A low-cost, precision hydrometer for classroom use

A Low-Cost, Precision Hydrometer for Classroom Use. Michael D. Murphy. University of Alabama, University, AL 35486. Hydrometers have been a basic tool...
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A Low-Cost, Precision Hydrometer for Classroom Use Michael D. Murphy University of Alabama, University, AL 35486 that the capillary tube had the uniform diameter and thickHydrometers have been a basic tool in teaching labs and ness required for accurate readings. industrial labs for countless years, but, because of their current expense, they can cause an unacceptable drain on a budget List of Materials through frequent breakage in the hands of inexperienced freshman students. Fisher 01-215. Avoid pre5ml ampule scored ampules to prevent The hydrometer shown in Figure 1 can he assembled in a undue breakage. few minutes by students, using stock laboratory items with 100-mm melting-point tube Fisher 12-141-1 a total retail cost of about 17 cents. The thinness of the glass Norell. Inc., 314 Arbor Ave., 5-mm NMR sample tube caps walls of the capillary melting-point tube and 5-ml ampule Landisuille, NJ 08326. assures that the hydrometer is quite bottom-heavy, thus $2.751100 permitting the apparatus to float perfectly upright, with no tendency to fall over on its side. Before they are dispensed to the students, the tubes are sealed a t both ends, laid parallel to each other in groups of 10 or so, and taped on each end to the table to prevent rolling. A mask of lines carefully cut out of a manila folder is then taved firmly over the tubes, and a l~ghtdis~,harge( 8 1 quikk-dr). pilint rrwn ,I >prayt u n I S uird to ~ ~ l e ;1pvIv the rraduxima. 1.ikvwisc. thr i~l:lstirN \ l R n ~ ~tube c&"are d h e d ahead of time to prdvide a snug opening into which the capillary tube may be inserted. The student can adapt the hydrometer for use in any liquid by varying the amount of weight (lead shot, BB's, sand) added to the ampule. In our particular experiment, the students were t o determine the specific gravity (and thus the percent alcohol) of the clear decantate from a finished fermentation of sugar water by yeast. By adjusting the hydrometer's weight so that it floated a t the lowest graduation in water, alcohol solutions of 0-10% could be tested. Testing of the hydrometer against standard alcohol solutions in that range showed that all points fell very close to a straight line (Fig. 21, indicating Figure 2. (right) Data obtained for 0-10% alcohol solutions.

Volume 60 Number 10 October 1983