A Modified Burette Calibrating Pipette and Certain ... - ACS Publications

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table on page 688. Only t h e corrected figures a n d legends are recorded: reference is made t o both publications, t h e first number being t h a t assigned in Bulletin 94, a n d t h e second, t h e Bureau of Soils number assigned in articles which appeared in THIS JOURNAL.^ T o report in t h e conventional manner t h e results obtained i n t h e examination of t h e various brines submitted for analysis was a concession t o t h e supposed wishes of t h e laymen interested t o whom t h e statement of results as ions conveys b u t slight information. This concession was made against our best judgment, since t o report t h e various basic a n d acid radicles as combined is t o abandon for t h e moment t h e best conception of t h e state of salts in solution. T o calculate such analytical d a t a t o t h e saline combination is t o juggle figures. As t h e basis for t h e conventional combination t h e respective solubilities of t h e component salts, which anciently were regarded as entities, have been taken. This, likewise, is a false basis, since t h e I LOC.



solubility of each salt when alone in solution is different from i t s solubility when in solution with t h e other salts. T h e latter solubility is determined b y t h e equilibrium conditions obtaining for each system studied. T h e conventional combinations should represent, if anything a t all, t h e solids precipitated on evaporation from t h e system studied, a n d should be recorded i n the order of their precipitation. This could be determined only b y a n examination of t h e system under consideration. T h e value of t h e results previously published is scarcely diminished b y t h e errors introduced in t h e calculations previously published. However, t h e fact t h a t t h e system of calculation from ionic t o saline form is based on erroneous conceptions a n d therefore itself is erroneous does not excuse avoidable errors in t h e application of t h e system. For t h a t reason i t is desired t o substitute t h e recalculations herewith presented. BUREAUO F S O I L S . U. s. DEPARTMEXT OF AGRICULTURE WASHINGTON


Some months before this article was prepared for publication, t h e writer was told b y t h e “Trouble Man” of a large chemical firm t h a t t h e laboratory a n d factory control difficulties he was called upon t o adjust were frequently caused b y inaccuracies in t h e volumetric ware employed, a n d he added t h a t in his opinion many young chemists a n d not a few old ones were unaware of this source of error. T h e “Trouble Man” must t a k e t h e responsibility for his statement about chemists, b u t t h e author is willing t o testify regarding t h e general depravity of uncertified volumetric ware. During t h e last t e n years t h e calibration tables of several hundred burettes have been examined a n d errors of 0.1 cc. or more have been found t h e rule rather t h a n t h e exception. Occasionally t h e corrections reach a truly surprising value. For example, a t least three otherwise innocent looking burettes have been found with errors of over 0.4 cc. in t h e first 2 0 cc. of t h e scale. It, therefore, cannot be too strongly emphasized t h a t all such measuring instruments must be calibrated before using. If only one or t w o burettes are t o be examined t h e method of weighing t h e water delivered from successive intervals is t h e simplest since i t involves no special apparatus. If, however, a larger number are t o be calibrated or if from time t o time a few must be tested, some form of calibrating pipette will be found a n advantage on account of t h e time saved a n d t h e simplicity a n d directness of t h e procedure. Several such pipettes have been described2 b u t in every case ’

1 Pipettes of the design described in this article and piovided with a ’ 0.01 cc. division scale on the upper stem can be secured from the KauffmanLattimer Co.,Columbus, 0. 2 Arndt, Cenlralblaf, 1856, p. 865; Scheiblei, J . pvakt. Chem., 7 6 ( 3 8 5 9 ) , 177; Ostwald, Ibid., N. F., 25 (1882), 452; Morse and Blalock, A m . Chem. J . , 26 (1894). 479.

a n important point has curiously enough been overlooked, namely, t h e use of t h e two-way glass cock as a n automatic zero adjustment. A modification employing this time-saving scheme will be described in this paper a n d in addition t h e general principles a n d procedures involved in t h e use a n d calibration of these calibrating pipettes will be given. It so happens t h a t in previous articles there is not very good agreement as t o t h e details of determining t h e capacity of t h e pipette itself a n d in some cases t h e methods of calculating t h e final values obtained for t h e different points on t h e burette scale are unnecessarily long. M a n y recent text-books also d o not refer t o t h e use of such calibrating instruments and, therefore, there is perhaps some justification for presenting in t h i s place a more complete account of their ‘ advantages a n d use. T h e i n s t r u m e n t ‘ illustrated here is in its general operation like others t h a t have been described, i. e., i t is a device for accurately measuring successive portions of water as they may be drawn from t h e burette under examination. I t differs, however, from t h e previous instruments by its using t h e two-way glass cock as a zero adjustment instead of t h e usual mark on t h e lower stem. The enlargement a t C may also be looked on as a n improvement, since i t furnishes a convenient place for attaching t h e clamp for holding i t a n d also permits t h e use of a rubber stopper for connecting t o t h e burette, which makes a more satisfactory joint t h a n t h e g u m tubing t h a t would otherwise h a r e t o be employed. All of t h e previously described pipettes of this sort have had a mark on t h e lower stem which served as a zero point, t o which t h e water was adjusted before a portion was drawn out of t h e burette for measurement a n d a t which t h e outflow was stopped when t h e pipette was emptied t o make room for t h e next portion from t h e burette. T h e accompanying figure will illustrate this form of pipette if a mark around



t h e s t e m be imagined at F. T h a t such a m a r k is redundant arid t h a t t h e two-way cock can serve as a self-adjusting zero can be seen b y reference t o t h e figure, in which t h e cock is represented in t h e position of allowing t h e flow of liquid t o t a k e place from t h e b u r e t t e into t h e pipette. It will be seen t h a t , if t h e pipette has previously been filled a n d emptied, t h e flow will begin a t t h e t o p of t h e boring through t h e plug of t h e cock as indicated a t A. Furthermore. since t h e operation of t h e cock is such t h a t t h e connection with t h e burette is closed before t h e outflow through t h e t i p can begin a n d t h e outflow through t h e t i p is closed before t h e inflow from t h e burette c a n begin, i t is evident t h a t , after t h e pipette is emptied a n d another portion of liquid is t o be drawn from t h e burette, its flow will also begin at t h e t o p of t h e boring at A a n d so on for all succeeding portions. This makes t h e point A a zero mark t o which t h e adjustment of liquid is automatically regulated b y t h e position of t h e cock. Rloreover. this zero point is more accurate t h a n a m a r k around t h e lower s t e m would be on account of t h e smaller diameter of t h e boring. GENERAL





First, there can be no question of t h e accuracy of t h e method. Owing t o t h e smaller bore of t h e s t e m of t h e pipette t h e readings are t e n times more delicate t h a n on t h e burette. I n other words, differences of 0.001cc. can be noted in t h e pipette as readily as 0.01 cc. in t h e burette. An error might possibly be introduced b y carelessly allowing a considerable difference in temperature t o occur between t h e water as measured in t h e burette a n d i n t h e pipette. Ordinary care will. however, prevent such differences so t h a t it is safe t o assume t h e temperature of t h e water t o be t h e same -within t h e limits required b y t h e nature of t h e work. A similar assumption is made b y t h e Bureau of S t a n d ards in its method of calibrating flasks b y delivering into t h e m measured volumes of water from s t a n d a r d pipettes .' Secondly, there can be no question of t h e t i m e saved b y t h e use of these calibrating devices because adjusting t h e meniscus i n t h e pipette when drawing off a portion of water from t h e burette is a brief operation compared with making a weighing, a n d finally because there are no temperature corrections t o calculate. T h e pipette when once calibrated for t h e s t a n d a r d temperat u r e (zoo) for glass apparatus, m a y be assumed t o 1

Osborri and Veazey, Bullelin B. of S.. 4 (1908), 589.

1'01. 7, KO.8

retain a constant volume so far as ordinary laboratory temperature changes are concerned. T H E CALIBRATIOK O F T H E PIPETTE

It is evident t h a t t h e capacity of t h e calibrating instrument itself must be determined with great care a n d t h a t this must be done b y weighing t h e water required t o fill i t . F r o m this weight a n d t h e temperat u r e of t h e water its 77olume can be calculated. T h e methods for making such calculations are t o be found in a n y large text-book on quantitative analysis and, therefore, will not be repeated here. In this connection see also t h e Bulletin of t h e Bureau of Standards cited above. At t h e outset, however, an i m p o r t a n t point in t h e calibration of such pipettes should be noted: t h e usual rapid r a t e of outflow of t h e ordinary burette must be restricted or t h e results will be in error. This is because in calibrating t h e burette, successive, small portions (pipettefuls) are drawn off with a n interval of time between t h e readings while in a n actual t i t r a tion 30 t o 4 0 cc. m a y be drawn off a t once. T h e former method gives more water because, being t h e slower, there will be more drainage.' T h e difference due t o variable drainage m a y amount t o as much as 0.1cc. in t h e lower p a r t of t h e scale in burettes as ordinarily received from t h e manufacturers. If, however, t h e r a t e of outflow be sufficiently restricted (see footnote below) this difference in drainage between emptying t h e greater p a r t of t h e burette in a series of small portions or all in one portion, becomes negligible. I n earlier articles this point has received no mention, though t h e method of Morse a n d Blalock eliminates t h e error. These authors, however. do not discuss or even allude t o this advantage of their plan. T h e same situation exists in t h e case of calibrating a burette b y weighing. If successive small portions are drawn off in t a n d e m t h e results obtained for t h e lower p a r t of t h e burette will difier from those obtained b y starting a t zero, unless t h e r a t e of outflow is small. T h e Bureau of Standards, though recognizing t h e small size of t h e error occasioned b y t h e t a n d e m method of calibrating burettes \vi t h restrict e d out 1et s neve r t he1ess f 011o iv s t h e more accurate plan of starting a t zero each time when drawing off t h e portion of water t o be weighed. Similarly, t h e a u t h o r prefers t h e Morse-Blalock method for getting t h e capacity of t h e calibrating pipette. It has t h e merit of eliminating a n y possible tandem-error a n d a t t h e same time is, if anything, a trifle shorter t h a n other methods. Ahwill be seen below! i t does not give t h e t r u e capacity of t h e pipette b u t rather t h e capacity corrected for a n y difference in drainage between emptying t h e burette in successive, small portions t a k e n o u t in t a n d e m , as compared with drawing o u t t h e same a m o u n t of water in one portion; for example, o t o j cc., j t o I O cc., etc., t o 3j t o j o cc. as compared with o t o j o cc. in one portion. illorse a n d Blalock's procedure is t o determine t h e capacity of t h e pipette i n an ifldirect way, b y dividing t h e volume of water delivered directly from zero t o a mark near t h e b o t t o m of t h e burette scale, b y t h e 1

Schloesser, 2. anal. Chem., 46 (1907), 392.

Aug., 191j


number of pipettefuls t h a t can be drawn off t o t h a t mark. For example, with a pipette like t h e one shown here, t h e capacity of which is about j cc., it is evident t h a t with a 50 cc. burette, I O pipettefuls can be obtained if t h e capacity is less t h a n 5 cc., or 9 pipettefuls if t h e capacity is a little more t h a n j cc. Assuming t h e l a t t e r , let t h e reading of t h e burette be 45.23 cc. when t h e n i n t h pipetteful has been reached. T o get t h e corrected capacity of t h e pipette, t h e burette is again filled t o zero a n d t h e water allowed t o flow out i n t o a small flask t o 45.23 cc. on t h e scale. This water is weighed, its temperature taken a n d its volume calculated. One-ninth of this is t h e n t h e volume of t h e pipette t o be used in calibrating burettes. It is not t h e t r u e capacity of t h e pipette because t h e amount of water obtained b y allowing t h e burette t o e m p t y itself at its normal r a t e from o t o 43.23 is slightly less t h a n t h e a m o u n t t h a t would be gotten b y drawling i t o u t in nine portions with a considerable interval of time between each portion. METHOD O F MARKING T H E P I P E T T E

T h e author of course hopes t h a t n o one will continue t o p u t a m a r k on t h e lower s t e m of such calibrating pipettes, b u t there still remains t h e marking of t h e upper stem. This can be done as follows: (I) A single mark arbitrarily placed is p u t around t h e upper stem. T h e exact capacity of t h e pipette from t h e stopcock t o this mark is t h e n determined b y t h e method of Morse a n d Blalock. Such a n ins t r u m e n t will measure successive portions of t h e same volume a s t h e y are drawn from t h e burette a n d t h e successive burette readings will correspond t o t h e multiples of t h e capacity of t h e pipette. A variation of this plan consists in locating t h e m a r k on t h e upper s t e m so t h a t it will correspond t o some convenient whole number of cubic centimeters, such as 2 cc. or 5 cc. This is no advantage because, in a n y event, t h e burette readings will not fall on t h e marks of t h e burette representing such integral numbers or their multiples, a n d for plotting a correction curve t h e readings obtained b y using a n arbitrarily marked pipette would be of equal value with those obtained by t h e second met,hod. (2) A scale divided arbitrarily into small units approximating 0.01cc. or so t h a t each division corresponds exactly t o 0.01cc. may be combined with a major capacity mark which m a y be located in either of t h e ways described in ( I ) above. I n using a pipette equipped with a scale, successive portions of t h e same nominal value, such as from o t o j cc. on t h e burette, j t o I O cc. or whatever value t h e capacity of t h e pipette m a y be, are drawn o u t a n d their exact volume determined b y measurement in t h e pipette. “This appears t o be a n advantage, which is, however, more apparent t h a n real, a n d will hardly p a y for t h e extra labor required for t h e construction a n d location of such a scale unless a very large number of burettes are t o be tested. I n either case a correction curve can be made a n d t h e values corresponding t o integral marks on t h e burette ( I , 2 , 3 cc., etc.) can be calculated upon t h e reasonable assumption t h a t t h e bore of t h e burette does not change appreciably in a short


length. Therefore, t h e error a t a n y integral mark will be t h e same as a t a n y reading in t h e immediate vicinity. Thus, if a t 14.71 cc. t h e error is 0.05 cc., t h e same correction may be applied a t I j cc.” It might be interesting t o compare t h e above method with t h e more laborious one employed in one of t h e previous articles on burette calibrating pipettes. T h e exact volume corresponding t o t h e 50.00 cc. mark on a burette scale had been found t o be j o . n j 8 cc. a n d i t was desired t o find t h e volume corresponding t o 49. 5 2 cc. on t h e same scale. It was done b y solving t h e proportion j O : 50.258 :: 49.52 : x, by which x is found t o be 49.775j CC. ( T h e figures are given as t h e y are f o u n d in t h e article in question.) If instead of making this calculation, it h a d been assumed t h a t t h e error of t h e burette a t 49.52 cc. was t h e same as a t t h e near-by point, 50 cc.-namely, +o.z58 cc.t h e t r u e value of t h e scale reading 49.52 could have been found b y simply adding t h e correction 0.258. This gives 49.7780 cc. which differs from t h e other value, 49.7755 cc. so laboriously obtained, b y only 0 . 0 0 2 5 cc., a n amount which under t h e circumstances could introduce n o error. I n order t o show t h e necessary details in manipulation a n d calculation there will now be given t h e complete procedure for determining t h e capacity of t h e calibrating pipette a n d for using t h e pipette in finding t h e errors of a burette. DETERMIXATIOK







T h e pipette a n d a burette, connected as shown in t h e drawing, are filled with distilled water. Both instruments can be supported on one ring-stand by t h e use of t w o clamps. Air bubbles in t h e connecting parts can be avoided by having t h e enlargement a t C full of water before t h e stopper is inserted. This causes a n overflow through t h e hole, a n d if now t h e tip of t h e burette is also filled before i t is p u t into t h e stopper, no air will be entrapped. T h e level of liquid in t h e burette is adjusted t o zero a n d t h e pipette (which must be full) is allowed t o e m p t y itself through t h e tip a t E. This point of filling a n d emptying before a n actual measurement is made is necessary because t h e capacity of t h e pipette is affected by t h e a m o u n t of liquid on t h e interior. This amount must obviously be t h e same for t h e first pipetteful as for t h e subsequent ones. I n t h e manipulation of t h e stopcocks it will be found convenient t o leave the burette cock open a n d control t h e flow of water entirely with t h e two-way cock of t h e pipette. 1 Before beginning a n actual calibration, t h e r a t e of outflow of both the pipette a n d t h e burette should be adjusted once for all b y properly constricting t h e outlet orifice. T h e stopcocks can t h e n be opened to their full extent a n d t h e r a t e of dow will be correct without further regulation. Specifications from t h e Bureau of S t a n d a r d s require t h e outflow of a burette with a scale 50 cm. long-about t h a t oi a 5 0 cc. burette-to be not less t h a n 90 seconds nor more t h a n three minutes, and t h e free outflow t i m e of a 5 cc. pipette t o be not less t h a n 15 seconds nor more t h a n one minute. The most convenient way of adjusting t h e orifice to a given r a t e of delivery is t o draw o u t t h e tip in a flame so t h a t i t is smaller t h a n desired. One can then gradually enlarge i t b y filing or grinding across t h e end. B y t h i s procedure trial can be made from t i m e t o time without the necessity of waiting for hot glass t o cool or for drying t h e wet glass before heating again, a s would be t h e case if the usual method of allowing t h e tip t o contract in a flame were employed. Finally, everything must be thoroughly cleaned with chromic-sulfuric acid mixture a n d rinsed with distilled water before beginning work.



With t h e level of water in t h e burette a t zero a n d t h e pipette emptied, t h e next step is t o allow water t o flow from t h e burette into t h e pipette till t h e mark a t B on t h e upper s t e m is reached. This portion is t h e n allowed t o flow out through t h e tip a t E . I n this way successive pipettefuls are drawn off a n d wasted through E till a point is reached on t h e burette beyond which another portion would bring t h e level of t h e water below t h e scale. This last burette reading must be carefully noted a n d . though it is t h e only one necess a r y for t h e calibration of t h e pipette, t h e intermediate ones should also be made a n d recorded because t h e y may subsequently be used in determining t h e errors of t h e burette a n d because i t is t h e simplest 1%-ayof insuring t h e same conditions in t h e Calibration as in t h e subsequent use of t h e pipette T h e next step is t o find t h e volume corresponding t o t h e last reading on t h e burette as obtained above. This is done b y disconnecting t h e pipette, filling t h e burette with water, adjusting the meniscus t o zero a n d t h e n allowing t h e water t o flow out a t its normal r a t e into a t a r e d flask till t h e point corresponding t o t h e last pipetteful is reached. This portion of water is then weighed t o t h e nearest milligram a n d from its weight a n d its temperature its t r u e volume in cubic centimeters is calculated. The above experiments should of course be repeated several times till closely agreeing results are obtained, t h e averages of which are t h e n used for t h e final calculations as follows: Suppose t h a t t h e capacity of t h e pipette is such t h a t t h e t e n t h portion drawn from t h e burette b y its use brings t h e level of liquid t o 49.82 cc. on t h e burette scale a n d t h a t t h e weighing of t h e water delivered directly from zero t o this point gave its t r u e volume as 49.88 cc. Since this volume corresponds t o t e n pipettefuls, i t is evident t h a t t h e capacity t o be assigned t o t h e pipette is 4.988 cc. CALIBRATION O F A B U R E T T E

T h e calibration of a burette is carried out by connecting t h e pipette as described above a n d drawing off successive pipettefuls, noting t h e reading each time on t h e burette scale. Assuming a pipette with a capacity of 4.988 cc. a n d a n average burette, readings would be obtained a b o u t a s given in t h e first column of t h e table below. The second column gives t h e t r u e T A B L EI 1





Burette readings

Correct volume


Burette reading

Correct volume

5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00

4.94 9.94 14.92 19.87 24.88 29.90 34.86 39.86 44.84

5.05 4.99 -0.06 10.04 9.98 -0.06 15.04 14.96 -0.08 20.08 19.95 -0.13 25.06 24.94 -0.12 30.03 29.93 -0.10 35.06 34.92 -0.14 40.04 39.90 -0.14 45.05 44.89 -0.16 Correction for 50.00 cc. is found b y SO+

t h e method illustrated in

Table I1

volume corresponding t o t h e readings a n d is obtained b y multiplying t h e capacity of t h e pipette b y t h e serial number of t h e interval measured a n d rounding off t h e numbers t o two decimals. Column 3 gives t h e corrections for t h e points in Column I a n d , since t h e corrections are t h e same for all points in t h e immediate vicinity of a given point, t h e numbers in Column 3

Vol. 7, No. 8

are also t h e corrections for t h e burette readings as given in Column 4. Column j gives t h e volumes corresponding t o t h e “ 5 cc.” points o n t h e scale. T h e above figures are from an actual burette a n d present a complication t h a t may sometimes arise; namely, t h a t when starting a t zero t h e last pipetteful may bring t h e burette reading below t h e scale. This situation is, however, easily remedied by a simple trick of manipulation. Two or three sets of readings are wanted in a n y event in t h e interests of accuracy a n d when t h e first series shows t h a t t h e last pipetteful brings t h e reading below the scale, t h e next series is started a little above t h e beginning of t h e second interval; in this case, for example, a t 5.00 cc. on t h e burette scale. T h e burette readings are t h e n as follovs: I



Burette reading Correct volume 5.00 4.94 T h e correct volume corresponding to t h e burette reading of 5.00 cc. is t a k e n from 9.99 9.93 15.00 14.92 Table I 20.03

19.90 24.89 29.88 34.87 39.86 44.84 49.83

25,Ol 29.98 35.01 40 00 45.00 49.98

T h e t r u e volumes corresponding t o t h e readings are obtained b y adding t h e appropriate multiple of t h e capacity of t h e pipette t o t h e volume corresponding t o t h e starting point which is taken from Table I a n d which must be checked b y a separate experiment. This series of readings in Table I1 also gives t h e corrections for points in t h e immediate vicinity of those marks on t h e burette scale which are multiples of j a n d consequently may be applied a t once t o those marks. I n other words, t h e y are check readings on those of Table I , a n d in addition give t h e value of t h e correction for t h e j o cc. mark. If a correction curve is t o be made, t h e above d a t a are sufficient. I n case it is desired t o t a b u l a t e t h e corrections for each “cubic centimeter” mark on t h e scale of t h e burette t h e following procedure should be used: ( I ) The t r u e volume of each j cc. interval of t h e burette is found b y a series of subtractions based on t h e values in Table I , Column j; ( 2 ) t h e value of I cc. in each interval is found b y dividing t h e t r u e volume of t h e i n t e r v a l b y j . Table I11 illustrates these two points. T A B L EI11 Interval on Volume burette scale of interval 0 to 5 4.94 5 t o 10 = ( 9 9 4 4.94) = 5.00 1 0 t o 15 (14.929.94) = 4.98 40 t o 45 = (44.84 - 39.86) = 4.98 45 t o 50 = (49 85

- 44.84)


Value of “1 cc.” in interval 0.988 1 ,000 0.996 0.996 1.002


T h e final tabulation is made b y adding these cubic centimeter values in Table 111,t h e results being rounded off t o t w o decimals. Table I V , below, covering p a r t of t h e burette scale, shows this. Burette


4 5

0.99 1.98 2.96 3.95 4.94 5.94 6.94



T A B L EI\‘ Burette True reading volume 8 7.94 9 10 11 12

.. ..

8.94 9.94 10.94 11.93

..... .....

Burette reading

True volume

44 45 46 47 48 49 50

43.84 44.84 45.84 46.84 47.85 48.85 49.85

If this, plan is used, t h e tabulation should be made

Aug., 191j


on a stiff piece of paper or board so t h a t it can be hung up near t h e burette. CONCLUSION

I n this article there has been described a modification of a burette-calibrating pipette t h a t eliminates t h e mark on t h e lower stem and provides for t h e use of a two-way cock as an automatic zero-adjusting de vice . A discussion of the principles underlying t h e calibration and use of such pipettes is also given. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY, OHIOSTATEUNIVERSITY COLTXBUS,OHIO


The condensation apparatus described by H. E. Barnard a n d H. E. Bishop in t h e Journal of the American Chemical Society, 28 (1906)~999, was designed for use with flasks of uniform size only. The burner and flask supports were so arranged t h a t in changing the adjustment of t h e still i t was necessary t o move them as a unit. T o overcome this difficulty t h e burner a n d flask support t o be described was designed. The condensation tubes, water connection and their supports were not changed. The gas supply was changed from a position under t h e flask support t o t h e top of the supports for t h e condensing tubes A .


attached to the gas pipe. This pipe, hanging in a perpendicular position, forms t h e rod for the ring which supports t h e flask. I n t o this tube was fitted a brass tube, C, which would slide easily. T h e lower end of this sliding tube was soldered into a '/a in. brass elbow, E . A 2-in. '/8 in. nipple, N , was screwed into t h e other side of t h e elbow; then a ' / 8 in. coupling, F , which in t u r n took t h e air cock, was attached. Another elbow was attached t o the air cock G which took the nipple for the tube of t h e Bunsen burner H . The gas joint, which allows the burner t o be adjusted up or down, is similar t o the old gas drop-light which was on the market before the use of rubber tubing was so general. The lower end of the tube B , which forms t h e ring support and the outside member of the extension tube, was threaded t o take an ordinary packing box, P , similar to those used a t t h e top and bottom of the condensing tubes. Ordinary candlewick packing, well oiled, was used. The addition of a ring, R , from t h e regular ring stand, completed the apparatus. The,great advantage of t h e apparatus is its wide range of adjustment for individual operations. Flasks from 5 in. t o 14 in. high can be used simultaneously. The sliding gas tube overcomes t h e necessity for rubber connections and if more heat is desired, two burners may be turned under one ring. T h e cost of construction is small and t h e upkeep is ail. INDIANA STATE BOARDO F HEALTH INDIANAPOLIS


A description was given in THISJ O U R N A L , 6 (1914), of a Kjeldahl apparatus which has given satisfactory service in this laboratory. This apparatus as described, when set u p on a laboratory table of t h e usual height, has been found somewhat too high for convenience when used b y a person of short stature. T o avoid this difficulty, t h e apparatus may be modified as indicated in t h e accompanying sketch, which should be substituted for Fig. I1 of the original article. The height may be decreased 6 t o 8 in. by replacing t h e upright type of burner with a horizontal offset burner, and shortening t h e condenser pipe accordingly. It is well t o make sure, however, t h a t the diameter of this pipe, and t h e rate of flow of the water in it, are sufficient t o insure condensation in the tube H . The modification not only lessens height, but also obviates t h e disagreeable results which often follow IOIO,

T h e gas pipe was already tapped for ' / 8 in. air cocks t o which the burners were attached. The air cocks were replaced by in. close nipples. An 1 1 in. length of 9 / l e in. (outside diam.) brass pipe, B , was tapped a t one end t o fit the '/a in. close nipple and