulletin Physical Review Physical Society of London Proceedings Physico-mathematical Society of Japan Proceedings Physics Abstracts Physikalische Berichte Physikalische Zeitschrift •Powder Metallurgy Bulletin •Progress through Research Przemys Przemyst Chemiczny


Pulp and Paper Magazine of Canada *Quarterly Reviews Quimica e industria Rayon organon Rayon Textile Monthly Receuil dex travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas Refrigerating Engineering Répertoire de pharmacie Répertoire général de chimie, pure et appliquée *Research Review of Scientific Instruments Revue agricole de l'Ile Maurice Revue de chimie industrielle et le moniteur scientifique de Quesneville Revue de métallurgie Revue des produits chimiques Revue générale de chimie pure et appliquée Revue générale des matières colorantes du blanchiment de la teinture. . . Revue générale des matières plastiques Revue générale des sciences pures et appliquées Revue générale du caoutchouc... Revue internationale des falsifications RiechstofT Industrie und Kosmetik Roczniki chemji *Rohm & Haas Reporter Roure-Bertrand fils. Grasse Scientific and industrial bulletin Royal Dublin Society Economie proceedings Scientific proceedings Royal Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland Journal and proceedings Royal Institute of Great Britain Proceedings Royal Society of Arts Journal Royal Society of Canada Transactions Royal Soriety of Edinburgh Proceedings Transactions Royal Society of London Philosophical transactions, abridged ed. Proceedings Royal Society of New South Wales Journal and proceedings Royal Society of South Africa, Cape Town Transactions Royal Society of South Australia Transactions and proceedings Royal Society of Tasmania Papers and proceedings Royal Society of Western Australia Journal and proceedings Rubber Age Rubber Age and Synthetics Rubber Chemistry and Technology Rubber Growers' Association, London Bulletin Report of the council to the members of the association Russkoe fiziko-khimicheskoe obshchestvo Zhurnal Russkoe metallurgicheskoe obshchestvo Zhurnal Schimmel & Co., Aktiengesellschaft, Miltitz bei Leipzig Annual report on essential oils, synthetic perfumes, etc. Schimmel briefs Science Science Progress in the Twentieth century


Seifensieder-zeitung Sendai, Japan. University Science reports of Tôhoku Imperial University. First series Science reports of Tôhoku Imperial University. Fourth series Technology reports Sewage Works Journal Silk and Rayon *Soap (South India Soapmakers' Association) Soap and Sanitary Chemicals Soap Gazette and Perfumer Anales Societatea de chimie din Romania Buletinul Societàtea Românâ de stiinte din Bucuresti Sociedad Espanola de fisica y quimiça Buletinul Société chimique de Belgique, Brussels Bulletin Société chimique de France, Paris Bulletin Conférences faites à la Société Société de chimie biologique, Paris Bulletin Société industrielle de Mulhouse Bulletin Société industrielle de Rouen Bulletin Société scientifique d'hygiène alimentaire et d'alimentation rationelle de l'homme Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine Proceedings Society of Chemical Industry, London Journal Proceedings of the chemical engineering group Reports of the progress of applied chemistry Society of Chemical Industry of Japan Journal *Society of Cosmetic Chemists, Journal Society of Dyers and Colourists, Bradford, England Journal Society of Gas Lighting Transactions Society of Glass Technology Journal Soil Science South African Association of Analytical Chemists Proceedings and lists ot members South African Chemical Institute Journal Special Libraries Association. Science-technology group Patent index to Chemical Abstracts, 1907-1936 Squibb Abstract Bulletin Stahl und Eisen Stain Technology Stazione sperimentale per l'industria délie pelli e del le materie concianti Bollettino Sucrerie belge Sugar Sugar Beet Sugar Cane *Sugar Industry Sugar News *Sugar Molecule Suomalainen tiedeakatemia,. Heleingfors Suomalaisen tiedeakatemian toimituksia. Annales.. . South African Journal of Science Svensk farmaceutisk tidskrift Svensk keinisk tidskrift



in charge

Svensk papperstiduing. . . V Sveriges kemiska industrikoutor Meddelanden Sydney. Technical College. Chemical Society Journal and proceedings Syracuse Chemist Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Association Papers Technisch-chemisches Jahrbuch Technik-industrie und Schweizer Chemiker Zeitung Technologist Technology Quarterly and Proceedings of the Society of Arts Teer und Bitumen Teknisk tidskrift Kemi och bergsvetenskap Textilchemiker und colorist Textile American Textile Colorist Textile Institute, Manchester, England Journal Textile Mercury and Argus Textile Research Journal Textile World Tiba Tokyo. Institute of Physical and Chemical Research Scientific papers Tokyo. University. Aeronautical Research Institute Reports U. S. Bureau of Foreign and D o mestic Commerce World chemical developments *Industry Report: Chemicals and Drugs U. S. Department of Agriculture Journal of Agricultural Research Bulletin of the Bureau of Chemistry U. S. National Bureau of Standards Journal of Research U. S. Office of Experiment Stations Bulletin Experiment station record U. S. Official Publication Board *Bibliography of scientific and industrial reports U. S. Patent Office Official Gazette U. S. Superintendent of Documents Monthly catalog U. S. Tariff Commission Synthetic Organic Chemicals Universal Oil Products Co., Chicago Library Bulletin of Abstracts Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters



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anderbilt News Verein der Deutschen Zucker-industrie, Berlin Zeitschrift Vierteljahresschrift iiber die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Chemie der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. . . Wallerstein Laboratories, New York Communications Washington Academy of Sciences, Washington. D. C. Journal Proceedings Vom Wasser Wasser und Abwasser Wasser und Gas West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute Journal Western Gas Association Proceedings Wood Preserving News Year-book for Colorists and Dyers Zeitschrift der Deutschen 01- und Fett- industrie Fortsetzung des "Seifenfabrikant" Zeitschrift fur Analytische Chemie Zeitschrift fur Anorgauische und Allgemeine Chemie Zeitschrift fur Biologie Zeitschrift fur das Gesamte Brauwesen Zeitschrift fur las Gesamte Getriedewesen Zeitschrift fur das Gesamte Schiessund SprcngstofTwesen Zeitschrift fur den Physikalischen und Chemischen Unterricht Zeitschrift fur die Gesamte Kohlensiiureindustrie Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie und Ange wand te Physikalische Chemie Zeitschrift fur Farben Industrie Zeitschrift fur Metallkunde Zeitschrift fur Ôffentliche Chemie Zeitschrift fiir Physik Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie Zeitschrift fur Technische Physik Zeitschrift fur Untersuchung dcr Lebensmittel Zellstoff und Papier Zement Zentralblatt fur Biochemie und Biophysik Zhurnal khimicheskoi promyshlennosti Zhurnal obshchei khimii