A Manual of Biochemistry (McClendon, J. F.) - Journal of Chemical

A Manual of Biochemistry (McClendon, J. F.). A. K. Anderson. J. Chem. Educ. , 1935, 12 (1), p 47. DOI: 10.1021/ed012p47.1. Publication Date: January 1...
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RECENT BOOKS A MANUALOF BIOCBEMISTRY.I. F. McClendon, Professor of Physiological Chemistry, University of Minnesota Medical School. First edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. New York 381 pp. 58 figs. 15 X 23 cm. $5.00. City, 1934. vii


This hook is an outgrowth of mimeographed material which has apparently been used in a course in physiological chemistry a t the University of Minnesota for some time. The order followed in this hook is a distinct departure from the conventional arrangement found in recognized texts an physiological chemistry. The greater part of the book concerns itself with elements and compounds of biological importance, with a discussion involving the function and importance of each. The book is divided into six parts. Part I deals with physical chemistry as related t o biology and includes such subjects as colloids, cataly.;is, calorimetry, internal secretions, and ionic equilibria. Part 11, which occupies 42 pages, deals with inorganic elements and compounds. I n Part I11 the organic compounds of biological interest are discussed. Part N is a brief summary of foods, digestion, metabolism, and excretion. Part V is devoted to laboratory directions involving the quantitative determination of important organic and inorganic constituents of biological materials. Part VI is a table of 1000 elements and compounds of importance in biology, giving their molecular weight, melting point, boiling point, density, and solubility in water, alcohol, and ether. In most cases a statement is included giving their occurrence, use, or importance in biology. One of the features of the hook which should prove of value t o the student is the citation of numerous references a t the conclusion of each suhject discumed. One of the things that impresses the reader is the inclusion d much material which is not found in other hooks on physiological chemistry. This is especially noticeable in the section on inorganic elements. The section on iodine and its relation to goiter is especially good. Following the section on the radioactive elements, considerable space is devoted t o radiation, which includes discussions of such subjects a s radio and cosmic rays. The subject of diabetes and insulin is well discussed and many ideas are presented which are not found in other books. The section on laboratory work is quite different from other laboratory guides in physiological chemistry. All the experiments are quantitative in nature, and micro technic is emphasized. Methods are given for the determination of many substances for which methods are not availaple in other hooks. Many of the methods are new. Perhaps the most important criticism that can made of the h w k is the brevity with which many subjects are lspensed with. I n many cases simply the name and the chemical formula of a compound are given. Frequently the discussion of a compound is indefinite and fragmentary and leaves one with the feeling that an enlargement of the discussion would make the information of more value and interest t o the student. For example, on page 277 the following compounds are dispensed with as follows: "Nicotine paralyzes certain nerve ganglia when a highly concentrated solution is applied t o them locally." " C i o p h e n , atophan, is related t o quinine. It has been given t o patients with gout." "Quinine is used t o cure malaria. Its use w a s discovered by South American Indians." On page 29, specific dynamic action of protein is discussed. One is left with the impression that proteins alone have a specific dynamic effect. Mention should be made of the fact that carbohydrates and fats produce a similar effect. On page 287 the following statement is made: "The digestion of meat in the stomach produces some substance which cures pernicious anemia." The writer feels that some other term should be substituted for the ward "cures." To one who is accustomed t o teaching physiological chemistry in the conventional manner it is difficult to see how this h w k


could replace the excellent texts which are now available. For a more general course in biochemistry i t will he useful. As a reference book it is excellent and should 6nd a place in the library of everyone intemted in the field of biochemistry. A. K. ANDERSON Tas P&NNSYLYANIA STATBCOLLB(IB


THE CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS. C e d H.Desch. National Physical Laboratory. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N. Y., 1934. 213 pp. 55 figs. 15 X 23 cm. $2.50. This book is the record of the 13th George Fisher Baker Lectureship in Chemistry a t Cornell University. As evidence that i t is well done, your reviewer would point out that it reads like a "real book" and not a t all like a set of lecture notes. After an introduction dealing with the close bond between pure and applied science. Professor Desch takes up in turn the crystalline state, the growth of crystals, and the d e c t of adsorption and environment on the external shapes of crystals. Then follows a chapter an the effect of surface tension on the crystal boundary with special reference t o the "amorphous cement" theory and to the concentration of impurities a t the grain boundaries. A short chapter on etch figures is followed by a discussion on mosaic structure. Still other chapters deal with passivity, corrosion fatigue, diffusion, Widmanstitten figures, martensitic structure, age-hardening, and intermetallic compounds. The book closes with a series of discussions on the possible production of a vitreous phase by defomation. chemical changes in solids. layered lattices. and fiher structure. Students in crystal structure, physical chemistry, and metallurgy will find this hook informative and stimulating. They WHEELER P. DAVEY will find i t worth owning. Tan Perrlrrnvnmn STADC O L L ~ ~ ST*==.Co~~srie,PBNNsYLVrnra

HANDBOOK on CHEMISTRY.Compiled and edited by Norbnl Adolph Langc, Ph.D., Associate Professsr of Organic Chemistry a t Case School of Applied Science. gandhook Publishers, 1265 248 29 pp. Inc., Sandusky, Ohio. 1934. xiv 12.5 X 19.5 cm. $6.00 (special price to students and teachers. S3.W).




This is not "just another handbook." It has been compiled with specific attention t o its utility t o the chemist and emhodies several features not usually found in hooks of fhis type. I n order of their appearance in the text, one h t finds a useful table of directions for handling and storing hazardous chemicals. Of interest t o the teacher is a novel table of changes in the accepted atomic weights of the elements from 1894 to 1933. The table of physical constants of the elements is unusually complete. It includes such properties as: physical form and color, density, melting point, boiling point, specific heat, latent heat, electrical resistivity, surface tension, thermal expansion, and crystalline form. The tables of physical constants of inorganic and organic compounds contain several novel features. First, they are well crossindexed for those compounds that are commonly known by more than one name. Second, a Beilstein reference is appended for each compound; this serves as a real time-saver in reference work. Third, the practice of stating the solvents used in the crystallization of the respective organic compounds will prove useful. The alkaloids and the glucosides are treated in separate tables, which permits more freedom in the choice of properties tabulated. For example, in the case of the glucosides, their hydrolytic products are riven in addition to the usual ~hvsicalcharacteristics. The analyst \ r i l l he delighted to find a comprchcnsive list of rcagents for use in inorganic analysis, including the literature ref~~~~~

