LETTERS Â Moral Problem DEAR S I R :
Pîccoflex Piccoflex Resins are a new line of tough and flexible hydrocarbon resins. Because of its unusual grease a n d oil resistance, Piccoflex shows utility in the manufacturing a n d converting industries.
Bausch & Lomb
Source of Science Advisers
. . . another highest-accuracy control instrument from the most complete line serving industry
J A N . 6, 1 9 5 8
Corning, Ν. Υ.
DEPENDABLE QUALITY CONTROL · I n d e x accuracy t o . 0 0 0 0 3 . . . assures identification of s a m p l e s w h o s e i n d e x e s a r e v e r y close t o gether. Tests t r a n s p a r e n t o r o p a q u e samples, l i q u i d o r solid, b y t r a n s m i t t e d o r reflected light. T h r e e readily i n t e r c h a n g e a b l e p r i s m assemblies c o v e r r a n g e of 1.20 t o 1.70. Special test p r i s m a v a i l a b l e , certified b y U.S. B u r e a u of S t a n d a r d s . FAST, EASY READINGS · Built-on s o d i u m v a p o r illuminator provides bright, sharp dividing line. M e r c u r y light s o u r c e also a v a i l a b l e f o r h i g h accuracy d i s p e r s i o n r e a d i n g s . Longfocus telescope system m a k e s it easy t o m a t c h d i v i d i n g l i n e w i t h crosshairs. I l l u m i n a t e d v e r n i e r a n d m a g n i f y i n g eyepiece p r o v i d e q u i c k r e a d i n g of w i d e l y g r a d u a t e d scale. WRITE i o r i n f o r m a t i v e C a t a l o g D - 2 0 2 , a n d o b ligation-free d e m o n s t r a t i o n . B a u s c h & L o m b O p t i c a l C o . , 74844 St. P a u l Street, R o c h e s t e r 2. N e w Y o r k .
The report and recommendations of Deutsch and Shea, Inc. (C&EN, Dec. 9, 1957, page 9 4 ) , raise a serious moral problem for those who would sell engineering and science to the young jpeople of our land. Have w e any right to help in quick adjustment of supply and demand? F o r most people the choice of a profession is made only once. When the Ion.g road of training in science or engineering h a s been traversed it is a little l.a.te t o change your mind, even if the s u p p l y situation changes. T h e fact that, " I n the late 40's conditions in engineering seemed unattractive/* is of mor^ titan historic interest to one entering t h e profession today. Let us by all means have more; scientists and engineers. But let us d o it o n a more rational basis than quick .adjustment to supply and demand. If t h e e n rollment in science and engineering should rise today to the full demand of the sputnik frenzy, and all the students should carry through who h a d t h e ability, it is likely that many o f them and many of those already employed in the field would be out of work ira a few years, unless the Russians managed a n other sputnik.
NOW! PRECISE TEMPERATURE CONTROL INCREASES TEST ACCURACY · B&L T o t a l I m m e r sion T h e r m o m e t e r , A S T M a p p r o v e d , r e a d s accurately t o ± . 1 ° . M a g n i f y i n g eyepiece, built-in illuminator. (Optional).
The article "Science at State" (C&EN, Nov. 25, page 4 0 ) , mentions that the State Department blames t w o factors for t h e lack of science a_'-.' ' i 52;80 . \ : i | 5 2 : 46.49, -::-7-.-. £2.33 7 * 1089 ^ 4 2 . 7 0 3Q:84. 34:72 UÔÎ6 \ ; s ^ 71 ώ : 12.42 13^64 '••-:•; fe·,· -82;2Q ; 0:9123 - ' Λ , Ι Ο ; ^ y 90.94 I :0>843a ;#3:4tc y 2^88 95:41 •ï 0:8177; .---Π/-: Ï57? \àî:
Phase Diagj-qm o f Sorbitol Solubility i n ;
Viscosity Changes May Be Clue to Chemical Activity New Ceramic Textiles In Complete Ester Mixtures Withstand Heat of 2 0 0 0 ° F Investigations reported in the literature have revealed that the viscosity of true ester mixtures of ethyl alcohol, acetic acid, ethyl acetate and water changes steadily on stand ing. The conclusion is that association, dis sociation, hydrate and solvate formation are taking plare, and that viscosity determinations may therefore be useful in studying the prog ress of such activity. Viscosity has long been employed to deter mine the extent of molecular association, and the degree of solvate and hydrate formation in liquid mixtures at some particular moment. It has never been used, however, to examine changes over time intervals. In the study reported, relative viscosity measurements were made on complete ester mixtures after 2, 9, 21, 51, and 84 days. Vis cosities changed steadily, but tended to reach an equilibrium value. The investigators feel that this time factor must be properly evalu ated before further study of hydrates, solvates and association values is made.
Aluminum silicate fibers have now been converted into a variety of textile forms for high temperature applications. Fabrics weighing from 15 to 74 ounces per square yard are said to have excellent insulat ing properties due to low thermal conduc tivity, high yarn bulk, natural resilience and small fiber diameter. Stainless steel or nickelchrome alloy wire is inserted into some con structions for greater tensile strength in the 1,000 to 2,000°F range. Rovings and yarns in sizes from 600 to 1,000 yards per pound are useful as insulation for electric circuits that must withstand very high temperatures. Rope from % to % inch in diameter is being applied as insulation and packing in various metallurgical refining processes. Other suggested uses for cloth and tape include filter media, gaskets, heat and flame barriers and membranes, conveyor belts, pro tective clothing and insulating blankets.
It has been well known for some time that while sorbitol is highly soluble in water alone, the solubility tends to decrease when ethyl alcohol is added. Since sorbitol acts as a vehicle in many cough syrups, elixirs and vitamin preparations which contain alcohol, the extent of this decrease has become a question of great interest to the industry. Until this study was made, no data on the subject had been available. Properties which have made sorbitol useful to the food and Κta