Search; Citation; Subject. Search in: Anywhere, Title, Author, Abstract .... Journal of the American Chemical Society. 1904 26 (7), pp 884–884. Abst...
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X German translation, by Wolffenstein, was published in Berlin in 1891, with a second edition of 4.44 pages in 1g00. A n English translation is, indeed, desirable and will be of much service. Text-books of organic chemistry, both those in English and those in German, with the exception of one o r two of the larger treatises, dispose of the alkaloids in few words, as though they were not covered by systematic studies of chemical constitution. I n fact, however, the literature of their synthetic chemistry is too extensive and too recer.t to summarize. I n Beilstein’s volume 111, 1897, there are 200 pages upon vegetable alkaloids, literature closely related to that of the nitrogen bases at large, of which there are 1800 pages in volume I V , 1898. In its scope this work is confir,ed to chemical constitution, and, as introductory to the vegetable alkaloids, “artificial bases closely related to the natural alkaloids” are presented in a “First Part” of 107 pages. The treatment is not so comprehensive and philosophical as Guareschi’s ‘Vegetable rllkaloids and Ptomaines,” translated in German by Kunz-Krause. and published in Berlin in 1896. Nor is the discussion of leading researches so much extended as in the briefer mcnograph of Julius Schmidt upon ” T h e Synthesis of Alkaloids” (232 pages), goo : Stuttgart. Pictet’s work is, however, adapted to more general usefulness, probably, than either of the works above named. With them it makes a g m d companion to the new compi!ation upon “Der Stickstoff und seine wichtige Verbindungen,” by Leopold Spiegel. D r . Eiddle has added a considerable number of references to literature later than the date of the second French edition of Pictet, in some cases later than the issue of the second German edition. Both h e and the publishers deserve the thanks of the chemical public for making this work accessible in English. A. B. P. A METHOD O F IDENTIFICATION O F P U R E O R G A N I C COMPOUNDS. BY SAMPARSONS MULLIKEN, PH.D. New York : John Wiley & Sons. Vol. I. Lg. 8vo. 264 pp. Price, $s.oo. UEL

The volume before us is the first of a series of three volumes which will treat, respectively : ( I ) Hydrocarbons and oxygen derivatives ; ( 2 ) nitrogen compounds of carbon ; ( 3 ) cornpounds containing other elements bes;des those named. It is a qualitative analysis of pure organic compounds and gives systematic study to



some 2300 compounds containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. -4s a preparatory piece of work, methods are given for the qualitative detection of the various elements which may be contained in organic compounds. Some of these methods are novel and may be useful ir. general analysis, for example, the use of fluorescein paper to detect bromine. BJ- these tests the compound is referred to its proper general group or order, each of which is to lie treatetl in a separate voluinc. The substances treated in this volume are under Order 1. They are divided into tivo siiborclers, colorless and colored substances. T h e first sub-order is divic!ed into Feveral genera, zi.:...aldehvdes, carbohydi.ates, acids, phenolic compountls. esters, aci(1 anhydrides and lactones, I;etones, alcohols, hytlrocnrbons. .A substance is placed under m e of thme generic heads by chemical tests, \vhich are systematicall!. applied i n n fixed order. T h e species i n these geners are fixed approsimately by melting- and boiling-points, and particular substances identified, i n many cases, I)!- special teits. Color reactions a r e made definite by color charts appended. \\-bile the practicability of any such analytical scheme can onl\be decided b!. use i n the laboratory, the apparent care with which every detail has been worker1 out lead to confidence in the method T h e boo!; will certainl!- bc a valuable one for any chemist to have, hoth for its analj.tical uses and for the classified knowledge it contains. It \voultl seem that it might well have an important place in long coiirses of organic chemistry. lnorganic qualitative analysis serves a good purpose in general training by giving students, ivho have had elcmentary and theoretical chemistry, a basis of experience \vhich leads to definite results and consequent trust i n themselves and i n chemistry. l n the same way such a course of organic qualitative analysis may serve to crystallize the :icneral idaas previously obtained, and stimulate to further study by suggesting 1mon.ledge ivliich the student may find in detail by reading the original literature. 11. \i-. HILLSICR. ERRATA. In t h e paper by F. P. Veitch on “ Soil Acidity,” in t h e June number : O n page 661, last paragraph, third line, foy milligrams, vtad tenths milligram. On page 662, first line, strike o?it of I O grams each.” I ‘