A Little Does a Lot - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 11, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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A Little Does a Lot Do you have products that need better tack . . . adhesion . . . flexibility . . . toughness . . . gloss . . . alcohol resistance . . . grease and alkali resistance . . . oxidation resistance? These and many other properties needed in printing inks adhesives, plastics, rubber, paints and varnishes lacquers, can be vastly improved by adding just a " p i n c h " or so of the proper Hercules® resin The solution to a difficult formulating problem or the route to new and unique products is frequently found through an intelligent selection of specialty modifying resins.

Hercules offers a number of specialty synthetic resins, liquid and solid, for imparting specific desirable characteristics to a great variety of end products. Most widely used of these "problem solvers" are Abitol®, Cellolyn® 2 1 and 9 5 - 8 0 T , Hercolyn® D, NeoIyn®23, and Petrex® 7-75T. Further information on these six resins is contained in the Technical Data Sheets shown above. If they are not already in your PR63-1 reference file, write: Pine & Paper Chemicals Department, Hercules Powder Company, 910 Market Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19899.