A Materials Index-Its Storage, Retrieval, and Display - Journal of

Publication Date: August 1973. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Chem. Doc. 13, 3, 123-126. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first p...
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the Cambridge Centre, or through accredited data centers on a regional basis. Accredited data centers are being established in various parts of the world and are intended to serve the needs either of a large research institution or of a scientific community on a geographic basis. An accredited center may lease the whole or a part of the data base and use it to provide a variety of services subject to certain lease restrictions.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank the Office for Scientific and Technical Information, Department of Education and Science for their support of the activities of the Crystallographic Data Centre, and individual staff members for their advice and helpful discussion. Space for the Centre was provided by the University of Cambridge and computing facilities by the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy (IBM 360/44) and the Cambridge University Computing Service (IBM 370/ 165). T. Scott of the Medical Research Council Computing Service took a large part in the development of the evaluation program SYSMOL. We are indebted to the following for their assistance during preliminary abstracting, data input, and checkout processes: ,Stella Weeds, Ann

O’Brien, Eileen Doyle, Anne Town, Bernice Roberts, Adele Boskey, Maryla Chiechanowicz and D. Sales.

LITERATURE CITED (1) Kennard, O., Watson, D. G., a n d Town, W. G., J. C h e n . Doc. 12, 14 (1972).

(2) Kennard, O., Watson, D. G., “Molecular Structures and Dimensions,” Vols. 1, 2, 3, and 4 (with Town, W. G.) published for t h e Crystallographic D a t a Centre, Cambridge, and the International Union of Crystallography by N. V. A. Oosthoek’s Uitgevers Mij, Utrecht, 1970, 1972, 1973 (3) Allen, F. H., Kennard, O., Motherwell, W. D. S., Town, W. G., Watson, D. G., Scott, T., and Larson, A. C., t o be published. (4) Kennard, O., Watson, D. G., Allen, F. H., Isaacs, 5 . W., Motherwell, W. D. S., Pettersen, R. C., a n d Town W. G., “Molecular Structures a n d Dimensions, Vol. A l , Interatomic Distances 1960-65,” published for the Crystallographic Data Centre, Cambridge and t h e International Gnion of Crystallography by N. V. A . Oosthoek’s Uitgevers Mij, Utrecht, 1973. ( 5 ) “Numerical D a t a and Functional Relationships in Science a n d Technology,” 111, Vol. 5a, 5b, Eds. K - H and A. M. Hellwege, Berlin Springer, 1971.

A Materials Index-Its Storage, Retrieval, and Display* CAROL 2 ROSEN Information Services Division. American Institute of Physics. 335 East 4 5 t h S t , New York. N Y 10017 Received April 19, 1973

A n experimental procedure for indexing physical materials based on simple syntactical rules was tested by encoding the materials in the journal, Applied Physics Letters, to produce a materials index. The syntax and numerous examples together with an indication of the method by which retrieval can b e effected are presented.

In today’s research and development, there are myriad physical materials available to the scientist or engineer for his work. A materials index to the scientific journals can be of great assistance in furthering the scientist’s knowledge and accelerating his achievements. Our goals have been to derive a simple scheme compact enough to minimize the number of material entries per article and general enough to encompass the full range of materials and devices discussed in the present and future literature. We have tried to make the coding of the materials easy to learn, simple to recognize, and based, wherever possible, on codes which already exist in the literature. The feasibility of computer retrieval of items on the index played a large role in the selection of these codes. It is anticipated that the Materials Index can be produced by computer-based photocomposition directly from a computer file containing a list of say, Applied Physics Letters (APPLA) articles and their materials. This file in turn could be merged with a file holding the Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme (PACS)’ information for these APPLA articles. PACS is currently used in organizing the material appearing in Current Physics Titles ‘Work supported by NSF Grant GN864

(CPT), as well as the three monthly journals Current Physics Advance Abstracts (CPAA) published by the American Institute of Physics. To illustrate this point, suppose a user is interested in Kondo-materials, in particular, Pd-Ni and Pd-Mn. The materials index encoding scheme (M1ES)-PACS combination could link these two specific alloys with papers about order-disorder phenomena, localized electronic states, resistivity, electronic specific heat, and magnetic impurity interactions. From this material-subject merger, the user will get a picture of the current state of research on these two Kondo alloys. In general, this system can provide detailed retrieval and display for all subjects of physics.

MATERIALS INDEX ENCODING SCHEME (MIES) Tables I and I1 display the full glossary for the encoding scheme. Table I lists the “Type” symbols, along with their physical meaning, and a material example. Table I1 describes each “Delimiter” along with descriptive examples. The “Type” symbol describes the material’s physical state or the physical process it underwent such as implanJournal of Chemical Documentation, Vol. 13. No. 3, 1973


CAROL Z. ROSES Table I, Glossary* of Types (Type symbols alphabetized) Character

Kame (alphabetized)

Physical Meaning

Material Example




sorption materials

Si 1 He E Si adon He 0’ He sorbedon SI




allayed materials

AI-Cu 0’ AI alloy Cu



at gas

at g a s state

I? (a g E I? at g a s



at liquid

a t liquid state

‘He 6 1 0’ ‘He at liquid


at plasma

at e l a s m a state A r


at solid

at solid state


CuSO; ’ 5H:O 0’ CuSO, bind i H 2 0 CdS : A g 0’CdS dopant Ag = A g doped CdS




p E A r at plasma



E H: at solid




molecular binding




material containmg impurities




material con- Cu I A u E Cu with A u taining f i l m s film 0 ’ A u on Cu


interfacing suriaces

m a t e r i a l con- G a A s interface LiKbO, sisting of i n terlacing ( o r juxtaposed) substances







lasing materm1

CO? t E CO? lase1






E u C A r ’ E Eu m i m pact Ar’ x . A r ’ rradiate Eu E EU i r radiated by Ar*

materials undergoinp irradiation e g , , bamhardment. channelling implantation and sputtering 13







photon materials undergoing radiation




Cu > [CO,tl 0’ Cu rndiated b j CO? l a s e r C& l a s e r radiating Cu

or -


- 2CO

2CSz t SO?

iiuclear p a n i cle reaction




~ O P

material reAu-Cr E A ” send Cr sulting from 0’C r send to Au diffusion o r migration process

*The general f o r m of an entry is Primavg .Moterid

MATERIAL STORAGE A N D RETRIEVAL BY COMPUTER The materials index for a single journal over an extended time period can be generated from the input shown in Table IV. The materials are alphabetically listed for each article. The article number-e.g., 0001-is used to link every material to its article. This input tape is sorted by computer into the desired alphabetized material list illustrated in Table V.

react action

tation, diffusion, irradiation, lasing, etc. The “Character” column serves to differentiate the “Types” according to their unitary or binary nature. This scheme thus represents a method for encoding materials onto an index. Fundamental to the scheme is the basic syntax of primary term list, type symbol, and secondary term list along with key delimiters. The Backus normal form2 of this syntax is given in Table 111. This table provides a concise summary of the entire scheme as regards the format of the items. Several points are noted here to clarify Table 111. The definition of a (Basic-Material) is .satisfactory for the recognition of a material, but could not be used to generate formulas of materials. Numbers and letters may also occur in subscripted and superscripted form; b means blank space. Having cast this encoding scheme into Backus normal form, it is possible to take advantage of the body of work on syntax-directed recognition3 for programming purposes. This scheme has proved sufficiently flexible to allow us to encode the materials studied in the articles published in APPLA from January 1971 up through the present time.

Secondary Material.

Table 11. Glossary of Delimiters

To devise a retrieval scheme we examine the formulation of the codes as defined in Tables 1-111. In general, the codes consist of primary material or a primary list of materials followed by a type followed by a secondary material or a secondary list of materials. For example, consider the problem of retrieving all papers dealing with the material formed from 3He adsorbed on TiOz. Suppose the material is listed in an article under the code Ti02 1 (Ar; 3He; 4He; N2).We have Primary Material = Ti02 Type = 1 Secondary List = (Ar; 3He; 4He;Nz) Table Ill. Backus Normal Form of Syntax for Materials Index Encoding Scheme < ~ A l E K i A L .~. = < L l S T , l < LIST

So. Delimiter



( j



Physical Meaning


presenceof concommitant materials within list semicolon presence of exclusive alternates within list parentheses indicates list of materials

square brackets

indicates imbedded type

Material Example

CdS: (Ag, C u ) or CdS dopants Ag and Cu



124 Journal of Chemical Documentation. Vol. 13,No. 3.1973



= [I (JH e ,?ie) l a s e r l M a s s motion a s o b s e r v e d by light-beating s p e c t r o s c o p y [ E lS . Ben-Yosef, S . Ziteigenbaum, A . U'eitz. 43G

U n d e r w a t e r optical holographic i n t e r f e r o m e t r y [El-C. Johnson, G . &I. I I a y e r . 369


High-speed p h o t o g n p h y of s u r f a c e flashover of solid insulat o r s under i m p u l s e voltages i n vacuum ( E ) - J . D . C r o s s , K.D. S r i v a s t a v a . 549

k g B r on S a C l l Guided-aave propagation at 10. ti v m in s i l v e r b r o m i d e thin f i l m s IE)-J.Ii. hIcFee, J . D . hlcGee, T . Y . Chang, V . T . N y y e n . 534


i I l.Alo,2Ga~,eAs, GiL-\S,A1,Gnl-jlsJ 1 l a s e r

Differential / / V of h e t e r o s t N c t u r e c o r r e i a t e s a i t h l a s e r threshold IEJ-D.L.Rode, L . R . Dnwson. 90 0

[IAg;All-Cul> i[glass:Sdl l a s e r l

[A1 I (Duco cement;RTVGOZ;silicone)l> [ [ g l a s s : Xdl l a s e r l

Laser-induced s t r e s ~ - w a v eand impulse nugmentntion ( E ) - .J D. O ' K e e f e , C H Skeen 464


iAg$l;Bi:Cr;Cu;Xi:Sn) o n SiOz

/I l a s e r l

hlomentum t r a n s f e r and p l a s m a formation above a s u r f a c e with a high-power CO, I a s e r l E l - A . N . P i r r i . R. S c h l i e r , D. Xortham. 79

U n d e r e a t e r optical hologiaphic i n t e r f e r o m e t r ? I El-C. Johnson, G . M . > l a y e r . RG9 o A r > ICO, T E 4 l a s e r ]

c u gas breakdoirn in a r g o n using 10. G-iim I n s e r radiation (E)-Douglas L. F r a n z e n . 6 2

(air:Ar.CI~,:CO:COz;He:Ne;02) > LCO, TEA l a s e r l


b r e a k d o w in a r g o n using 1 0 . 6 & m laser radiation [El-Douglas L. F r a n z e n . ti2



S2,021l a s e r

E l e c t r i c a l CO-mixing gas-dynamic l a s e r IEJ-H. hlabru. 432

Brunet, hI.

Lair i n t e r f a c e p l a s m a d i e l e c t r i c l > l a s e r hfarphological n s v m m e t r v in l a s e r damage of t r a n s p a r e n t d i e l e c t r i c s u r f a c e s (EJ-K. L . Boling, G . D U G . X l . D C r i s p 487


( A r , Q , He, l a s e r

Supersonic e l e c t r i c a l - d i s c h a r g e c o p p e r vapor l a s e r I E/TJC . R . R u s s e l l , h'.hl, N e r h e i m , T .J Pivirotto. T O i
