A large inexpensive desiccator - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

The authors share instructions for building a large inexpensive desiccator. Keywords (Subject):. Laboratory Equipment / Apparatus. View: PDF | PDF w/ ...
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A Large Inexpensive Desiccator We have recently fabricated a large desiccator that we have found very useful. It consists of a 10-gal aquarium with %-in. self-sticking foam rubber insulation along the upper edge. A piece of %-in.safety glass is attached by hinges fastened with epoxy glue to the upper edge. A wide mesh screen supported by No. 10rubber stoppers rests on the bottom of the aquarium above 1in. of coarse mesh Silica Gel. The total cost, including the Silica Gel, was approximately $25. We have used the desiccator mainly for cooling large oven-dryed glassware such as solvent stills, condensers, and distillation heads. Reagents, as well as intermediate products of various syntheses have also been stored successfullyin this desiccator. The Silica Gel needs to be regenerated about every 2 months. This desiccator is very inexpensive and easy to fabricate and use. Duke University Durham, North Carolina 27706

Richard R. Hcndrixson David R. Whitcomb Richard A. I'alrner

Volume 53, Number 9, September 1976 / S93