A mathematics readiness test for prospective chemistry students

Abstract. A mathematics readiness test is prepared to determine whether students have the minimum competency ... High School / Introductory Chemistry...
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A Mathematics Readiness Test for Prospective Chemistry Students A simificant ibrtw aff~clingstudent sucre= in high s c h d chemistry is the extent of his or her mathematia hackground. Despite dilig~ntefliats. those students mathematically unprepared fbr chemistry often cannot solve stoichiumetry prohlems. They exprricnre difficulty using Avogndrc;~ number, mnverting within the metric system, writing formulas, balancing equations, expressing sc>lulionconcentrations. etc. As aueh, n test was desi~nedto evaluate the mathematical abilities of slutlencs in ersdes III-IP nlannine to take chemistrv. The test would nvrmallv he administered in Mav ofthe school w a r pre(cding 1 1 ; ~ ~ t u ~ l c ~ ~ ~ t ~in re chemistry. ~ n ~ l l mln'lhls e ~ waystuden~senterllnagrade~ lOi,r II could e l h ic~putrhemtstry cdiI W ;a >en