A Model for Waste Treatment Selection and Costing under Uncertainty

The cost of treatment of the waste emanating from chemical production significantly contributes to the total production cost and should therefore be e...
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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2001, 40, 2252-2259

PROCESS DESIGN AND CONTROL A Model for Waste Treatment Selection and Costing under Uncertainty Laurent Cavin,† Perrry Dimmer, Ulrich Fischer,* and Konrad Hungerbu 1 hler‡ Safety and Environmental Technology Group, Laboratory of Technical Chemistry, ETH Zurich, CH 8092 Zurich, Switzerland

The cost of treatment of the waste emanating from chemical production significantly contributes to the total production cost and should therefore be estimated as early as possible during process development. We developed a model that, taking the waste treatment facilities of an existing chemical plant as an example, calculates the cheapest feasible combination of treatment operations for a given waste stream that satisfies legal emission limits. A special feature of the software is that uncertainty in the waste stream composition and the separation efficiencies (e.g., in early process development phases) can easily be propagated through the model, leading to probability distributions of treatment cost and selected treatment paths. To demonstrate its capabilities, the model was applied to three waste streams. The results show that rather small variations in one or several input parameters might result in pronounced differences in treatment costs because certain treatment options become technically infeasible or emission limits are exceeded, thereby rendering a scenario legally noncompliant. The model also highlights recycling potentials and possible problems of waste streams that might best be resolved by modifying the chemical process. Introduction In the fine-chemical industry, large amounts of waste are produced per unit mass of product, in particular by spent solvents in pharmaceutical production. Because of waste disposal legislation and emission laws, many expensive treatment steps might be required before the release of such streams into the environment (atmosphere, rivers, deposits) is allowed. In addition to endof-pipe solutions, waste minimization has also become an important topic in chemical engineering research.1-6 The investigation of case studies from the finechemical industry revealed that waste treatment can amount to 10-30% or even more of total production costs.7 However, much higher costs might arise when treatment of a given waste stream is considered feasible during the early stages of process development, but later, it is recognized that no capacity or technology for such treatment is available. As a consequence, it is important to investigate whether emissions from waste treatment would be legally compliant and to obtain reliable estimates of the corresponding treatment costs during the early stages of chemical process development in order to correctly evaluate the economic potential of new products or processes. As the relative contributions of waste treatment costs vary significantly from project to project, even within one company,8 they should be estimated * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: +41-1-632 5668. Fax: +41-1-632 1189. E-mail: ufischer@ tech.chem.ethz.ch. † E-mail: [email protected]. ‡ E-mail: [email protected].

specifically for each project. Furthermore, because many parameters are still uncertain during early phases of process development, this uncertainty should be considered in the estimation of waste treatment cost. In contrast to the modeling of chemical processes themselves, only limited work has been done so far on the development of simulators for modeling waste treatment operations. In this context, Petrides et al.9 presented a research prototype, EnviroCAD, that supports the design of new waste treatment processes. For given waste streams, the simulator facilitates the analysis and evaluation of treatment alternatives to be implemented by carrying out both an economic evaluation and an environmental analysis. The latter is done by calculating material balances on individual compounds and tracking the fate of hazardous chemicals. The software tool targets the design of new waste treatment facilities. Often, however, the aim is to choose the best combination of existing operations for a waste stream to be treated. This is particularly the case for the development of new projects in multipurpose batch plants. Linninger and Chakraborty10 presented a methodology for pharmaceutical waste management through computer-aided synthesis of treatment policies. The method identifies treatment tasks through the examination of waste properties against a set of environmental targets. Afterward, a treatment database is searched for steps capable of achieving at least one of the treatment goals. Nonlinear models are used to predict the composition of residues as well as the associated treatment costs. The resulting superstructure can be optimized using an objective function such as the

10.1021/ie000259q CCC: $20.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society Published on Web 00/00/0000

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treatment cost subject to site-specific environmental, capacity, and logistical constraints. Using a case study from pharmaceutical production, the authors demonstrated the numerical performance of the methodology and its implementation and showed the wide range of resource consumption levels and economic benefits that can be attained through fully compliant policies. Recently, Linninger et al.11 extended the deterministic approach summarized above for the inclusion of uncertainty. They invoked the simplifying assumption that variations due to uncertainty occur only with respect to waste loads, whereas waste compositions remain constant to a first approximation. Furthermore, they assumed that the variations in waste load can be specified by a finite number of states. In the model presented here, the volume of a waste stream, as well as its composition, can be treated as uncertain without any limitation to a finite number of scenarios. The focus of our work is on modeling existing waste treatment facilities. We present a model that automatically calculates the cost of all possible treatment scenarios that are available at a given plant and that are legally compliant for a given waste stream. The explicit evaluation of all treatment flowsheets is possible because, for each waste treatment problem, only the corresponding facilities available at an existing plant are considered and because linear models are used to describe the waste treatment operations. The latter fact facilitated the implementation of a probabilistic approach. In our model, uncertainty can be considered by assigning any type of probability distribution to any of the model parameters. A Monte Carlo approach is used for uncertainty propagation. As a consequence, the result is not a single value indicating treatment cost but a probability distribution representing the information needed for strategic business decisions in early stages of process development. In addition, the model highlights the treatment path that probably will be the cheapest and indicates possible waste treatment problems that might best be resolved by modifications of the chemical process itself. Furthermore, the most sensitive parameters are identified. Research effort can then be concentrated on determining these parameters to higher precision. The indication of the best paths also helps in forecasting limitations in treatment capacity. To demonstrate its capabilities, the model has been applied to three waste streams that include uncertainty in the stream volume and composition. Model Description The concept of the model presented here is shown in Figure 1. The aim of the model is to determine the cheapest treatment path out of all treatment alternatives at a given plant for a chemical waste stream with an uncertain volume and/or composition (in this paper the term “stream” refers not to a continuous flow but rather to a recurrent volume or mass of waste). The uncertainty specified might be the result of considering distributed parameters in the modeling of the chemical process itself8 or it might be stipulated on the basis of heuristic knowledge about the waste stream to be treated. In addition to stream volume and composition, the different separation efficiencies used for modeling the treatment options are also considered to be uncertain. When the model is applied to a given waste stream, technically infeasible and legally noncompliant treat-

Figure 1. Concept of the probabilistic model for waste treatment selection and costing.

ment paths are eliminated in two steps. Afterward, for all remaining alternatives, the treatment costs are calculated. The results can be used in several ways: (I) to identify economically beneficial recycling potentials, as well as waste treatment problems that should be accounted for by improvements in the chemical process itself, and (II) to simulate possible waste treatment operations for identifying the cheapest treatment option for nondistributed input parameters, calculating the probabilities that certain treatment paths would be the cheapest when distributed input parameters are stipulated, calculating probability distributions of treatment costs, and identifying the most sensitive parameters for each path. At present, the treatment operations considered in the model represent the waste treatment facilities of the Valais Works of Lonza Group at Visp (Switzerland).12 Figure 2 shows the treatment operations considered and the decision structure defined in the model. The treatment operations can be separated into pretreatments (rectification, phase separation, precipitation, stripping, ammonia recovery, decontamination) and final operations (incineration, sewage treatment plant, disposal). The decontamination and ammonia recovery pretreatments and the final operations are conducted in central treatment units, whereas the other pretreatments are usually conducted within the production line. The pretreatments reduce the amount of one or several of the constituents of a stream, and in part, these operations can also be used to recycle valuable components. Application of these operations might be required in order to achieve the input constraints of the central treatment facilities. The pretreatments considered in the model operate as follows: Rectification. If one liquid phase consisting of at least two major components exists, a separation by rectification can be applied to recover one or more compounds.


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Figure 2. Treatment operations and decision structure considered in the model.

Phase Separation. If a waste stream consists of two liquid phases and one of these is worth recycling, a separation of the liquids can be done by decantation. Precipitation. Heavy metals stemming from catalysts or raw material impurities are eliminated by precipitation (typically as hydroxides). Stripping. Compounds such as chlorinated solvents are removed from the wastewater by steam stripping before the waste enters the sewage treatment plant. The final treatment facilities operate as follows: Decontamination. waste streams containing toxic or recalcitrant compounds are treated with sodium hydroxide, high pressure, and heat. Ammonia Recovery. NH3 as well as the nitrogen contained in NH4+ compounds is recovered in the form of pure NH3. (NH4)2SO4 can also be used as input, in which case NH3 and CaSO4 are generated in the presence of Ca(OH)2. Sewage Treatment Plant (STP). Wastewater entering the STP is neutralized. Input limits constrain the concentration of heavy metals, salts, and halogenated compounds in order both to fulfill the legal emission limits for the effluents and to avoid adverse effects to the microbial population; these input limits consider the dilution of the waste stream by domestic sewage treated

in the same plant. The sewage sludge is burned, and the remaining slag is deposited. Incineration. Input constraints exist for chlorine, bromine, fluorine, iodine, sulfur, and phosphorus. Flue gases are neutralized and purified by electro-filtration before emission to the atmosphere; the slag and the filter residues are deposited. Disposal. Only nonburnable solids (mainly from small amounts of construction material), slag, and filter residues are allowed to be deposited on the disposal site of the company. To model the separations in the pretreatments, dimensionless separation efficiencies E are used. The model equations describing the corresponding mass balances are given in Table 1. A stripping efficiency Estr,HC of 0.9, for example, indicates that 90% of the halogenated compounds are removed. For the decontamination operation, no mass balance equation is needed because no stream splitting occurs and only the unchanged TOC value is used in further calculations. Also, for the final treatment operations, no mass balances are stipulated. As long as the input limitations to these operations are respected, the effluents are considered to be released into the environment. Second-

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, No. 10, 2001 2255 Table 1. Equations Used for Calculating Mass Balances of Pretreatment Operationsa operation

compounds considered +

NH3 recovery phase separation precipitation rectification

NH3, NH4 ccompounds all nonwater soluble compounds heavy metals component(s) to be recycled


halogenated compounds


water all other components



Mi,j,out1 ) (1 - Ei,j)Mi,j,in Mi,j,out2 ) Ei,jMi,j,in

(1a) (1b)

Mstr,HC,out1 ) (1 - Estr,HC)Mstr,HC,in Mstr,HC,out2 ) Estr,HC Mstr,HC,in Mstr,W,out1 ) Mstr,W,in1 + K1Mstr,in2 Mstr,W,out2 ) K2Mstr,in2 Mstr,j,out1 ) (1 - Estr,j)Mstr,j,in Mstr,j,out2 ) Estr,jMstr,j,in

(2a) (2b) (3a) (3b) (4a) (4b)

K 2 . K1 Estr,j , Estr,HC

a Except decontamination; see text for further explanation. b Variables: M ) mass (kg), E ) separation efficiency, K ) empirical enrichment constant. c Indices: i ) unit operation, j ) compound, in ) input stream, out ) output stream, 1 ) primary stream, 2 ) secondary stream, str ) stripping, HC ) halogenated compounds, W ) water.

Table 2. Description of Decisions Taken by the Program According to the Input Parameters Specified decision on


phase of the stream phase separation

stream-specific, force stream-specific, allow


compound-specific, allow


compound-specific, force

description parameter (solid/liquid/gas) for each compound, a relative solubility (between 0 and 1, reference water) must be specified; a difference in this parameter between two compounds greater than 0.5 allows for phase separation for at least one compound, an economic benefit greater than zero must be specified if a stream contains at least one solid for which a heat of combustion greater than zero has been specified, the whole stream is incinerated

a Decisions of type force signify that only one option exists, whereas decisions of type allow indicate that several options are evaluated with regard to cost.

Table 3. Checks Conducted by the Program on Input Limits to Certain Operations input to

checks conducted on

sewage treatment plant incinerator deposit

concentrations of Br, Cl, F, I, N, salts, and heavy metals; toxicity concentrations of Br, Cl, F, I, P, and S material (only ash, slag, and nonburnable solids allowed)

ary streams such as sludge are nevertheless accounted for in the cost calculation (see below). According to the specifications of the waste stream, decisions on the selection of treatment operations are made. These decisions are described in Table 2, and Figure 2 shows which treatment paths result from the different decisions. The first choice of the treatment path is based on the phase of the stream to be treated, which is indicated by a parameter. Only for liquid streams might recycling be considered. Whether the recycling of a compound by rectification is considered is specified by a corresponding economic benefit greater than zero. If recycling is an option, a separation efficiency has to be specified to indicate the technical feasibility of the separation. The lower the separation efficiency, the lower the overall benefit of the recycling operation. Often, the exact efficiency of a separation might not be known, and therefore, the model is able to account for a stipulated uncertainty on these parameters. Phase separation by decantation and stripping are controlled in the same way as rectification. A gaseous stream can only be incinerated. When a solid stream contains at least one compound for which a heat of combustion greater than zero has been specified, only incineration will be considered for the entire stream. Fluids, on the other hand, are allowed to enter this operation even when a heat of combustion equal to zero is specified. Table 3 lists the checks on inputs constraints to certain operations conducted by the program. The concentrations of various compounds are checked at the

entrance of the sewage treatment plant, the incinerator, and the waste deposit to guarantee that the resulting emissions are legally compliant or to avoid adverse effects. After ruling out infeasible treatment paths according to the decisions outlined above, and after checking for legal compliance, the costs for all remaining combinations of treatment operations are calculated. The treatment costs are calculated on the basis of the stream mass or volume and composition, as well as the properties of the compound (e.g., heat of combustion). The corresponding equations for calculating the costs steming from single unit operations are given in Table 4. Benefits are obtained for recycled solvents and recovered NH3. For the latter operation, the extraction costs are greater than the corresponding benefits. Therefore, the treatment cost of this operation increase with increasing mass of NH3 recovered, and in the model, only one parameter is used to represent the sum of the costs and benefits. The overall costs of a treatment sequence are obtained by summation over all unit operations included in the sequence. The empirical cost factors used in the calculations were obtained from industry. Further details on the cost calculations are given by Dimmer.8 In the model, uncertainty is considered by Monte Carlo simulation because this approach allows for any type of probability distribution and the computational burden of a single evaluation of the presented model is low. The model was implemented in MATLAB so that the Monte Carlo simulation could be realized by vector and matrix operations. This means that, first, all uncertain parameters are generated according to the stipulated probability distributions using a random number generator. These parameters are stored in separate vectors or matrices. In the latter, each column entry represents one set of parameters used in one Monte Carlo simulation. Afterward, in one single run, the model calculations are carried out using the matrices instead of single parameter values. The checks for technical feasibility and legal compliance are also


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Table 4. Equations Used for Calculating Treatment Cost of Single Unit Operations operation (abbreviation)


decontamination (deco) disposal site (DS) incineration (inc) NH3 recovery (NR) phase separation (PS) precipitation (prec) rectification (rect) sewage treatment plant (STP) stripping (str)

Cdeco ) KdecoV CDS ) KDSV Cinc ) M(Kinc + K∆H + KHC + KS + KP + Kash + Ktr) CNR ) KNRMNH3,reco CPS ) KPSV - ∑jBjMj,recy CPrec ) KPrecM Crect ) KrectV - ∑jBjMj,recy CSTP ) KSTPV + KsaltMsalt + KTOC/NMTOC/N Cstr ) KstrV

(5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

a All K values were obtained from industry. b Parameters: C ) cost (CHF), B ) financial benefit (CHF kg-1), V ) volume of waste stream (m3), M ) mass of waste stream (kg), K ) empirical cost factor (CHF m-3 or CHF kg-1). c Indices of supplementary K values and corresponding masses: ∆H ) heat of combustion, HC ) content of halogenated compound, S ) sulfur content, P ) Phosporous content, ash ) ash deposit, salt ) salt content, tr ) transportation, TOC/N ) TOC and nitrogen content. Note that these K values are empirical step functions of the corresponding properties. d Additional indices: j ) compound, reco ) recovered, recy ) recycled

Table 5. Input Parameters for Waste Streams WS1-WS3 formula

amount meana (kg)

salicylic acid acetic acid anydride acetyl salicylic acid acetic acid

C7H6O3 C4H6O3 C9H8O4 C2H4O2

282.8 1345.2 23.9 3355.0

water natrium chloride acetone

H2O NaCl C3H6O

3129.5 597.2 57.3

water 1,1-dichloroethane 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane

H2O C2Cl2H4 C2Cl4H2

1000.0 6.5 40.1

stream composition

amount varianceb (kg)

heat of combustion (104 kJ kg-1)

recycling benefit Bi (CHF kg-1)

27.8 133.8 2.4 340.7

2.2 1.6 2.2 1.5

0.0 1.0 0.0 0.7

316.8 60.5 5.6

0.0 0.0 3.3

0.0 0.0 0.0

1.0 4.0 4.0

0.0 2.0 0.8

0.0 0.0 1.0





The amounts given represent the waste resulting from one batch. b The variances of the amounts refer to normal distributions.

Table 6. Separation Efficiencies Stipulated for the Investigated Case Studies and the Different Waste Treatment Operations Using Normal Distributions separation efficiencies Ei,j operation i

compound j



phase separation stripping stripping rectification WS1 rectification WS3

non-water-soluble compounds halogenated compounds other compounds acetic acid, acetic acid anhydride 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane

0.800 0.980 0.010 0.610 0.800

0.010 0.002 0.001 0.260 0.090

conducted using these matrices. The resulting combination of treatment operations and the corresponding cost are also stored in matrices. After the Monte Carlo simulation is completed, probability distributions for treatment cost and for selected combinations of treatment operations are compiled from the information stored in the results matrices. Additionally, the resulting dependence of single parameters on the overall treatment cost can be displayed graphically. Further details on the implementation of the model are given by Cavin.13 Results and Discussion To demonstrate the capabilities of the model, the results obtained for three waste streams are discussed in this paper. The compositions of the different waste streams and the input parameters specified are given in Table 5. The separation efficiencies Ei,j and the stipulated uncertainties on them are listed in Table 6. These parameters reflect empirical knowledge about the pretreatment operations. The amount of a compound in the waste stream, its heat of combustion, and a possible recycling benefit Bi must take nonnegative values; and the relative solubilities (using water as the reference),

as well as the separation efficiencies Ei,j, must take values between zero and one. Therefore, the corresponding values, generated with a normal distribution, lying outside of these ranges were rejected. This procedure was repeated until a specified number of values inside the corresponding ranges were picked. The mean values and variances were adapted accordingly. Example 1: Waste Stream from Aspirin Production. Waste stream WS1 represents the waste output from the fictitious production of aspirin and consists of large amounts of acetic acid and acetic acid anhydride, as well as smaller amounts of salicylic acid and acetyl salicylic acid. The uncertainties in the stream composition given in Table 5 result from the distributed input parameters used to model the production process.8 The waste treatment model identifies two optimal treatment paths for this stream. The first option (path #1) includes the recycling of acetic acid and acetic acid anhydride by rectification, which itself provides a financial benefit Bi (Table 5), while the remainder is incinerated. In the second option (path #2), the whole stream is sent to the sewage treatment plant. In Figure 3, the results obtained for each of 1000 Monte Carlo simulations (in all case studies, higher

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Figure 4. Probability distribution of treatment cost resulting for waste stream WS2 from 1000 Monte Carlo simulations. Two separate maxima result from sewage treatment and incineration.

Figure 5. Waste stream WS2: Dependence of treatment cost on salt concentration.

Figure 3. Results obtained for waste stream WS1 and each of 1000 Monte Carlo simulations for the case in which only either path #1 or #2 was considered feasible or the cheapest of the two treatment paths was selected for a given set of input parameters.

numbers of simulations did not alter the results) are shown for cases in which only either path #1 or path #2 was considered feasible or the cheapest of the two treatment paths was selected for a given set of input parameters. In the latter case, path #1 was the cheapest 983 times, whereas path #2 was selected only 17 times, when a very low separation efficiency for rectification was picked in the Monte Carlo simulation. The resulting mean costs are -831 CHF (benefit) and 1490 CHF for paths #1 and #2, respectively, and -832 CHF when the cheapest path is selected each time. The mean costs calculated for the two paths are significantly different (Figure 3). Furthermore, although a broad range of costs is obtained for path #1, because of the high uncertainty in the separation efficiencies specified to simulate a lack of data in an early design phase, Figure 3 nevertheless shows that, in most cases, path #1 is cheaper than path #2. Even for slightly lower recycling benefits, this picture does not change significantly. This means that, notwithstanding the underlying uncertainty, the conclusion can be drawn that, with high probability, treatment path #1 is the favorable one

and should be considered in future planning. To decrease the uncertainty in the effective cost or benefit, the separation efficiencies Erect,j have to be determined or estimated with higher precision. In the recycling option (path #1), a mixture of two solvents is separated from the waste stream by rectification. This mixture then has to be split in another rectification operation. Our model, however, considered the recycling of all valuable compounds in a single operation. Therefore, the finally resulting benefit would be less than that given above, but solvent recycling would still be beneficial. Thus, it can be concluded that solvent recycling in combination with incineration of the remaining waste would be the most profitable option for this problem. Example 2: Waste Stream with High Salt Concentration. The second stream investigated in this paper, WS2, demonstrates the ability of the program to highlight possible problems in the treatment of waste streams. For the problem specified, the salt concentration of WS2 (Table 5), in some cases (128 times), forces the entire stream to be incinerated, because the input limit to the sewage treatment plant is not fulfilled, whereas 872 times out of 1000 Monte Carlo simulations, the stream can be sent to the sewage treatment plant. This latter option is about 30 times less expensive than incineration (Figure 4). Figure 5 shows that, as soon as the salt fraction in the stream exceeds 1.16 (arbitrary units), the treatment costs increase dramatically. Thus, one message of this example is that, under the constraints assumed here, there is some probability (more


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Figure 6. Results obtained for waste stream WS3 and each of 1000 Monte Carlo simulations for cases in which only either path #1, #2, or #3 was considered feasible or the cheapest of the three treatment paths was selected for a given set of input parameters.

than 10%) that the treatment cost would be quite high. Thus, to avoid this economical risk, the process should be modified in order to decrease the salt concentrations as long as no major drawbacks with regard to other objectives, such as reaction yields, result. One problem arises regarding the evaluation of a single project. To be on the safe side, it was assumed that the salt concentration of WS2 would not be diluted by other chemical waste streams before it entered the sewage treatment plant (meaning that all other chemical waste streams treated in the sewage plant at the same time would have an average salt concentration equal to that of WS2). This assumption is probably not correct, and the high salt concentration of WS2 might not be a problem if other waste streams have lower salt concentrations (i.e., this impacts the scheduling of waste streams). If the process cannot be modified and dilution by other waste streams cannot be guaranteed, then, with regard to incineration, the process should be conducted in as concentrated a manner as possible in order to minimize the volume to be burned. Example 3: Waste Stream Containing Chlorinated Solvents. Waste stream WS3 consists of a large amount of water and varying amounts of 1,1-dichloroethane and 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (Table 4). It was assumed that only 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane can be recycled, with a resulting benefit Bi of 1 CHF/kg. For the amounts stipulated, 1,1-dichloroethane and 1,1,2,2tetrachloroethane were assumed to be completely soluble and insoluble, respectively, in water. The specified separation efficiencies Ei,j are given in Table 6. These assumptions resulted in the following three most economic treatment paths: In path #1, 1,1,2,2tetrachloroethane is recycled by rectification, and the remainder is incinerated. In path #2, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane is recycled by phase separation, and the remainder is incinerated. In path #3, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane is recycled by phase separation. The aqueous phase is stripped to remove 1,1-dichloroethane, and the remainder is sent to the sewage treatment plant. In Figure 6, the results obtained for each of 1000 Monte Carlo simulations are shown for cases in which only one of the paths was considered feasible or the cheapest of the three treatment paths was selected for

Figure 7. Waste stream WS3: Dependence of treatment cost on chlorine concentration.

a given set of input parameters. In the latter case, path #3 was the cheapest 872 times, whereas paths #1 and #2 were selected only 38 and 90 times, respectively, when path #3 could not fulfill the chlorine limit specified for wastewater input to the sewage treatment plant. The resulting mean costs are 342, 340, and 188 CHF for paths #1, #2, and #3, respectively, and 209 CHF when the cheapest path is selected each time. Paths #1 and #2 show two maxima because the supplement factor for halogenated compounds KHC in the incineration cost function Cinc (Table 4) is a step function. The overall dependence of the treatment costs on the chlorine concentration of WS3 is shown in Figure 7. The data points representing treatment cost below 1.0 (arbitrary units) result from path #3. Because of the possibility of recycling, the treatment costs decrease with increasing chlorine concentration as long as path #3 is feasible. This is the case for chlorine concentrations below 0.9 (arbitrary units). Above this value, the switch to another treatment path, and thus to much higher treatment cost, is rather diffuse because of the uncertainty in the separation efficiencies. The sensitivity analysis for this problem revealed that, in addition to the amounts of chlorinated compounds, the stripping efficiency Estr,HC had a major influence on the cost because a low stripping efficiency in combination with

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high amounts of chlorinated solvents renders the treatment in the sewage plant (path #3) infeasible. In summary, the results obtained for stream WS3 show that, for a certain constellation of problems, rather small variations in one or several input parameters might result in pronounced differences in treatment costs because a distinct treatment option is rendered technically or legally infeasible. However, the resulting probability distribution indicates that it is rather unlikely that path #3 cannot be applied in the treatment of this waste stream. Therefore, in subsequent development phases of this project, the treatment cost resulting from path #3 should be considered. Conclusions and Outlook A model that automatically calculates the cost of all possible treatment scenarios that are available at a given plant and that are legally compliant for a given waste stream has been developed. A special feature of the model is that uncertainties in stream volume and composition and in separation efficiencies can be considered, thus providing probability distributions of treatment costs instead of single values. The model has been applied to several case studies representing more or less fictitious waste streams. The results show that rather small variations in one or several input parameters might result in pronounced differences in treatment costs because certain treatment options become infeasible or emission limits are exceeded, rendering a scenario legally noncompliant. Furthermore, the model highlighted recycling potentials, as well as waste treatment problems, that can best be resolved by modifying the chemical process itself. The results generated by the model for the case studies investigated, in particular the treatment paths considered feasible and legally compliant for a given waste stream and the selection of the cheapest treatment path, have been verified with experts from chemical industry. Thus, the model is a valuable tool for recognizing technical, legal, financial, and environmental problems of treating waste emanating from chemical processes even at early stages of process design. In future work, the model will be applied to more case studies from chemical industry. In extending the program, in particular, an ecological assessment will be evaluated with regard to the question of which set of environmentally related indicators provides a compre-

hensive ecological assessment of waste treatment operations in chemical industry. Acknowledgment We thank Lonza Group at Visp (Switzerland) for providing data and information, for suggestions and discussions on the model, and for financial support. In particular, we thank P. Ruppen, A. Huwiler, H. Dettwiler, R. Voeffray, F. Previdoli, and L. Utiger. Literature Cited (1) Douglas, J. M. Process synthesis for waste minimization. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1992, 31, 238-243. (2) Mizsey, P. Waste reduction in the chemical industry: A two level problem. J. Hazard. Mater. 1994, 37, 1-13. (3) Papalexandri, K. P.; Pistikopoulos, E. N.; Floudas, C. A. Mass exchange networks for waste minimization: A simultaneous approach. Trans. Inst. Chem. Eng. 1994, 72A, 279-294. (4) Hilaly, A. K.; Sikdar, S. K. Pollution balance method and the demonstration of its application to minimizing waste in a biochemical process. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1995, 34, 2051-2059. (5) Dantus, M. M.; High, K. A. Economic evaluation for the retrofit of chemical processes through waste minimization and process integration. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1996, 35, 4566-4578. (6) Cabezas, H.; Bare, J. C.; Mallick, S. K. Pollution prevention with chemical process simulators: The generalized waste reduction (WAR) algorithmsfull version. Comput. Chem. Eng. 1999, 23, 623-634. (7) Schlegel, B.; Vouillamoz, R. Analyse der Entsorgungskosten; Internal Report; Lonza AG: Visp, Switzerland, 1993. (8) Dimmer, P. Unsicherheits- und Sensitivita¨tsberechnung in der fru¨hen Kostenscha¨tzung von Batchverfahren unter besonderer Beru¨cksichtigung der Abfallentsorgung. Ph.D. Thesis #13337, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 1999. (9) Petrides, D. P.; Abeliotis, K. G.; Aelion, V.; Venkat, E.; Mallick, S. K. EnviroCAD: A computer tool for analysis and evaluation of waste recovery, treatment and disposal processes. J. Hazard. Mater. 1995, 42, 225-246. (10) Linninger, A. A.; Chakraborty, A. Synthesis and optimization of waste treatment flowsheets. Comput. Chem. Eng. 1999, 23, 1415-1425. (11) Linninger, A. A.; Chakraborty, A.; Colberg R. D. Planning of waste reduction strategies under uncertainty. Comput. Chem. Eng. 2000, 24, 1043-1048. (12) Righetti, B. Umweltschutz- und Entsorgungskonzept im Werk Visp der Lonza AG. Chimia 1990, 44, 246-247. (13) Cavin, L. Tools implementation for computational cost estimation of waste treatment in chemical processes. Diploma Thesis, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 1998.

Received for review February 24, 2000 Accepted February 28, 2001 IE000259Q