A Message from Our President - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

WITH THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY entering a new year, the fifth of the depression, a circumspection of its affairs may well be made. The SOCIETY is ...
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A. Message from Our P r e s i d e n t "WITH THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY entering a new year,


Vol. 13, No. 1

of Research, The Borden Co., 350 Madison Ave., New York, Ν. Υ. TREASURER: D . P. Morgan, Chemical Economist, Scudder Stevens & Clark, One Wall St., N e w York, Ν. Υ .

the fifth, of t h e depression, a circumspection of its affairs may CHAIRMEN: well be made. The SOCIETY is in a strong position. O n account Auditing Committee: Robert T. Baldwin, Treasurer, A. C. S-, of the interest and efficiency of its permanent officers, t h e editors and Executive Officer, Solvents Institute, 52 East 4 1 s t St., of the journals and their staffs, the AMERICAN CHEMICAL S O ­ New York, Ν . Υ. CIETY is i n the front as one of the outstanding scientific organiza­ Entertainment Committee: H . C . Parmelee, Vice President, tions of the world. With the cooperation of the members it McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 330 West 42nd St., New York, will always remain so. The SOCIETY has weathered the last N.Y. five years without serious impairment of its functions, and there Finance Committee: A. Cressy Morrison, 3 0 East 42nd S t . , is every indication that the next years will present easier sail­ New York, Ν . Υ. ing. Golf Committee: C. R. D e Long, Chemical Economist, T h e high standard of excellence of the SOCIETY'S journals is Mutuelle Solvay of America, 50 Broadway, New York, Ν. Υ . accepted bv all. T h e national conventions a n d intersectional Group Dinners Committee: L . T . Work, Assistant Professor meetings of t h e SOCIETY are a tremendous stimulation and in­ of Chemical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, spiration to t h e members, and a t the same time attract public Ν . Υ. attention. It is difficult to suggest basic improvements in these Hotels Committee: William W. Winship, General Manager, two interests of the SOCIETY. There is still a third function of Thermal Syndicate, Ltd., 58 Schenectady St., Brooklyn, N . Y . the organization, the improvement of the professional standing Indicator Committee: A . W . Thomas, Professor of C h e m i s ­ of the chemist, which may very briefly be discussed. That the try, Columbia University, N e w York, N. Y. F . W. Zons, chemist should be pictured in the minds of t h e public in the Editor, 239 Centre St., New York, Ν. Υ . same category as the physician, engineer, o r lawyer, is the desire Information Committee: Stewart Duffield Swan, Director o f of all w h o understand chemistry. There are a t least two view­ Research, Dentists' Supply Co., 220 West 42nd St., Newpoints a s to how this may be best accomplished, and only time York, Ν . Υ . will crystallize the policy which the SOCIETY a s a whole should Ladies' Committee: Mrs. Francis P . Garvan, Honorarysupport. Without mentioning all of the various factors which Chairman. Charles A . Roth, Vice President, International have aided the professional standing of the physician and of the Exposition Co., 480 Lexington Ave., N e w York, Ν . Υ. engineer, only the one which is perhaps the most influential need Plant Visits Committee: S. D . Kirkpatrick, Editor, Chemical be cited—the necessity of state examinations and registration. & Metallurgical Engineering, 330 West 42nd St., New York, Is the chemist, in order to attain a greater professional standing, N.Y. willing t o accept state examinations and registration before he Printing Committee: H . B. Lowe, Vice President, Reinhold can practice o r become a properlv qualified chemist in the eyes Publishing Corp., 330 West 42nd St., New York, Ν . Υ. of many business executives* Although such a plan will ef­ Publicity Committee: D . H . Killeffer, Secretary, Chemical fectively assist the chemist in gaining public recognition, never­ Engineering Equipment Institute, 6 0 East 42nd S t . , N e w theless years would pass before a system satisfactory to the York, Ν . Υ . chemist and t o the states could be evolved and before this plan Registration Committee: A. B. Newman. Professor of C h e m i ­ might accomplish i t s purpose. cal Engineering, Cooper Union, 4th Ave. and 8 t h S t . , NewThe alternative is to educate the public gradually i n the man­ York, Ν . Υ . ner that has been taking place during t h e past ten or fifteen Transportation Committee: John C. Olsen, Head of D e p a r t ­ years. The industries have manufactured more and more prod­ ment of Chemistry and Professor of Chemical Engineering, ucts which touch directly the layman and which are advertised Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, 85 Livingston S t . , Brooklyn., to him a s the result of chemical investigations. With such prod­ N.Y. ucts steadily increasing in number and with t h e numerous in­ Reception Committee: To b e appointed. teresting press reports of discoveries involving intricate pure and Banquet Committee: T o b e appointed. applied chemistry, the professional standing of the chemist with Advisory Committee: Executive Committee, N e w York Sec­ the laity is bound t o improve. tion. The trained chemist is truly i n a favored position today. T h e niLst decade h a s seen his services fii greatly in demand, and lias then seen them diminish, until t h r years ago a current topic of conversation among university proiessors w a s the problem of HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS AT N E W YORK MEETING employment for the newly trained chemists. The picture has AMPLE ACCOMMODATIONS are available within easy reach o f changed once again in the last two years. Unemployment has the headquarters hotel for all members of the AMERICAN C H E M I ­ dixninished rapidly until the number who are not placed, and CAL SOCIETY w h o will attend t h e 89th meeting of the SOCIETY whose training qualifies them for a research position, i s relatively at the Hotel Pennsylvania, New York, Ν . Υ , during the week o f small. I n fact, it does not now appear t o be presumptuous t o April 22. predict the possibility of a shortage of research chemists within α f e w years. This situation has been created through the recog­ T h e following hotels have been designated officiai hotels a n d nition b y the executives of a n ever increasing number of our are within not more than two blocks of general headquarters: industrial organizations of the value and necessity of research. More a n d more chemists are being diverted t o executive posi­ HOTEL PENNSYLVANIA, General Headquarters tions, t o sales or legal departments in various organizations. Seventh Ave. a t 32nd St. Tine desirability of a technical training in these fields is not y e t Rates: Single room $3.50 to S6.00 folly recognized. Double room $5.00 to S9.0O Compare t h e chemical profession with a n y other. Is not t h e HOTEL N E W YORKER (two blocks from headquarters—can be reached by underpass) outlook for the chemist very encouraging? Eighth Ave. at 34th St. ROGER ADAMS Rates: Single room $3.50 to S6.00 Double room $5.00 to S9.0O HOTEL GOVERNOR CLINTON" (one short block from headquarters) Seventh Ave. a t 31st St. N E W YORK SECTION ANNOUNCES A. C. S. Rates: Single room $3.00 to $5.00 MEETING COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Double room $5.00 to S7.0O HOTEL MCALPIN (one block from headquarters—underpass most o f FOR THE INFORMATION of all members w h o expect to attend way) tfcie 89th meeting of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY in N e w Sixth Ave. at 32nd St. York t h e week of April 22, 1935, which is t h e chemical industry's Rates: Single room $2.50 and up tercentenary celebration, the following appointed chairmen of Double room $4.50 and up committees are listed. It is suggested that all matters on which naembers wish assistance be taken u p with t h e chairman of t h e Reservations should b e made as soon a s possible in order t o appropriate committee. assure accommodations in these h o ^ l s . There a r e of course many other hotels i n New York whit are available to visitors and the committee will be glad t o suggest others and render COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN assistance t o members i n securing special reservations where HONORARY CHAIRMAN, G E N E R A L COMMITTEE: Francis P. desired. Garvan, President, Chemical Foundation, Inc., 6 5 4 Madison Requests for special information m a y be addressed to t h e Ave., New York, N . Y . Hotel and Meeting Rooms Committee which will be glad t o be o f CHAIRMAN, GENERAL COMMITTEE: Arthur W. Hixson, Pro­ any possible service. fessor of Chemical Engineering, Columbia University, N e w WILLIAM W. WINSHIP, Chairman York, Ν. Υ . 58 SCHENECTADY AVE. V I C E CHAIRMAN, G E N E R A L COMMITTEE:

L. W. Bass, Director