A Laboratory Guide in Chemistry (Roe, Joseph H.)

observation and interpretation!' It is divided into three parts: Pert I describes the techniques of experimental chemistry including safety precaution...
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observation and interpretation!' I t is divided into three parts: Pert I describes the techniques of experimental chemistry including safety precautions, methods of recording data, and results, gravimetrio and volumetric operstions, msnipulstion of glass, and the handling of gases. Nine exercises in technique are included in this section. Part I1 is a "seleoted set" of 45 experiments "designed to teach the important principles and facts of general chemistry"; Part I11 is s. short appendix containing general reference material. Tho experiments of Part I1 are well organized, cattfully planned, clearly written, and represent a. broad coverage of the material. About four experiments might he classified its inorganic prepambions, about seven deal with rtnelytical chemistry, two with organic chemistry, approximately 21 with what might be termed "chemical principles," and four are exercises in problem solving. The remaining are descriptive inorganic material. Some principles of qualitative snalysir are investigated but a rigorous scheme of quditstive analysis is not included. The experiments themselves are relatively simple to perform and the authors have succeeded in making the interpretation of results a stimulating process certain to extend even the best ~todents. Expeeidly competent laboratory instruction will be necessary t o make this interpretatiori meaningful to average and below average students. Of intereat to instructors is the separately bound "Instructor's Manual" which, in addition to providing lists of reagents and desk equipment and a. possible schedule of experiments, inclndes pertinent comments on each experiment. Of interest also in the fact that the laboratory manual has the same page size as the text, i.e., 6 X 9 inches. This manual, if used with a good teacher close a t hand. will teach students to t,hink precisely and t o appreciate the value and limitations of experimentation. WILLIAM T. LIPPINCOTT

U s w ~ n s r wor F ~ o n ~ o * , G A I N E B V I ~ IPGORIDI .E,

CHEMISTRY James V. Quaglionq University of Notre

Dame. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood 854 Cliffs, New Jersey, 1958. xviii a i i i pp. Many figs. and tables. 1 6 X 23.5 cm. $6.95.



ITIS not easy to write a good textbook. No doubt many aspiring authors have tried t o learn the secrets of this elusive technique by analyzing outstanding works of other authors. Here is a. text well worth such study. The first requirement for any text is clarity of expression and successful address to its intended audience. This text has been written to the student, not to his professor., The author has obvio~mlytakeken great care t o obtain this result. The second requirement is aocurecy of content and absence of obsolete information. And included here as a corol638

Imy is an example of an important pedagogical precept: There was nothing noted in this text that nill have to be unlearned by the student in later years, save only those concepts whieh will themselves be changed as chemistry progresses. Third, no doubt, is eomplcteness of coverage. Not all will agree that any one text is satisfactory in this respect, but certainly there will be few disnenten in this case. After five chapters of basic introductory material,ineluding stoichiometry, are two chapters: one on oxygen, one on hydrogen. These chapters are not limited merely to these two topics; preceding material is reviewed and following material mentioned. This policy is general throughout the text. Treatment of gases and of the liquid and solid state follow. After the next chapter on water and related topics, are three chapters on the periodic svstem, electron bands, and sizes of atoms and ions. Solutions follow, then redox, electrolysis, and half-cells are treated. Acids, bases, and salts precede a three-chapter discussion of equilibrium and introductory kinetics. I n the remainder of the text the

approach, although P V = nRT is mentioned, a hit belatedly. A complete review should inrludo B word of commendation for the illustrations. Here, a t last, are illustrstianfi consistent in style and consonant, with the text., illustrations that teach. Sumorous (more than 75, estimated) rhnrta, graphs, and tables serve the same end. Many of the exercises require that the student think as he review the material he has learned. However, s n s w r s to the prohlem me missing; it n-mld have been very helpful to see a n s w r s to half, or a third, of the prohlems given in tho text. I n summary, I predict that this text may well become a standard by which competitors nill be measured. Few succeed so well in doing what $1 texts should do-teach ehemi&ry to the beginning student cleerl.~, accurately, and completely. J I Y .4. YOUNG Iclwa's co,,,.mas Wnres-Bhnne. P ~ a x e r ~ v m r ~

A LABORATORY GUIDE IN CHEMISTRY descriptive chemistry in an elementary text.) Interspersed here and there are chapters on complex ions and molecules, colloids, and nuclear chemistry. Organic chemistry is treated in the concluding chapter. Of course, the recitation of the table of contents does not demonstrate that the treatment is uniquely complete. Perhaps some semblance of what is meant can he gained by noting that the chapter on organic chemistry, by no means an atypical example, has 19 pages of discussion on covalent carbon chains, molecular and structural formulas, the tetrahedron, double and triple bonds, isomerism, cyclic compounds, and other topies, hefore formdly considering nomenclature. In short, this chapter tella the student what organic chemist,ry is about, before he is asked to learn to use the necessary tools. Then, with the tools in hand, derivatives, funetiond groups, typical reactions, and lesser matters are discuased. The treatment. is not disjointed; rather i t is well tied together, integrated into a whole. Throughout, emphasis is placed an the empirical basis of chemistry. Outright pontification is non+xistent. The consistent use of examples to clarify difficult points is noteworthy. Modern inorganic nomenclature has been used; although the older nomenclature is mentioned, to permit familiarization with the older literature and with reagent bottle labels. Latimer's oxidation potentials are well explained and then are used (not merely alluded to) to elucidate the chemistry of the elements and their compounds. The discussions on problem solving are remarkable for their clarity. Stoichiometric problems are solved hy using unit fractions and dimensional analysis. There are no proportions in this text to confuse the issue. Gas law ~roblemsu8e the familiar greater or less than unity

Joseph H. Roe, Professor of Biochemistry,

George Washington University School of Medicine, Washington, D. C. The C. V. Mosby Ca.,St. Louis, 1958. Third edition. 244 pp. 14.5 X 21.5 cm. $2.50. ELEMENTARY laboratory chen~ist~.y for nurses is covered from the Bunsen burner (Expt. 1) to food analysis (Expt,. 59). Blanks are provided for the recording of observhons. There are few r e d experiments. Most are exercises which can be answered from any general rhcmistry text without setting foot in the lnhorato~y. 1%'.I?.


CHEMIE LEXIKON. VOLUME 1 (A-K). VOLUME 2 .(L-Z) . . Rijmpp. Fourth edition. Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart, 2507 pp. 1958. Volume 1 (A-K): Volume 2 (L-2): 2589 pp. 1 7 X 24.5 cm. 198 German marks (appro.. $50).


THErapid and steady progress of chemistry and its related fields makes it almost impossible for the ordinary chemist to keep informed on the current status of more than a. very few areas. The impact must be tremendous on a man, v h o practically single-handed, keeps up-to-date a monumental undertaking such as this chemical reference book. Khstever his working methods, the results are outstandingly worth while. An astonishing amount of information is available in these two volumes. The previous edition 30, 430 was reviewed in THIS JOURNAL (1953) where it was pointed out: "The entries are arranged alphabetically and the length ranges from one line to several pages. Most of the discussions are provided with references to scientific or trade (Continued on page A614) JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION