A Molecular Dynamics Study of the Bis-Intercalation Complexes of

Jose Gallego, Angel R. Ortiz,? and Federico Gago'. Departamento de Fisiologla y Farmacologla, Universidad de Alcalct de Henares, 28871 Madrid, Spain...
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J.Med. Chem. 1993,36, 1548-1561


A Molecular Dynamics Study of the Bis-Intercalation Complexes of Echinomycin with d(ACGT)2 and d(TCGA)Z: Rationale for Sequence-Specific Hoogsteen Base Pairing Jose Gallego, Angel R. Ortiz,? and Federico Gago' Departamento de Fisiologla y Farmacologla, Universidad de Alcalct de Henares, 28871 Madrid, Spain Received November 9, 1992

The behavior of the complexes of echinomycin with the DNA tetramers d(ACGT)2 and d(TCGA)2, in which the terminal AT base pairs are in either a Hoogsteen or a Watson-Crick conformation, has been explored by molecular dynamics taking into account experimental data from NMR studies (Gao and Patel. Biochemistry 1988,27,1744-1751). The DNA binding specificity of echinomycin appears to be the result of a subtle balance between stabilizing and destabilizing forces. Among the former is a number of hydrogen bonds between the alanine residues of echinomycin and both the N3 and 2-amino groups of the guanine bases which decisively determine the strong affinity of the antibiotic for CpG steps. On the other hand, there appears to be an unfavorable dipolar interaction between the chromophores of the antibiotic and the CpG step. This electrostatic component of the stacking interactions also contributes t o explaining the conformational preferences of the flanking sequences: upon Hoogsteen pairing, the dipole moment of an AT base pair is found to increase significantly and alter its relative orientation. In the d(ACGT)z:echinomycin complex, this arrangement helps to improve the stacking interactions with the quinoxaline-2-carboxamide system, but would lead to unfavorable dipolar interactions in the d(TCGA)2 complex. The bearing of these findings on the binding of echinomycin to several sequences as well as on the altered binding selectivity of other members of the quinoxaline family of antibiotics is also discussed.

Introduction The DNA molecule is the primary target of many antitumor agents. Among the binding modes of drugs to DNA, both intercalative and nonintercalative mechanisms have been described, and in both cases a certain degree of sequence selectivity has been shown. Interestingly, minor groove binders show a tendency to bind to AT-rich DNA better than to GC-containing sequences whereas most intercalators get sandwiched at GpC or CpG steps,l with the notable exception of TANDEM,which alsoprefers AT r u m 2 In addition to the experimental approach, modeling studies have proved of value in order to understand the determinants of specificity involved in the recognition process3and can help in the design of new compounds with tailor-made binding properties. Echinomycin is one of several antibiotics produced by Streptomyces echinatus that consists of two quinoxaline chromophores attached to a cyclic octadepsipeptide ring with a thioacetal cross-bridge (Figure 1). It displays potent cytotoxic activity that is generally accepted to arise from its capacity to bind to cellular DNA as a bis-intercalator, as shown in awide range of viscosimetric, X-ray, and NMR ~ t u d i e s .Echinomycin ~ is currently in phase I1 clinical trials as an antitumor agent.5 Footprinting experiments with DNase I6 and chemical probes7have demonstrated that echinomycin binds specifically to CpG sequences and shows some preference for AT as the flanking base pairs. X-ray crystal structures are available for the complexes of echinomycin with the d(CGTACG)2 hexamers and of the closely related analogue triostin A with d(CGTACG)29 and d(GCGTACGC)2.1° A number of NMR studies have also been undertaken with echinomycin bound to different * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Present address: European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Meyerhofstrasse 1, Postfach 10.2209, D-6.900Heidelberg, Germany. +

Figure 1. Chemical structure of echinomycin. Echinomycin is one member of the quinoxaline family of antibiotics, which are characterized by a cross-linked octadepsipeptide ring bearing two quinoxaline chromophores (qxn). In the echinomycin analogue triostin A, a disulfide bond replaces the thioacetal crosslink.

DNA oligomers: d(ACGT)2and d(TCGA)2,11d(GCGC12, d(CCGG)2,and d(AMCGTTT)2,12d(ACGTACGT)2and d(TCGATCGA)2,13and d(ACGTATACGT)2.14 This experimental work has provided considerable insight into the structural features of these complexes. Most notably, it has shown that in every complex studied the quinoxaline rings of the antibiotic intercalate on both sides of the CpG steps and that three major factors contribute to stabilizing the echinomycin-DNA complexes: (1) van der Waals interactions between the peptide part of the antibiotic and the minor grooves of the oligomers, (2) stacking interactions between the quinoxaline rings and the adjacent base pairs, and (3) several hydrogen bonds between the NH and carbonyl groups of alanines and the N3 and 2-amino groups of guanines, respectively. These hydrogen bonds are widely considered to be crucial for the binding specificity of echinomycin to CpG stepsa5 The conformation of echinomycincomplexed with DNA is similar to that found for the isolated antibiotic in solution.l5J6 In contrast, the DNA oligomers undergo drastic conformational changes upon binding of the drug. Most important among such changes are the unwinding of the double helices and the induction of a Hoogsteen

OO22-2623/93/1836-1548$04.OO/O 0 1993 American Chemical Society

Hoogsteen Base Pairing in Echinomycin-DNA Complexes





N -H.. . . . ... H



Figure 2. Hoogsteen and Watson-Crick pairing arrangements in an AT base pair. Note that the number of hydrogen bonds is the same in both conformations.

hydrogen bonding scheme in the base pairs adjacent to the CpG binding sites. In order for a Hoogsteen base pair to form, the purine base must rotate 180' about the glycosidic bond thus adopting a syn orientation relative to the sugar (Figure 2). This base-pairing rearrangement is sequence-dependent, since it only appears when the purine base is located on the 5' side of the CpG binding steps: it is detected in d(ACGT)2, d(GCGC12, d(CGTACG)2, d(ACGTACGT)2, d(ACGTATACGT)z, and d(GCGTACGCl2, but not in d(TCGA)2, d(CCGG)2, d(AAACGTIT)2,and d(TCGATCGA12. In the sequences where the aforementioned condition is fulfiied, Hoogsteen pairing is always detected in the terminalbase pairs, both in the crystalline state and in solution. The internal base pairs separating two CpG binding sites are also Hoogsteen paired in the solid state but seem to alternate between Hoogsteen and either an open or a Watson-Crick paired state in solution, as reported for the d(ACGTACGT)2: (echinomycin)ac0mp1ex.l~Hoogsteen base pairing is not clearly detected in solution for the internal base pairs if the CpG binding sites are separated bp more than two base pairs, as in the d(ACGTATACGT)2:(echinornycin)a c o m p l e ~ lIf~ there is only one CpG binding step, the internal base pairs adjacent to it remain Watson-Crick paired, as is the case in the d(AAACGT'IYY2:echinomycin complex.12 In their NMR studies of DNA oligomers with two echinomycin binding sites, Gilbert and Feigon have found cooperative binding only to the sequences where Hoogsteen pairs appear, i.e. to d(ACGTACG12 and d(ACGTATACGT)2, but not to d(TCGATCGA)2.13J4The binding constant for echinomycin binding to d(ACGTACGT)2 was ala0 found to be higher than that for binding to the nodternating purine-pyrimidine sequence, d(TCGATCGA)2.'3 Other studies have shown that the bisquinoline analogue of echinomycin favors binding to d(ACGT)2, a sequence where the AT pairs adopt a Hoogsteen scheme, over d(TCGA12, in which all the bases remain WatsonCrick paired.17

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In the present study,18 we undertake a theoretical investigation of the factors that determine the conformational preferences of the flanking base pairs on both sides of the CpG binding step. An early computational study focused on the relative stability of the d(CGTACG)2: (triostin A)2 complex with the central AT base pairs in either Hoogsteen or Watson-Crick pairing,lgbut did not consider the alternative central sequence, Le. d(CGATCG)2. For their greater simplicity, we have chosen to study the complexesbetweenechinomycinand the DNA tetramers d(ACGT)2 and d(TCGA)2, for which there is also conformational information from NMR spectroscopy.ll Our research has addressed two main issues: (1) why the terminal base pairs in the d(ACGT)2complex are Hoogsteen paired while those in the d(TCGA)2 one are not, and (2)why the former complex is more stable than the latter. By means of molecular dynamics simulations in aqueous solution, we have analyzed the behavior of the four possible systems: d(ACGT)2:echinomycinand d(TCGA)a:echinomycin with both terminal AT base pairs in either Hoogsteen (named A(h) and T(h), respectively) or Watson-Crick conformation (A(w) and T(w)) (Figure 3). Results and Discussion Both the total potential energy of the systems and the root-mean-squaredeviation of the complexeswith respect to the initial structures remain stable along the simulation time (Figure 4). The progression of these two parameters indicates that the DNAechinomycin complexes do not experience large conformational changes during the sampling time and thus can be considered to be in a state near equilibrium. Since the movement of the counterions haa a profound influence on the behavior of highly charged molecules like DNA, the diffusion constant of the sodium ions in the four simulations was calculated from their respective mean square displacements (Figure 5), using the relation: d[((F(t) - i.(0))2)t1

6D = lim

(1) dt where Y t )denotes the coordinates of the ion at time t and the broken brackets (Ot) indicate a time average. The average Na+ diffusion constant for the four systems is 0.60 X 10-5cm2s-l. Previously reported experimental and theoretical diffusion constants are 0.91 X 10-5 and 1.0 X 10-5 cm2 s-l, respectively, for Na+ in bulk water,20 and (0.M.O) X 10-5 cm2 s-l for Na+ around DNA.21 The comparatively low diffusion constants found for the sodium ions in the four simulations suggest that the ions were effectivelyplaced in minimum-energy configurationsand validates the method used for their placement. Interestingly, the ion configurations seem to be more stable around the Watson-Crick complexes,for which much lower coefficients are found 0.13 and 0.17 for A(w) and T(w) vs 1.20 and 0.94 for A(h) and T(h), respectively (Figure 5). (a) General Structure of the Complexes. Stereoviews of the structures of the four systems can be seen in Figure 6. These conformations correspond to averages taken over the 30-40-ps period of the unrestrained simulations in aqueous solution, with bond and van der Waals distances optimized by means of a short-energy minimization. Comparison between these conformations and the corresponding water-minimized initial structures and yields root-mean-squaredeviations of 1.77,1.92,1.22, 1.27 A for complexes A(h), A(w), T(h), and T(w), respect--

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. .


36. No.11 J 18

Gallego et al. 1,



.. . .: .:. . .'

....: .:..,,. .,.: : . , J , :. . A8



Figure 3. Schematic views from the major groove of the complexes of echinomycin with d(ACGT)?and d(TCGA)2,designatedA and T, respectively. In each of them, the terminal AT pairs can display a Hoogsteen, A(h) and T(h), or a Watson-Crick,A(w) and T(w), hydrogen-bonding arrangement.


"' 1


-9.5 20













Figure 4. Total potential energies (a) and root-mean-square deviations from the initial structures (h) as a function of time of the four solvated DNAechinomycin complexes during the sampling phase (2C-40 ps): A(h) (o),A(w) (-), T(h) (...),and T(w) (-). The root-mean-square deviations were calculated using all non-hydrogenatomsof the complexesand superimpsing the structures over the same atoms. The different values of potential energy are due to the different number of water molecules present in each of the systems. tively. These values give another indication that the complexes did not undergo large conformational changes

Figure 5. Mean square displacementsof the sodium ions in the four simulations. The lines represent the average displacement ofthesixionspresent ineachsystem: A(h)(thick),A(w) (dashed), T(h)(thin),andT(w)(dotted). Thelineofsquaresistheaverage mean square displacement of all sodium ions in the four simulations. with respect to their initial structures during the simulations in water. The conformation of each pair of complexes with the same base pairing, i.e. A(h) and T(h), and A(w) and T(w), is similar, with root-mean-square deviations of 0.99 and 1.98 A,respectively. The terminal

DNAbasesbehaveweUinthesensethattheyremainpaired even in the absence of hydrogen-bond constraints. The exceptions are bases A5 and T4 in the A(h) model, which are partially unpaired, and base T8 in the A(w) model, which goes out of plane (Figure 6). These deviations are due t o end affects during the unrestrained dynamics simulations in water and could not be avoided despite extensive efforts aimed a t the generation of more stable initial structures. The larger root-mean-square deviations

Hoogsteen Base Pairing in Echinomycin-DNA Complexes

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h A







1552 Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1993, Vol. 36, No. 11 Table I. Solvation Free Energies (AGE,kcal/mol-l) for the DNAEchinomycin Complexes, the d(ACGT)Z and d(TCGAh DNA Tetramers, and Echinomycin, Together with the Solvent Contribution to the Binding Free Energy for Each of the Complexes, AAGs system AG, AAGE d(ACGT)Z -655.1 d(TCGA)Z -667.1 echinomycin -24.1 A(h) -645.4 33.8 A(w) -655.5 23.1 T(h) -643.1 48.1 T(w) -666.8 24.4

for the A(h) and A(w) complexes are partly due to these fraying effects. NOEDistances in theExperimenta1A(h) andT(w) Complexes. During the unrestrained simulations in water, systematic violations of NOES involving DNA cytosine protons and echinomycin S-CH3 protonsll were detected in both complexes. Since there is evidence that these NOE’s could have arisen from either overlapping or spin diffusion effects,22they have not been considered in the violation lists (supplementary material). In the A(h) complex, 16 of a total of 63 NOE distances are violated. All the intramolecular echinomycin proton connectivities are maintained. Of the DNA-echinomycin NOE distances, four violations are larger than 2 A, and all of them involve A5 and qxn-6 protons. These longer distances are due to the displacement of A5 mentioned above,which debilitates its stacking interactions with qxn-6. In the T(w) complex, only three violations are observed out of a total of 34 DNAechinomycin NOE distances. We observe a marked asymmetry in the monitored distances at both sides of the complexes. This asymmetry has also been detected in NMR ~pectral1-l~ and in the crystal complex8but was not considered when initially applying the NOE distance constraints. Keeping in mind the qualitative nature of the NOE constraints used, these results indicate that both the A(h) and T(w) structures are reasonably near the experimentally found conformations. (b) Solvation Free Energy of the Complexes. We have calculated the solvation free energy of the four DNA echinomycin complexes, using structures averaged over the 30-40-ps period of the unrestrained simulations, in which van der Waals contacts and covalent distances were optimized by means of a short minimization with coordinate restraints (Table I). Calculations employing structures averaged over a shorter period of time (35-40 ps), or using fully minimized complexes, yielded the same results; test calculations using a different set of atomic radii taken from the l i t e r a t ~ r e ~produced 3 1 ~ ~ no significant variations in the relative stabilities (data not shown). The solvent’s electrostatic contribution to the free energy ofbinding, AAG,, can be estimated from the solvation free energies of the initial and final states of the process using the relation: (2) = AGs,compler - (AGs,DNA + AGs,ech) where AGs,complex, AG,,DNA,and AGa,ech are the solvation free energiesof the DNAechinomycin complexesand those of the isolated DNA tetramers and echinomycin, respectively. The solvation term of the binding free energy favors both Watson-Crick models, A(w) and T(w), and the Hoogsteen conformation of the d(TCGA)2 complex is particularly disfavored (Table I). These differences are

Gallego et al.

probably induced by changes in the position of the phosphate groups attached to the terminal bases, although the composition of these bases ia also an important factor, as can be seen by comparing the solvation energies of the complexed and uncomplexed d(ACGT)2 and d(TCGA12 tetramers. The different behavior of the counterions around the Watson-Crick and Hoogsteen complexes strengthens the solvation results: they appear to be more stabilized around the Watson-Crick complexes, for which lower diffusion constants are found (Figure 5). This last result, however, is not conclusive because our simulations cover only 40 ps and ion equilibration probably takes times of the order of nanoseconds. (c) Tetranucleotide Conformations and Energies. Hydrogen-Bonding Schemes and Helicoidal Parameters. The four complexesretain their initial Hoogsteen or Watson-Crick base-pairing scheme during the unrestrained simulations in water. The corresponding DNA hydrogen bonds are maintained in all the complexes, with the exceptions of base pairs Al.T8 in the A(w) complex and T4-A5 in the A(h) complex, which are partially unpaired due to the aforementioned displacements of bases T8 and A5, respectively. Along with the changes in base pairing, the most prominent alterations brought about by echinomycin binding to DNA molecules is helix unwinding. Solution studies of DNAechinomycin complexes have revealed an unwinding angle per echinomycin molecule of 1.9 times that of ethidium, i.e. about 50°.25Estimations from X-ray crystal structures have provided values ranging from 46’ to 56O for echinomycin:DNA and triostin A:DNA complexes.8-1° Unfortunately, an accurate definition of the helical axis in any of these complexed nucleotides is hampered by the important conformational changes induced by the echinomycin molecule so that only approximate values for the DNA local helical parameters can be given. For the 30-40-ps period of the unrestrained simulations in water, and by summing up the twist angles at each step, we estimate average total unwinding angles 0 f 5 4 ~ , 5 3 ~ , 6 1 ~ , a nfortheA(h),A(w),T(h),andT(w) d70~ complexes, respectively. Sugar-Phosphate Backbone Conformations. All of the NMR analyses of DNAechinomycin complexes have found evidence that the cytosine sugars switch to C3’endo or N-type puckering on complex formation, while the rest of the DNA residues retain a CB‘-endo or S-type conformation typical of B-DNA.’*-14 On the contrary, in the crystal structures of DNA:echinomycin and DNA: triostin A, this pattern is not found, and a variety of sugar puckers is ob~erved.~ The pseudorotation phase angles measured in our models of the experimentally found complexes, i.e. A(h) and T(w), during the last 10 ps of the unrestrained simulations vary in a wide range with respect to the standard CB’-endo of B-DNA and experience significant fluctuations. The puckering pattern detected by NMR spectroscopy is only partially seen, and all the complexes show a general tendency for their deoxyriboses to fall in the N region of the pseudorotation cycle (supplementary material). Attempta to restrain the pseudorotation phase angles near their solution values during the simulations in water by means of a weak harmonic potential resulted in destabilization of the DNA: echinomycin complexes. DNA Potential Energies. The Watson-Crick models of the d(ACGT)z:echinomycinand d(TCGA)z:echinomycin

Hoogsteen Base Pairing in Echinomycin-DNA Complexes

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Table 11. (a) Time-Averaged Potential Energy of Each DNAEchinomycin Complex ( Vcomplex), and Decomposition into the Intramolecular Energies of the DNA Tetranucleotide ( VDNA) and Echinomycin (Vech), and the DNAEchinomycin Interaction Energy (VDNA-h); (b) Time-Averaged Contributions of the Individual Echinomycin Residues tO VDNA-echa (a) complex Vcomplex VDNA Vech VDNA-sch A(h) -383.6 (16.5) -227.7 (15.5) -31.8 (5.0) -124.1 (4.9) A(w) -356.2 (15.7) -232.9 (15.7) -27.0 (5.2) -96.3 (8.7) T(h) -371.2 (28.4) -226.7 (23.5) -31.0 (4.9) -113.5 (7.7) T(w) -378.2 (16.1) -235.7 (14.0) -39.9 (5.5) -102.6 (4.5)

Table 111. 30-40-ps Average Distances (A) and Angles (deg) for DNAEchmomycin and Echinomycin Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonds (Labeled *)a complex donor acceDtor distance angle N (Ala-3) N3 (G7) 2.1 (0.2) 154.6 (6.9) 159.6 (8.4) N (Ala-8) . N3 (G3) 1.9 (0.1) A(h) N2(G7) 162.6 (9.3) 0 (Ala-3) 2.3 (0.2) 160.5 (8.5) 0 (Ala-8) 2.2 (0.2) N2 (G3)

complex VDNA+ch qxn Ala Ser Val Cys -60.3 -23.1 -21.9 -12.2 -6.6 A(h) -124.1 -59.3 -13.9 -11.4 -10.0 -1.7 A(w) -96.3 -56.7 -19.8 -17.0 -13.3 -6.7 T(h) -113.5 -8.0 -6.4 -54.1 -18.8 -15.3 -102.6 T(w) a Allaverageswere calculated over the last 10ps of the unrestrained simulations in aqueous solution. Energies are given in kcal/mol-l, and the values in parentheses are standard deviations.


N (Ala-3) N (Ala-8) N2(G7) N2 (G3)

N3 (G7) 0 (qxn-6) 0 (Ala-3) 0 (Ala-8)

2.3 (0.4) 2.3 (0.3) 2.4 (0.3) 2.3 (0.4)

154.6 (8.1) 139.3 (6.8)* 146.8 (11.6) 147.5 (17.4)


N (Ala-3) N (Ala-8) N2 (G7)

N3 (G7) N3 (G3) 0 (Ala-3)

2.0 (0.1) 2.3 (0.4) 2.4 (0.3)

157.3 (7.8) 147.6 (17.4) 161.4 (10.3)


complexes are stabilized with respect to the Hoogsteen ones by the DNA intramolecular energy term (Table 11). Singh et al. arrived at a similar conclusion in their molecular mechanics study of the d(CGTACG)z:(triostin A)z c0mp1ex.l~The major contribution to the differences among the four complexes originates from local interactions between the terminal deoxyriboses and adjacent phosphate and base groups. However, the differences among the averaged DNA intramolecular energiesare small compared with the large standard deviations and cannot be considered significative. This suggests that both conformations are energetically feasible for the two sequences. The fluctuations arise mainly from the interaction energy between the terminal and the central deoxyriboses,and we believe they are due to variations in sugar puckering and to an overestimation of the electrostatic energy term, partly as a consequenceof the dielectric constant used (c = 1). Under these conditions, subtle conformational changes are likely to cause large variations in potential energy. (d) Echinomycin Conformations and Energies. Echinomycin Conformations. The time-averaged torsional angles of echinomycin in our models of the experimentally found complexes, A(h) and T(w), are close to those found in the X-ray structures of triostin A and echinomycin complexed with ~ ( C G T A C G ) Zand ~ - ~are consistent with the NMR results for the conformation of echinomycin in s o l u t i ~ n . ~The ~ J ~root-mean-square fluctuations of both the atomic positions and the dihedral angles of echinomycin are lower than those found for the DNA tetramers, which is suggestive of less flexibility on the part of the antibioticwith respect to the DNA tetramers in the complexes studied (supplementary material). The conformation of the echinomycin molecules in the two Hoogsteen complexes is similar, with a root-meansquare difference between them of 0.31 A and is close to the X-ray conformation of echinomycin complexed to d(CGTACG)z. On the other hand, the conformation of echinomycin in the Watson-Crick complexes undergoes some changes. Most notably, an intramolecular hydrogen bond is formed between the NH of one alanine (Ala-8) and the carbonyl group of the adjacent quinoxaline (qxn6) in these two complexes (Table 111). It is noteworthy that the existence of this hydrogen bond has already been proposed in one of the conformers of triostin A studied by NMR techniques in solution, based on deshielding of the Ala-" protons.26 A closely related hydrogen bond

N (Ala-3) N3 (G7) 2.5 (0.4) 144.7 (11.4) 2.0 (0.1) N (Ala-8) 0 (qxn-6) 142.6 (6.9)* 0 (Ala-3) 2.3 (0.3) 157.8 (10.3) T(w) N2(G7) 156.2 (11.7) 0 (Ala-8) N2 (G3) 2.5 (0.4) 0 (Val-5) 2.1 (0.2) 135.9 (8.9)* N (Ser-7) Only hydrogen bonds with an average acceptophydrogen distance less than 2.5 A and an average donor-H-acceptor angle greater than 130° are included. Values in parentheses are standard deviations.

(betweenthe NH group of one of the alanines and a nearby quinoxalinering N atom) has been observed in the crystal structure of triostin AZ7and has also been proposed for DNA-bound echinomycin in an NMR study.28 Apart from this hydrogen bond, the ester linkages of echinomycin, i.e. the CO(Val)-Oy(Ser) atoms, are still another source of conformational variability. In the Watson-Crick complexes, the carbonyl group of one of the valines (Val-5 in T(w) and Val-10 in A(w)) points to the DNA molecule, whereas in the Hoogsteen complexes, both carbonyl groups point outwards. This asymmetry is already present in the X-ray crystal structure of triostin A complexed with ~(CGTACG)Z.~ As a consequence of these changes,an additionalweak hydrogen bond is formed between the carbonyl group of Val-5 and the NH group of Ser-7 in the T(w) complex (Table 111). In the A(w) complex, there are also changes in the orientation of the N-Me group of Val-10 and the CO group of Cys-9, this latter group pointing toward the DNA molecule. Echinomycin Potential Energies. The most stable conformation of echinomycin is that adopted in the T(w) complex (Table11). The conformationsof the echinomycin molecules in the Watson-Crick complexes are always favored by more negative electrostatic interactions between one of the 2-carboxyquinoxalineresidues (qxn-6) and the adjacent alanine (Ala-@,mainly due to the intramolecular hydrogen bond described above. Conformational changes associated with this hydrogen bond also give rise to a better electrostatic interaction between the same 2-carboxyquinoxaline residue and the adjacent serine (Ser-7). The inverted orientation of the carbonyl group of Val-5 in the T(w) complex results in more favorable interactions with the adjacent serine residue, due to the weak hydrogen bond detected between both residues. In the A(w) complex, on the other hand, there are unfavorable interactions involving Cys-9 and Val-10, brought about by the mentioned conformational changes undergone by these residues. (e) Echinomycin-DNA Interactions. The average interaction energies between echinomycin and the DNA tetramers during the 30-40-ps period of the unrestrained simulations in aqueous solution ( V D N . ~ ,are ~ ~ given ~ ) in Table 11. In order to calculate the respective binding

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1554 Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1993, Vol. 36, No. 11

enthalpies, the conformational energychange upon binding of the two molecules should be taken into account.29 In this case, however, the relatively large standard deviations in the total energy of the complexes ( Vcomplex)arise mainly from fluctuations in the intramolecular energy of the DNA tetramers (VDNA).Besides, we do not wish to speculate on the conformation of the DNA tetramers prior to binding of the drug. Having this in mind, the DNA-echinomycin interaction energies (VDNA+ch) are compared. As implied by the experimental ~ - e s u l t s , ~the ~ JHoogsteen ~ , ~ ~ conformation of the d(ACGT)2 complex is found to be significantly favored over the rest. On the contrary, the experimentally found Watson-Crick conformation for the TCGA sequence appears to be enthalpically destabilized relative to its Hoogsteen counterpart. In order to delineate the contribution of the different echinomycin residues to the total interaction energy, the time-averaged interaction energies of each residue with the DNA molecule are also shown in Table 11. A detailed analysis of these energies has been performed, delimiting the average contributions of the different nonbonded terms for each residue and also the average contributions from each half of the complexes (data not shown). We note that the drug does not interact symmetrically with the two strands of the DNA tetramers. This fact is in consonance with previous experimental11-14and theoreticallg studies. The three major types of interaction that echinomycin establishes with the DNA molecules will be discussed separately: (1)van der Waals and electrostatic interactions between the depsipeptide part of the drug and the minor groove of the DNA molecules, (2) hydrogen bonds between the alanine residues of echinomycin and the guanine bases of DNA, and (3) stacking interactions between the quinoxaline chromophores and the adjacent base pairs. (1) Depsipeptide-DNA Interactions. The Hoogsteen conformation in both sequences is stabilized by more favorable interactions of the “terminal” residues of the depsipeptide, i.e. valines and serines, with the DNA molecules (Table 11). Singh et al.19 concluded that the van der Waals interaction between the valine residues and the DNA molecule was the main factor stabilizing the Hoogsteen conformation of the d(CGTACG)z:(triostin A)2 complex. This was considered to be a consequence of the narrowing of the DNA minor groove (about 2 A) in the complex adopting the Hoogsteen conformation. We likewise detect a van der Waals stabilization of about 3 kcal mol-’ in the Hoogsteen complexes, but located at the serine residues instead. This finding is in agreement with the NMR spectra of the A(h) and T(w) comp1exes:ll whereas the valine-DNA contacts are maintained in both complexes, serine-DNA NOE’s are only detected in the Hoogsteen complex. Another factor contributing to this interaction energy difference is found to be an unfavorable electrostatic interaction of the valine carbonyl group facing the DNA in the Watson-Crick models. The differences in the alanine-DNA interaction energies are mainly due to the electrostatic and hydrogen bonding terms, as the van der Waals term is very similar in the four complexesstudied. The cysteine residues interact the least with the DNA tetramers, and their role appears to be mainly structural, providing rigidity to the cyclic depsipeptide. The particularly low interaction energy value for this residue in the A(w) complex is due to the

unfavorable electrostatic interaction of Cys-9, whose carbonyl group is pointing toward the DNA tetramer. (2) Echinomycin-DNA Hydrogen Bonds. In agreement with NMR and X-ray results, echinomycinhydrogen bonds to the guanine bases of the DNA tetramers through the NH and CO groups of its alanine residues (Table 111). In the A(h) model, there are two strong hydrogen bonds between the amino groups of alanines and N3 of guanines and two more between the carbonyl groups of alanines and the 2-amino groups of guanines, one of which is only slightly weaker due to the asymmetrical binding of echinomycin. In contrast, in the T(h) complex the hydrogen bond between the carbonyl group of Ala-8 and the 2-amino group of G3 is lost. In the Watson-Crick complexes, on the other hand, the NH group of Ala-8 hydrogen bonds to the carbonyl group of the adjacent quinoxaline residue (qxn-61,as described previously. The amino group of Ala-3 maintains the hydrogen bond to N3 of G7, and the same occurs between the carbonyl groups of both alanines and the amino groups of the nearby guanine residues. The loss of one intermolecular hydrogen bond in T(h) and both Watson-Crick models is reflected in the lower interaction energies of their alanine residues with DNA and contributes to explaining the higher binding affinity of echinomycin for the ACGT sequence in a Hoogsteen conformation. (3) Stacking Interactions. The quinoxaline residues contribute notably (nearly 50 5% ) to the total interaction energy between echinomycin and the DNA tetramers (Table 11). Since it is generally accepted that the flanking sequence specificity of the antibiotic rests largely on the aromatic stacking interactions of the quinoxaline c h r o m ~ p h o r e s , ~a~detailed - ~ ~ J ~analysis ~ ~ ~ of these interactions in the four models studied was performed. The dependence of DNA stacking interactions on the composition and orientation of the nucleic acid bases has been shown to be largely dominated by the electrostatic term, the van der Waals contribution being rather indiscriminate in c o m p a r i ~ o n .The ~ ~ reason for this lies on the polarity of the charge distributions, which is conveniently represented by the dipole moment. On the other hand, and according to NMR and X-ray results, the quinoxaline chromophores stack preferentially between the adenine and cytosine bases in the ACGT sequence, whereas the stacking is between the thymine and cytosine bases in the d(TCGA):! complex (Figure 8). However, the 2-carboxamide groups attached to the quinoxaline rings of echinomycin, which have received little attention, must also be taken into account when considering echinomycinDNA stacking interactions, as they are coplanar and conjugated with the quinoxaline rings. Therefore, we consider that not only the quinoxaline rings, but the entire quinoxaline-2-carboxamideconjugated systems do participate in the stacking interactions, which thus overlie the whole adjacent base pairs, as can be seen in Figure 8. Following this reasoning, the dipole moments (E) of the AT and GC base pairs and that of the quinoxaline-2carboxamide chromophore of echinomycinwere calculated according to eq 3 using the charges ( q ) and positions ( i ) of the atoms of each of the systems.

;= Cq,i,



Note that for the dipole moment to be independent of the

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1993, Vol. 36, No. 11 1555

Hoogsteen Base Pairing in Echinomycin-DNA Complexes




c 1'


I Hoogsteen


C1' /


Figure 7. Dipole momenta (thick arrows) of (a) a standard AT base pair in either a Hoogsteen or a Watson-Crick conformation and (b)a standard GC base pair in a Watson-Crickconformation. The dipole momenta of individualbases are drawn as thin arrows. The midpoint of each vector is centered on the geometrical center of the system considered. origin of coordinates, the sum of charges must be zero. Therefore, C1' atoms of DNA and C, atoms of serines were included in the calculations to be used as buffers in order for each of the systems to achieve electrical neutrality. Consequently, the charges of these atoms where modified to values of 0.0550 and 0.1625 for C1' of DNA and C, of serines, respectively. The rest of the charges correspond to those used in the molecular mechanics force field (ref 31 and supplementary material). The dipole momenta for the same molecular fragments (after filling the valences of C1' and C, with hydrogens) were also calculated by using the semiempirical AM1 and PM3 hamiltonianswithin the MOPAC and compared with available experimental data (Table IV). In our modeled complexes, the dipole moments of the same systems were likewise calculated according to eq 3 and monitored during the 30-40-ps interval of the unrestrained simulations in water. The corresponding dipoledipole interaction energies, Vdip (Table V), were also calculated over the same period of time by means of eq 4 (4) where

and ;2 are the dipole moment vectors, i. is the

vector that separatesthem, and tis the relative permittivity of the medium, taken to be 1. From the results shown in Tables IV and V, three interesting remarks can be made: (1) On Hoogsteen base pair formation, the dipole moment of an AT base pair increases from a value of about 2 D found for the Watson-Crick conformation to more than 5 D (Table IV). This is a consequence of the rotation of the adenine ring around the glycosidic bond to adopt the syn conformation: in this orientation, the adenine dipole adds to the thymine one, whereas in the WatsonCrick arrangement both dipoles tend to cancel each other (Figure 7). (2) The quinoxaline-2-carboxamidechromophores of echinomycin have a high dipole moment of 4-5 D (Table IV): the negative pole is located on the pyrazine-2carboxamide region whereas the positive one is on the benzene ring region (Figure 8). (3) In the experimentally found A(h) complex, the high dipole moment of each AT base pair in a Hoogsteen conformation and that of the stacked echinomycin chromophore have opposite directions, which gives rise to a favorable dipolar interaction. On the contrary, the dipole moment of the AT base pair reverses its orientation in the nonexperimental Hoogsteen complex T(h), so that both dipole vectors point in the same direction, and therefore the dipolar interaction is unfavorable (Figure 8). In the Watson-Crick models, on the other hand, the dipolar interactions are weaker due to the lower dipole moment of the AT base pairs in this arrangement. Therefore, as regards the electrostatic stacking interactions with the terminal AT base pairs, this means that a Hoogsteen base pair scheme should be preferred for binding of echinomycin to the d(ACGT)Ztetramer, whereas the classicalWatsonCrick hydrogen bonding pattern would be more stable for the TCGA sequence. This is precisely what is detected experimentally. The van der Waals contribution to the stacking energy (Vvdw) was calculated by using the same groups of atoms as for the evaluation of the electrostatic component and is also shown in Table V. As regards the terminal AT base pairs, this interaction is almost similar in the A(h) and A(w) models, but it favors the experimentally found T(w) over T(h). These observations can be tested by visual inspection of Figure 8, where the adenine of the T(h) complex has virtually no stacking with the echinomycin chromophore. Because eq 4 assumes point dipoles,the distance between interacting dipoles should be long relative to the length of the dipole vectors. In the echinomycin-DNA models, dipoles of the order of 1e.A are separated by distances of about 3.5 A; hence the values given by this equation are only approximate. The point-charge approximation has also been used for calculating the electrostatic interactions between the DNA base pairs and the echinomycin chromophores (Vpch), utilizing the same set of charges used to calculate the dipole moments. The absolute values obtained using one method or the other differ but the differences reported above remain (Table Va): in the A(h) model, the point-charge electrostatic stacking energy between the echinomycin chromophores and the AT base pairs is more favorable than in the rest of the complexes. The total stacking energies (Vstack) were obtained by summing up the van der Waals term and the point charge

Gallego et al.

1556 Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1993, Vol. 36, No. 11



Figure 8. Stacking interactions between the quinoxaline-2-carboxamidechromophores of echinomycin and the terminal AT base pairs of the complexes. The structures were taken from the optimized 30-40-ps averaged coordinates. Top: A(w) (left) and A(h) (right). Bottom: T(w) (left) and T(h) (right). The dipole momenta of the AT base pairs and the echinomycin chromophores are represented by filled and unfilled arrows, respectively. It can be seen that for both sequences the most favorable dipole coupling is displayed by the models of the experimentally found conformations, i.e. A(h) and T(w). Table IV. Dipole Momenta (in Debyes) of the Quinoxaline-2-carboxamideSystem of Echinomycin (qxn-CONH), the Individual DNA Bases, and Standard GC and AT Base Pairs in either Watson-Crick (w) or Hoogsteen (h) Conformation" ~~~~




system ClMEP ClPM3 FAMl Clexp qxn-CONH 5.23 3.85 3.78 2.22 2.23 2.21 3.25 f 0.20 N9-Me-A 3.14 4.24 4.50 4.07 f 0.02 N1-Me-T 5.37 6.28 6.52 N9-Me-G 5.71 5.86 6.03 4.29 f 1.4* N1-Me-C 6.81 5.98 GC (w) 5.08 1.51 2.34 2.3lC AT (w) 1.74 5.87 6.37 6.82c AT (h) 5.08 They were calculated using eq 3 and the molecular electrostatic potential-derived charges employed in the force field, as explained in the text (WMEP), or by using MOPAC with either the AM1 (MAMI) or PM3 (WpM3) Hamiltonians. The quantum mechanics calculations were performed on the N1 or N9 methylated bases (N9-Me-A, N1-Me-T, N9-Me-G, and N1-Me-C) and the N-methylquinoxaline-2-carboxamide system. For comparison,the availableexperimental dipole momenta of the methylated bases, taken from ref 33, are also given (pLexp). Additionally, the dipole moment of the AT base pair in either a Watson-Crick or a Hoogsteen conformation was calculated from the experimental values of the individual bases, taking as the vector direction for each base that found for the respective ~ M E P *. Value found for 1-H-cytosine, not N1-Me-C. Estimated from the experimental values of N9-Me-A and N1-Me-T.

electrostatic term (Vpch) and again favor the models of the experimentally found complexes,A(h) and T(w), over A(w) and T(h). The stacking interactions between the echinomycin's chromophores and the GC base pairs were also calculated by using the same methods (Table Vb). As expected, these interactions are similar in the four models. The dipole moment of a GC base pair in a Watson-Crick conformation is notably high (about 5 D, Table IV and Figure 7) and points in the same direction as that of the quinoxaline2-carboxamide group. This yields an unfavorable electrostatic stacking interaction between both groups, as can be seen from the results shown in Table Vb for Vpch and v d j p This is not surprising if one recalls that in the crystal complexes of DNA with either echinomycin or triostin A, distances in the 3.7-4.0-A range found between the chromophores and the GC base pairs, as opposed to 3.5

A with respect to the AT base pair^,^,^ imply that the stacking interactions between echinomycin and the GC base pairs are rather weak. Furthermore, if echinomycin were to bind to GpC rather than to CpG, the stacking interactions would improve, but a t least the hydrogen bonds involving the carbonyl groups of alanines would be lost. The same reasoning applies to a hypothetical TpA binding site. Here the electrostatic term of the stacking interaction with the sandwiched A T pairs would also be improved because of the lower dipole moment of an AT pair in a Watson-Crick conformation relative toa GC pair, but again the amino groups in the DNA minor groove ready to hydrogen bond to the carbonyls of alanine would not be present. This factor may account for the binding selectivity of TANDEM for TpA ~ites.~,3~935 In TANDEM, a triostin A analogue lacking the N-methyl groups of cysteines and valines, the carbonyl groups of the alanines

Hoogsteen Base Pairing in Echinomycin-DNA Complexes

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1993, Vol. 36, No. 11 1557

Table V. Stacking Energies (kcal/mol-9 between the Echinomycin Chromophores and the AT (a) and GC (b) Base Pairs of the DNA Tetramers, Averaged over the 30-40-ps Interval of the Unrestrained Simulations in Watep COmdeX Vetaek Vvdw Vnch vdio e (a) AT Base Pairs: qxn-CONH

giving rise to a favorable electrostatic interaction. In a hypothetical Hoogsteen d(CCGG)z:echinomycin complex, the opposite situation would emerge and the stacking interaction would be electrostatically destabilized. Further work is in progress to test this hypothesis. Different studies have shown the influence of chromophore composition on the DNA-binding specificity of echinomycin-like antibiotic^.'^^^^^^^ Minor modifications on the quinoxaline ring such as replacement of a ring nitrogen with a ~ a r b o n l ~(quinoline p~~ analogues) or substitution at the 3 position37 (3-amino-quinoxaline analogues) cause striking variations in flanking sequence specificity. This is consistent with the described predominant role of the electrostatic term in the stacking interactions. We have evaluated the importance of this term by calculating the reorientational time correlation functions between the dipole vectors of the DNA base pairs GAT,CGC) and the dipole vectors of the quinoxaline2-carboxamide systems (Cqm-CONH). The movements of CAT and Gqm-CONH appear to be more coupled in the Hoogsteen complexes, in which the dipolar interactions between these two systems are more intense, than in A(w) or T(w); the movements of SGCand fiqm-c0” are highly correlated in the four complexes (data not shown). In all of the oligonuc1eotide:echinomycin complexes studied so far, the terminal base pairs adjacent to the echinomycin CpG binding steps are stably Hoogsteen base paired when the purine base is on the 5’ side of the CpG sites. However, this picture is much less clear at internal positions, where structural constraints can prevent the purines from rotating into the syn conformation. This can be the case in the d(AAACGTTT)z:echinomycin complex12 and in a complex of a 3-hydroxyquinaldic analogue of echinomycin with d(GACGTC)238 where no Hoogsteen pairs are detected in the NMR experiments. A different situation appears when two CpG binding steps are separated by an alternating tract of AT pairs, as in the complexes of echinomycin with d(ACGTACGT)z, d(ACGTATACGT)2, and d(TCGATCGA)z studied by NMR spectroscopy.13J4 In all of these three complexes, the unwinding induced by the drug is propagated to the central AT pairs. In contrast, echinomycin only binds cooperatively to the sequences where the adenines are on the 5’ side of the CpG steps, i.e. d(ACGTACGT)z and d(ACGTATACGT)Z. Furthermore, the central AT pairs are only observed to be destabilized relative to free DNA in the complexesof echinomycin with these two sequences. In the first one, Hoogsteen base pairs are transiently formed in the two central AT pairs at physiological temperature. In the second one, no Hoogsteen pairs are detected but the destabilizationpersists. On the contrary, in the d(TCGATCGA)z:echinomycincomplex no Hoogsteen base pairs are observed at any temperature, the central AT pairs are stabilized with respect to unbound DNA, and no binding cooperativity is detected. We believe that transient Hoogsteen base pairing in the unwound central AT pairs contributes to explaining the observed binding cooperativity of echinomycin to d(ACGTACGT)z and d(ACGTATACG)zand can account for the destabilization of the central AT pairs. When the internal A T pairs adopt a Hoogsteen scheme, an exothermic arrangement of dipole vectors appears, aa represented in Figure 9A. Binding cooperativity could then arise from an enhanced electrostatic (and probably van der Waals) stacking interaction between these central unwound AT base pairs in a

-27.5 -26.1 -26.1 -27.6

-23.5 -23.9 -25.2 -26.0

-4.0 -2.2 -0.9 -1.6

-7.6 -2.2 8.5 4.0

141.1 117.0 17.9 51.7

(b) GC Base Pairs: qxn-CONH -26.8 -27.7 0.9 19.2 15.4 -25.2 -27.3 2.1 14.5 25.5 -25.9 -27.2 1.3 16.6 16.8 -24.5 -26.3 1.8 17.7 28.7 a The electrostatic term of the stacking energy was obt&ed-by means of either a point-charge interaction model (Vpch) or a dipoledipole interaction model ( v d i p ) . The dipolar interactions were monitored using eqs 3 and 4,as explained in the text. Vvdw is the van der Waals contribution to the stacking energy. Veta& is the total Stacking energy ( v v d w + Vpch). All the energy values result from summing up the corresponding stacking interactions at both sides of the complexes. 0 is the angle (in degrees) formed between the dipole moment vectors of the base pairs and the quinoxaline-2carboxamidesystems,averaged over both sides of the complexes. All the magnitudes are time averages over the last 10 ps of the unrestrained simulations in water.

hydrogen bond to the NH groups of the valines and hence are thought not to interact with DNA.5135The preference of this drug for TpA sites over CpG sites, both of them having the N3 group of purine in the minor groove ready to hydrogen bond to the free NH groups of alanines, may arise from the more favorable stacking interactions of the drug in the TpA binding site, irrespective of the flanking sequences. Thus, the DNA binding specificity of the quinoxaline antibiotics appears to be the result of a subtle balance between stabilizingand destabilizingforces. The strong affinity of echinomycin for CpG steps is decisively determined by a number of hydrogen bonds between its alanine residues and both the N3 and 2-amino groups of guanine, because the electrostatic component of the stacking interactions between its chromophores and the CpG step is unfavorable. When the hydrogen-bonding capabilities of the antibiotic are partially lost but the chromophoresremain unchanged, as occurs in TANDEM, the binding specificity of the drug changes. The more favorable dipolar stacking interactions would make GpC and APT, in this order, the best targets for TANDEM binding (cf. dipole moments and directions in Figure 7). Experimentally, however, it is the TpA step that is preferentially sandwiched between the quinoxaline chromophores of this drug.2 This effectively means that N3 of adenine is preferred over 0 2 of either cytosine or thymine for hydrogen bonding and that the magnitude of this interaction overridesthe selectivityimposed by the dipolar stacking interactionstoward GpC and ApT (but not toward CPG). As is the case with AT pairs, when GC pairs flank the echinomycin CpG binding step, Hoogsteen base pairing is only observed (at acidic pH) if the purine base (guanine) is on the 5‘ side of the CpG sites, i.e. it is detected in d(GCGC)zand d(GCGTACGC)z,but not in d(CCGG)z.10J2 The Hoogsteen hydrogen bonding scheme in GC pairs requires the protonation of the cytosine base.10J2 For this reason, we believe that the Hoogsteen arrangementappears in the two alternating sequences because the positively charged cytosines are located on top of (or below) the negative pole of the quinoxaline-2-carboxamidesystems,

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l n r r r z l > T
