A micro H2S generator - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

A micro H2S generator. Shirley Gaddis. J. Chem. Educ. , 1944, 21 (2), p 101. DOI: 10.1021/ed021p101.2. Publication Date: February 1944. Cite this:J. C...
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Arthur G. Hildreth. Newton Senior High School, Newton, Massachusetts. Charles W. Hutton, Moses Brown School, Providence. R h d e Island. Bojan H. Jennings (Mrs. A. L.), Wheaton College, Norton, Massachusetts. Anton Kishon, Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts. Lucille E. Kuhnly. Rockville High School, Rockville. Connecticut. Lillian J. Moggio, Center Junior High School, Chicopee, Mas%arhm.-ttz - - ---. ..... Harriet J. Nissen, Nasson College, Springvale, Maine. William J. O'Brien, Lowell High School, Lowell,Massachusetts. Reuel K. Rust, Williamstown High School. Williamstown. Massachusetts. Thomas J. Shea, Northampton High Schwl, Northampton, Massachusetts. Hugh A. Smith, Cohurn Classical Institute, Waterville, Maine. Francis Tripp, New Bedford State Textile School. New Bedford, Massachusetts. Edward S. Wolcott, Bulkeley High School, Hartford, Connecticut.

A Micro H,S Generator SHIRLEY GADDIS Illinois College, Jacksonuille, Illinois


Notes Raymond S. Tobey, Medford, Massachusetts, has been appohted to serve for three years on the Necrology Comm~ttee.

Film R e v i e w s ' MILLARD W. BOSWORTH Vermont Academy, Sostons R i w r , Vermont

Electrons at Work: Shows the structure, manufacture, and operation of the RCA vacuum tube. Animated drawings show how the grid acts in its control of the flow of electrons from the cathode to the plate. Many excellent sequences showing manufacture and drawing of tungsten filaments, and the use of automatic machines for finishing tubes. Testing and inspection during the various phases of the assembly are emphasized. Recommended for high-school, lay, and college groups. 16 mm., sound. 10 min. Free except for transportation. Distributor: William J. Ganz Co., 40 East 49th St., New York, N. Y. This Plastic Age: Following a short introduction which emphasizes the beauty of colors, the history of plastics is discussed. The modern practices of forming and using plastics are illustrated. Emphasis is placed on the use of plastics in modem warfare. Recommended for high-school and lay groups. 16 mm., sound, color. 27 min. Free except for transportation. Distributor: Modem Plastics Magazine, Chanin Building, 122 East 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Modest Miracle: The story of the history and use of vitamin BI is described effectively and dramatically. Emphasis on the immensity of the problem for the early workers, and the successful conclusion of the research worker makes a most stirring presentation. Tests for the vitamin and experiments are shown, although they are not explained to full advantage. Recommended for high-school and lay groups. 16 mm., sound. 30 min. Free except for transportation. Distributor: Standard Brands, 100 Inman St., Cambridge, Mass.

'Itis hoped

t o continue this section as a regular feature. Readers are invited to contrihutc film reviews.

hydrogen sulfide generator is shown in AMICRO the. accompanying diagram. The inner tube (made from a 25-cm. length of 8-mm. glass tubing heated to a capillary constriction a t one end) has in it a 2-cm. pack of glass wool as a support for the FeS. The 6 X '/cinch test tube contains the 6 N HC1. - To start generation, push in the No. 0 rubber stopper. To stop, remove the stopper. If a t any time the flow of gas slows down, remove the stopper for a moment and then replace. This renews the acid in contact with the FeS. In micro work the gas is bubbled into solutions through jet tubes which have been drawn down to a "hair" fineness. Laboratory workers in micro qualitative analysis realize the difficulty in getting the H2S from the usual Kipp arrangements or from the piped laboratory supply to develop enough pressure to overcome the surface tension of the water a t the tip of the "hair" tube. The advantage of this generator (aside from the simplicity and economy of construction) is that the is under sufficient pressure to form the "micro" bubbles.