A Helping hand for METAL TREATING - Chemical & Engineering

Nov 5, 2010 - A Helping hand for METAL TREATING. Chem. Eng. News , 1948, 26 (30), p 2247. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v026n030.p2247. Publication Date: July ...
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I n the treating of metal for cor­ rosion resistance, phosphoric acid and other specially devel­ oped compounds are widely used b y manufacturers of automo­ biles, telephones, washing ma­ chines, water heaters, stoves, etc. Solutions containing Vic­ tor* Phosphoric Acid form effec­ tive, rust-retarding phosphate coatings on iron and steel sur­ faces, and provide a more per­ fect bond between the paint and metal


A Helping for

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METAL TREATING BOOTHS 53, 54, 55, 62, 63, 64

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Victor chemicals used in metal treating, cleaning, plating, polishing and the manufacture of alloys include:


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Ferrophosphorus . . . manufacture of special steels and foundry iron. Oxalic Acid . . . cleaning railroad cars, brass polish, rust-proofing. Phosphoric Acid . . . metal cleaning compounds, rust-proofing, rail· road car cleaning, electro-polishing. Sodium Phosphates . . . cleaning compounds, tin plating, degreasing* Wetting Agents . . . accelerate action of cleaning compounds. Hemisodium Phosphate . . . contact tinning of brass. Phosphorus . . . manufacture of phosphor-copper. Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate . . . contact tinning. Sodium Formate . . · plating baths.

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