A look inside the world's most widely used process gas chromatograph . . . Here is the most versatile instrument ever developed for monitoring multiple compon e n t s in a complex process s t r e a m . . . t h e Beckman Gas Chromatograph. Its pneumatic heating system, in a n explosion-proof housing, provides accurate ( ± .1°C) temperature control for long-term analysis reproducibility. Accessible design simplifies and speeds adjustment when required. And accessories broaden its range of process applications. "> Unseen in the picture are Beckm a n application engineers, experienced in taking unsolved process monitoring problems and building profit-making solutions. Beckman engineers tailor-make each instrument and process-prove them under actual operating conditions...6e/ore delivery? Beckman Gas Chromatographs are delivered ready to go on stream, with complete start-up a regular service.^ The total picture is one of trouble-free operation and optim u m yield. ..the real reasons why Beckman Process Chromatographs outsell all others
fications and answers to your process control p r o b l e m s . . . w r i t e for data file 2P-1-13.
Beckman Scientific and Process J Instruments
Beckman Instrumerits, 2500 FnUerton Rood, Fullerton, (California
a Fact:
Beckman atmosphere analyzers on
air, continuously protecting the well-being of the crew during prolonged submersion.