A Microscope Cold Stage with Temperature Control - Analytical

Ind. Eng. Chem. Anal. Ed. , 1934, 6 (5), pp 367–369. DOI: 10.1021/ac50091a028. Publication Date: September 1934. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Ind. ...
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September 15,1934


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A Microscope Cold Stage with Temperature Control C. W. MASONAND T. G. ROCHOW,Cornel1 University, Ithaca, N. Y. in place by vaseline. A hole for the reception of a lowtemperature thermometer extends into the central chamber. observe temperatures, appearances, and optical prop- The whole stage is insulated by 5-mm. sheet cork, held in erties of the specimen during freezing and thawing, trans- place by pins and rubber cement. Several layers of alumiformation, or chemical reaction. The apparatus to be de- num foil, cemented by rubber cement, pSotect the insulation scribed consists of a cold stage and devices for controlling the from sweating. The cold stage is clamped on any microscope temperature, and is designed for use at temperatures down to having a fairly roomy stand, preferably after removal of the -25' C. and even lower. Accurate control of the tempera- rotating stage. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. The complete system for circuture, to within 0.1' C., is considered important but means are lating cooled liquid through the stage is also shown in Figure also provided for quickly changing the temperature. A simple cold stage has been described by Chamot and 1. Dried air passes into the air lift, L,where the liquid of Mason ( I ) , and was used in 1928 in her study of the freezing the cooling system is forced up into the reservoir, R . From of emulsions by Miss Newcomer (W), who cooled the stage there the liquid flows down into!the cooling coil, C, and then with alcohol, flowing by gravity through a cooled copper either through the cold stage, S , or across the shunt, H , to spiral. The present apparatus represents an improvement return to the air lift, completing the circuit. AIR LIFT. The air lift, L, is constructed 'as follows: in the design of the circulatory system so as to include an air lift for pumping the liquid around the system and a shunt One end of a piece of 6-mm. glass tubing is drawn and bent for more accurate control of the temperature of the stage. into a curved nozzle with 2-mm. opening. Another piece of tubing is drawn out, 10 mm. from the end, into a neck about APPARATUS 25 mm. lone and 3.5 mm. in diameter a t i t s narrowest part. COLDSTAQE.T h e cold The bent nozzle is inserted into s t a g e , p a r t S of F i g u r e I, the second tube at the lower end of its constriction. The may be made by any coms t r a i g h t p a r t s of t h e two petent mechanic from a plate members are s e p a r a t e d b y of a l u m i n u m about 70 X pieces of cork and are bound 100 x 10 mm.; the upper together by copper wire. The assembly is placed in a large s u r f a c e of t h i s p l a t e is test tube, 2.8 X 25 cm., which c h a n n e l e d a n d a second is filled with the liquid to be plate, 3 mm. thick, is fastened circulated and sealed with a tightly upon it by means of rubber stopper with holes for the two tubes of the air lift and a lead foil g a s k e t , G, and another hole for the returnclosely spaced screws. The line. c h a n n e l thus constitutes a The air, a d m i t t e d from a tube for circulation of a coollow-pressure air line, has its velocity further reduced by ing agent t h r o u g h what is means of two stopcocks in a substantially a block of aluside-arm U-tube, containing minum. An opening, 19 mm. calcium chloride for drying the in diameter, is provided for air so as to avoid diluting the circulating liquid with conthe specimen, and recessed densed water from the air. A a t its edges to take windows T-tube, T,with a stopcock in of 25-mm. r o u n d coverthe branch, is inserted between glasses, the lower one sealed FIGURE1. DIAGRAM OF COLDS T A ~AND E COOLINQ SYSTEM the U-tube and the a i r lift.


HE microscopist may be called upon to examine a specimen below room temperature in order that he may




The T-tube serves both as a safety outlet for any liquid which may be sucked back if the air pressure fails, and as a means for draining the apparatus of circulating liquid by applying air pressure at the to of the reservoir, R. The reservoir, a separatory funnel w i d stopcock, is about 50 om. above the stage so as to v d e static head for the liquid. In the operation of the air ift the air is admitted through the bent nozzle into the constricted tube at such a rate as to cause alternate slugs of air and liquid t o rise in the delivery tube t o the separatory funnel, from which the air escapes through a thistle tube (not shown) which also serves for the replacement of liquid lost by evaporation. The advantages of the air lift as a pump in this apparatus are its simplicity of design and ease of construction; its high thermal efficiency due to the low conductivity of glass and air; its sinall size and convenient shape, permitting i t s placement in the cooling bath; its complete lack of moving p a r t s ; and the ease in the adjustment of the velocity of the circulating liquid. T h e disadvantages of the air lift are loss of circulating liquid b y evaporation before t h e system has been cooled apprec i a b l y ; and the need for a chamb e r , s u c h as a separatory funnel, in which to separate air from liquid, and where heat is transferred t o t h e liquid despite insulation of the chamber. FIGURE2. COLDSTAGE, AS USED From the reservoir, t h e liquid flows down into the cooling coil, C, of copper tubing, 6.5 mm. in outside diameter, wound into a spiral about 4 cm. in diameter and 18 cm. long. Both the coil and the air lift assembly are immersed in a cooling bath contained in a covered, silvered Dewar beaker, D,12 X 27 cm. The authors recommend a cooling bath of acetone and solid carbon dioxide; about 4 pounds (1.9 kg.) will keep the stage a t - 15”for one afternoon. The temperature of the stage is controlled chiefly by regulating the relative proportions of circulating liquid passing through the stage and through a shunt, H , which is across the inlet and outlet tubes. Control is by means of a pair of stopcocks, one in the outlet line and the other in the shunt line. Both are located near the stage for convenience to the observer. I n order to warm the specimen rapidly, a stream of dried air is directed against the upper window of the cold stage. The air is emitted from a glass nozzle connected to a glass stopcock which is attached to rubber tubing carrying a pinchcock near the glass stopcock. The stopcock is for fixing the velocity of the air a t the nozzle, while the pinchcock is for releasing the air a t the fixed velocity, whenever the observer wishes to arrest the cooling of the specimen or to raise its temperature quickly. The units described are assembled as shown in Figure 2. The U-tube, Dewar beaker, air lift, cooling coil, and stirrer

Vol. 6, No. 5

are all fastened to a large iron ring stand by means of iron clamps. The shunt and its stopcocks are mounted on a small wooden block, screwed to the baseboard. The cold stage is fastened to the microscope with an iron clamp. The microscope may be removed simply by unfastening the clamp and a single screw a t the heel of the microscope base. Lines for carrying air or circulating liquid are of 6-mm. glass tubing. The tubing carrying liquid is insulated with a layer of asbestos cement, approximately 1 cm. thick, and painted with powdered aluminum in lacquer to give a waterproof and reflecting surface. All glass tubing is fastened to the baseboard or to the larger parts of the apparatus, and thus, by having all the parts of the cold stage and its circulatory system fastened to the board, the apparatus is made portable as a unit. OPERATIONOF APPARATUS By means of the apparatus described, the specimen in the cold stage may be cooled either slowly or rapidly and, likewise, warmed again either slowly or rapidly. If the specimen is to be cooled slowly it is placed in the stage a t room temperature and the liquid is circulated, using the shunt so as to lower the temperature as gradually as desired, If the specimen is to be cooled rapidly the stage is first brought to the correct temperature and then the specimen is introduced into the stage. In either event, some of the liquid specimen should preferably make contact with the cold aluminum wall of the stage in order to give localized chilling; otherwise, the specimen being insulated all around by air, supercooling will be probable and final freezing may be too sudden. If the temperature of the specimen is to be raised gradually, the shunt and its stopcocks will serve the purpose. If a rapid rise in temperature is desired, or if cooling is to be arrested, the air current is released by pressing the pinchcock. The air may be preheated, if desired. The specimen is mounted in a small watch glass or cell, or between two 18-mm. cover-glasses, and is supported above the lower window of the stage by means of a tiny wire tripod in close proximity to the bulb of the thermometer. If the tripod is 9 mm. high, the specimen is brought near enough to the upper glass window to permit the use of an 8-mm. objective (working distance, 1.5 mm.). After the specimen is in place the upper glass window is dropped ih place, after being cleaned with Bon Ami and coated with a thin film of glycerolwater (1 to 1) to prevent fogging by condensed moisture from the atmosphere or air stream. With objectives of longer working distance an extra asbestos cover, 1.5 mm. thick, with a No. 3 cover-glass for window, may be placed over the well. With the stage and tripod of the given dimensions, dark-field illumination may be obtained by using an Abbe condenser with its top lens removed and equipped with a central stop of suitable diameter. The authors recommend the Leitz objectives No. 2 (6X, 24 mm. focal length, 16 mm. working distance, 0.20 numerical aperture) and No. 3-b (14X, 13 mm. focal length, 3.2 mm. working distance, 0.40 numerical aperture). They are especially valuable for work with the cold stage because they combine long working distance with numerical aperture so high that even a 25X eyepiece will yield “useful” magnification. ACCURACY IN MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATUREB The cold stage and its circulatory system were designed primarily for qualitative examination of low-temperature phenomena ; therefore it was considered most important t o be able to maintain constant temperatures and to produce gradual changes in temperature. Quantitative measurement of freezing or transformation temperatures, however, is usually important. The freezing point of distilled water placed between cover-glasses in the well of the stage was




measured by an alcohol-filled thermometer graduated from +50” to -50” C. in degrees. With the bulb of the thermometer in the periphery of the field of a 6X objective and with the asbestos cover in place, readings for the temperature of ice, melting slowly or in equilibrium with water, were consistently 1.5” lower than those recorded with the same thermometer immersed in melting ice to the same extent as when in the cold stage; they were 2’ lower than the freezing point indicated by “cooling curve” data. Undoubtedly a temperature gradient exists between top and bottom of the stage, and horizontal or vertical variations in the position of the thermometer bulb may also affect the temperatures it registers to the extent of one or two degrees. Therefore a specific constant for the stage a t a given temperature should be obtained by comparisons with pure compounds of known melting or transformation point, and with the thermometer in a definite location which should be maintained. The temperature a t different places in the specimen is in reality reasonably free from any horizontal gradient, since freezing may start or progress equally well from any point.

POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENTS Based on experience gained from three years’ use of the apparatus described, the following modifications are suggested : The cold stage might well be made thicker to provide a deeper well, so as to decrease the temperature gradient between top and bottom of the cell. The ledges for holding fhe windows should be made deeper; the bottom one so that


the condenser may be brought nearer the object, the upper one so that objectives of shorter working distance may be used. The stage, as described, cannot be rotated as is d e sired between crossed Nicol prisms or in the measurement of angles. This limitation is removed if pieces of rubber tubing are inserted in the inlet and outlet lines near the stage, lohg enough to allow the stage to be rotated 45” to the left and right. The rubber tubing would also permit the horizontal movement of the stage so that more of the specimen might be explored than is possible by moving the cover-glass in the small free space between the cover-glass and the walls of the well. By cementing the lower window in place, the well could be filled with liquid of low freezing point and immiscible with the specimen. Replacing the air in the well by a liquid would have the advantage of providing quicker and more uniform distribution of heat among stage, specimen, and thermometer. A circulation line of larger capacity, including larger tubing and stopcocks, would provide both quicker extraction of heat from, and lower possible temperatures of, the specimen. The return and feed lines could be shortened by placing the Dewar flask nearer the microscope and the shunt controls on the same side of the microscope as the Dewar flask. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Chamot and Mason, “Handbook of Chemical Microscopy,” Vol. I, pp. 207-8, John Wiley & Sons, N. Y.,1931. (2) Newcomer, Cornell thesis (1928). Unpublished.

R E C ~ I V ZJune D 8. 1934.

Sintered Glass Absorber for Determining Carbon by Wet Combustion P. A. WELLS,0.E. MAY,AND C. E. SENSEMAN, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, Washington, D. C.


HE method of Friedemann and Kendall (2) has been used for several years in the Color and Farm Waste Division for the determination of carbon in fermentation solutions, and is suited for this purpose except for the glass bead absorption column. This type of absorber is inherently inefficient, as Friedemann and Kendall have emphasized that a 50 per cent excess of alkali must be present to insure complete absorption of carbon dioxide. Moreover, it has been found difficult to wash the column of glass beads free of alkali, and ordinary glass beads after several weeks of use are so attacked by the alkali that they can no longer be used. Various gas-washing bottles have been studied recently by several workers (3, 4, ?, 8 ) , and the spiral and sintered glass (6)filter-plate types found to be the most efficient. Sintered glass disks of Pyrex glass can be made according to the method described first by Bruce and Bent (1) and more recently by Kirk, Craig, and Rosenfels (6). Thomas (9) found that the latter type of absorber was entirely satisfactory for absorbing carbon dioxide, provided a suitable surface tension depressant was added to the alkali. Butyl alcohol used for this purpose appreciably decreased the size of the bubbles and caused frothing, which was desirable. Using butyl alcohol in a concentration of 0.4 per cent, complete a b s o r p t i o n of carbon dioxide was possible until practically all the alkali was neutralized.


did red

This type of absorber seemed s u i t a b l e for the authors’ purpose because of its simplicity and its efficiency under the widely varying conditions which are possible. Because suitable commercial bubblers werenot available, a number of disks for these absorbers were constructed somewhat after the method of Bruce and Bent ( I ) , the principal variation being that a graphite mold (a type used with satisfaction for several years by the Fertilizer I n v e s t i g a t i o n Laboratory of this bureau) was substituted for the nickel mold. The mold was approximately 5 om. in diameter and 1 cm. thick, machined out centrally to a depth of 3 mm. and a diameter of 2.7 cm. No cover was needed. Ground Pyrex glass of SO-mesh size was tamped into the mold, after which i t was placed in a muffle furnace heated to about 800’ C. and allowed to remain for 2 minutes. The sintered disk can be removed immediately from this type of [mold, and the mold is then ready for further use. The type of absorption tower shown in the illustration was found best suited for the purpose. The indentations are necessary to prevent spray from being carried out of the tube. With a tube of this size and 50 cc. of s o l u t i o n , flows of air up to 100 cc. per minute can be used without danger of mechanical loss. The porosity of the disk, as well as the height and diameter of the tube, can be varied to suit individual needs.