A Hammett Study of Hydrogen Abstraction from Substituted

Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of anti-7-benzonorbornadiene derivatives. Michael E. Brennan , Merle A. Battiste. The Journal of Organic Chemistry ...
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NOTES Saponification.-In 25 ml. of ethanol was dissolved 20 g. (0.05 mole) of I X . The solution of 2.5 g. of potassium hydroxide in 5 ml. of water and 25 ml. of ethanol was added with agitation a t room temperature. The clear solution was heated for 3 hr. a t 50". During this time two phases formed. The lower, oily phase was separated a t room temperature, taken up in ether, washed with water, and dried over sodium sulfate. Ether was evaporated, and the remaining colorless oil was purified by high vacuum distillation. VI1 was obtained in 78y0 yield (14.2 g.).

A Hammett Study of Hydrogen Abstraction from Substituted Allylbenzenes MICHAELM. MARTINA N D GERALD JAYGLEICHER~ The Department of Chemistry, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Received June 14, 1963

This study is a comparison of the polar effects operating in the abstraction of a hydrogen atom from a series of substituted allylbenzenes (reaction 1) and the more extensively investigated abstraction of a hydrogen atom from substituted toluenes (reaction 2).*-' The greater stability of the a-vinylbenzyl radical (11) com-




pared to the benzyl radical (IV) would be expected to compress the activation energy scale for reaction 1 compared to reaction 2 , and thereby decrease the effect of a polar substituent on reaction rate in the case of the allylbenzenes. In order to determine the extent to which this effect is reflected in the magnitude of the Hammett p-value for reaction 1 as compared to reaction 2 , reaction constants have been determined for abstraction of a hydrogen atom from allylbenzenes by the trichloroniethyl radical, generated from bromotrichloromethane, and by the bromine atom, generated from ?r'-broniosuccinimide.* Experimental Materials.-The substituted allylbenzenes were all prepared by the coupling reaction of allyl bromide with an aryl Grignard reagent. The procedural details and properties of these com(1) Petroleuni Research Fund Predoctoral Fellow, 1061-1862 and 19621963. (2) C . Walling and B. Miller, J . A m . Chem. So,,., 76, 4181 (19.57). (3) E. C. Kooyman, R. i'an Helden, and A . I?. Bickel, Konikl. Ked. Akad. Wetenshap. Proc. S e r . B . 68, 75 (1953). (4) R. E.Pearson and J. C. M a r t i n , J. A m . Chenr. Sop.. 86, 354 (1963). (5) C.Wallingand B.J a c k n o n , ibid., 82, 6113 (1960). (6) G . .A. Russell, ibid., 78, 1047 (1056). (7) E.S. Huyser, ibid., 88,394 (1060). ( 8 ) Recent studies4.9 have demonstrated t h a t the bromine atom is t h e hydrogen abstracting species in benzylic brominations involving N-bromosuccininiide. a n d not the N-succinimidyl radical a s had been originally believed.* (9) G . A. Russell, C. DeBoer, and K. hl. Desmond, J. A m . Chem. Soc.. 8 6 , 365 (1963).

VOL. 28

pounds are reported elsewhere .lo The N-bromosuccinimide was purified by recrystalliiation from petroleum ether (80"-100"), m.p. 179". Chlorobenzene wa8 purified by shaking with three portions of sulfuric acid, once with water, three times with 5% sodium bicarbonate, again with water, drying successively over calcium chloride, calcium sulfate, and phosphorus pentoxide, and distilling, b.p. 130-130.5". Merck, Reagent carbon tetrachloride was used without further purification. Products.-A mixture of 17.3 g. (0.147 mole) of allylbenzene, 26.1 g. (0.146 mole) of N-bromosuccinimide, and 100 ml. of carbon tetrachloride under nitrogen was refluxed for 24 hr. while being irradiated by a 275-w. General Electric sun lamp directed through the side of the reaction flask. At the end of this time the solution was cooled, whereupon 13.65 g. (94%) of succinimide, m .p. 124.5-126.5' ( lit.11a 125-126"), separated. Solvent was removed from the liquid filtrate by distillation a t reduced pressure, and the residue distilled through a Vigreux column, giving 25.8 g. (89%) of a liquid identified as cinnamyl bromide, b.p. 120-124" (30 mm.), m.p. 29" (lit.*lb31'). Vapor phase chromatography on a diethylene glycol euccinate column indicated only one component, and the infrared spectrum was devoid of any absorption bands which would be characteristic of the possible isomeric product, phenylvinylcarbinyl bromide. These results confirm the contention that the dominant reaction of an olefin with N-bromasuccinimide is allylic hydrogen abstraction and not addition to the double bond, and justifies the assumption in the kinetic studies that olefin disappears only by hydrogen abstraction without significant competition by addition. Procedure for Kinetic Runs Using N-Bromosuccinimide.Equimolar quantities of two allylbenzenes, X-bromosuccinimide and chlorobenzene (present as an inert internal standard for V.P.C. analysis) were sealed under a nitrogen in small Pyrex ampoules and placed in a horizontal position just beneath the surface of an oil bath maintained a t 69.5 i= 0.2" and irradiated by a General Electric 275-w. sun lamp placed 19 em. from the surfaces until anywhere from 45 to 70y0of the total number of moles of allylbenzenes present had been consumed. An irradiation time of about 5 to 5 . 5 hr. wm employed. After the ampoules had coded, they were opened, the liquid portion decanted from undissolved solids, and analyses conducted by V.P.C. on a 6-ft. 10% diethylene glycol succinate column. p-Dimethylamino-, p-methoxy- p-phenyl-, m-methoxy-, p-chloro-, and m-chloroallylbenzene were run in competition with the unsubstituted allylbenzene, whereas p-methyl-, m-methyl-, p-fluoro-. p-trifluoromethyl- and m-trifluoromethylallylbenzene were run against m-chloroallylbenzene to give better separation on v.P.c., and therefore better analytical results. The ratio of rate constants relative to the unsubstituted compound was then calculated from the expression ~

where kx is the rate constant for the substituted allylbenzene in question, ko the rate constant for the unsubstituted allylbenzene and km-cl the rate constant for m-chloroallylbenzene. Determination of k,/ko.-The rate of hydrogen abstraction from the substituted compound relative to the unsubstituted compound was calculated from the expression

where Xo and Uo are the number of moles initially present of substituted and unsubstituted allylbenzene, respectively, and Xr and 1Jr are the number of moles present a t the end of the irradiation period. The ratios Xo/Xt and Uo/Ur were determined by V.P.C. analysis trom the expression

Xo - (area under S peak/area under C6HsC1 peak),,,t,,li, - (area under X peak/area under c ~ H & lpeak)flnally


and the analogous one for the unsubstituted olefin. Areas were determined with the aid of a disk integrator. Procedure for Kinetic Runs Using Bromotrichloromethane .The experiments from which reactivity ratios for hydrogen abstraction by the trichloromethyl radical were determined are described elsewhere.10 The results are included in this note for (10) M.M . Martin and C, J . Cleicher. ibid., in press (11) (a) I. Heilbron, "13ictionary of Organic Compounds," Vol. 4, Oxford University Press. London, England, 1953,p. 384: (b) Vol. 1, p. 364.


NOVEMBER, 1963 the sake of completeness and comparison with the studies using S-bromosuccinimide. Hammett p-values were calculated from Calculations.-The least squares slopes of the lines resulting from plots of log k x / k o The expected errors in p and the correlation us. u+ or us. 0'. coefficients were calculated by standard statistical methods . l 2 Relative Reactivity of Allylbenzene and Toluene toward NBromosuccinimide.-The procedure and calculations were the same as those employed to study relative reactivities of the various allylbenzenes.

I n Table I are presented the relative rates of hydrogen abstraction from allylbenzenes by bromine atoms and trichlormethyl radicals. k'rom the data in this Table it is possible to calculate reaction constants, that is p-values, for these reactions. The p-values, obtained by calculating the slopes of the regression lines resulting from plots of log k x : k o 1's. u + or uo are presented in Tables I1 and 111. In the reaction with X-bromosuccinimide, the allylhenzenes were studied a t a lower temperature than the toluenes (69.5' compared with 80 "), whereas in the reaction with bromotrichloromethane, the allylbenzenes were studied a t a higher temperature than the toluenes (69.5O compared with 50'). Since the magnitude of a p-value varies inversely with temperature below the isokinetic temperature, the p-values for the two systems in their reactions with N-bromosuccinimide would be further apart if studied a t the same temperature than they are a t the temperatures indicated in Table 11, whereas for the reaction with bromotrichloromethane, the p-values would be nearer to each other in magnitude when studies a t the same temperature, then they are a t the temperatures indicated in Table 111. LLIaking allowances for the differences in temperatures a t which these studies have been conducted, it would appear that hydrogen abstraction reactions from allylbenzenes have Hammett pvalues of the order of one half to one-third as great in magnitude as those for abstraction from toluenes by the same radical. TABLE I RELATIVE RATESOF ABSTRACTION OF A HYDROGEN ATOMFROM SUBSTITUTED ALLYLBENZENESBY A BROMINEATOM AND A TRICHLOROMETHYL RADICAL AT 69.5' uoa


k s / k o (Br.1





REACTIONS, Br. CeHsCHzR + HBr C~H~CHR Temp., "C.



CH=CHZ 69 5 -0 i 6 f 0 03 (-0 99) - 1 3 0 f O 0 3 ( - 0 99) H" 80 0 1 Calculated using u+. Correlation coefficient. ref. 4.


Results and Discussion






Temp., " C .











-0.39 f 0 . 0 3 (-0.94) -1.46

a Calculated using u +. lated using dJ. d,Pee ref. 7.

-0.58 f 0 . 0 3 (-0.99) -1.72 (-0.99) Correlation coefficient. Calcu-

It was also found that allylbenzenes is 17.5 f 1.1 times as reactive toward hydrogen abstraction by the bromine atom as toluene a t 69.5", reflecting the stabilizing effect of the a-vinyl group. Comparing this figure with data recently published by Russell, Deboer, and D e ~ m o n d it , ~ would appear that a hydrogen atom is more easily abstracted by a bromine atom from allylbenzene than from diphenylmethane. This is probably a consequence of the greater difficulty with which coplanarity is approached by the two phenyl groups of the diphenylmethyl radical compared to the phenyl group and vinyl group of the a-vinylhenzyl radical. Acknowledgment.-It is a pleasure to thank the Donors of the Petroleum Research Fund for a grant (PRF-603A) which financed the greater part of this work.

Derivatives of 2-Benzyl-1-indanone. Competing Alicyclic and Aromatic Monobromination GUILLAUME A. COPPENS,MIREILLECOPPENS, H. CROMWELL~ DENNISN. KEVILL,A N D NORMAN

Avery Laboratory, University of Xebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska

k x / k o (ChC.)c

-1.700 2 0 . 9 f O . O S d p-(CHa)zK -0.44 -0.778 3.23f0.20 1.46f0.07d p-CH3O -0.16 -0.15 -0.311 1 . 8 9 f 0 . 0 4 1 . 4 2 f 0.03 pCH3 1.70 f 0.03 1 . 0 2 zk 0 . 0 8 p-CeHs 0.00 -0.179 +0.17 -0.073 1 . 0 8 f 0.02 0 . 9 4 =!z 0.03 P-F m-CH3 -0.07 -0.060 1 . 2 9 f 0 . 1 3 1 . 1 5 f 0.04 H 0.00 0.000 1.000 1.000 m-CH30 +O.l3 +0.047 1.02 f 0 . 0 1 0.82 f 0.01 p-CI +0.27 +0.114 0.78 f 0.05 0.78 i0.05 nt-Cl +0.37 +0.339 0.50 f 0.06 0.60 f 0.01 m-CF3 +0.42e +0.562 0.40 f 0.01 0 . 5 4 f 0.02 +O.5ge +0.612 0 36 f 0.01 0 . 4 7 f 0 . 0 1 P-CFI R. W. Taft,, J. Phvs. Chem., 64,1805 (1960). H. C. Brown and, Y. Okamot'o, J . A m . Chem. Soc., 80, 4979 (1958). See ref. 10. Average deviation. e U O valuee are not availahle for m- and p-CF3, hut for stronglv electron-withdrawing groups, u = uO. The values indicated are u values: J. Hine, "Physical Organic Chemistry," McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, N. Y., 1956, p. 72. (12) W. J. Gore, "Statistical Methods for Chemical Experimentation," Interscience Publisht-18, Inc.. New York, N . Y., 1952, Chap. 6.

Received June 10, 1963

It has been shown previously that treatment of 2benzyl-1-indanone (I) or 2-benzyl-3,3-dimethyl-l-indanone (11) with an equimolar quantity of bromine in chloroform leads to an excellent yield of the correThe prodsponding 2-bromo-2-benzyl-l-indanone.z~3 uct controlling factor is the activating infliience of the carboiiyl group. R R

-@pa R




I,R=H 11,R = CHs -


Br 1II.R-H ~~


,-- --


(1) To whom communications concerning this paper should be addressed. (2) N. H. Cromwell and R . P. Ayer, J . Am. Chem. doc.. 89, 133 (1960). (3) B. D. Pearson, R . P. Ayer, and N. H. Cromwell, J . Ora. Chem.. 47, 3038 (1962).