A. M. Butlerov (1828-1886)

Butlerov was a contemporary of Au "st KekulC. He was educated at the University of Kazan. He was professor there from 1858 to 1868, and, afterwards ...
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A. M. BUTLEROV (1828-1886) Butlerov was a contemporary of Au "st KekulC. He was educated at the University of Kazan. He was professor there from 1858 to 1868,and, afterwards, professor at the University o f St. Petersburg. His greatest contribution to organic chemistry was the discover of the tertiary alcohols. His textbook on organic chemistry, basedion August KekulCs work, had a very far-reaching influence. (Contributed by E. Bed, 6 m c g i r I n ~ i i t u t rof Technology)